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The House of Rath: Prologue


nonamazing said:
Realizing that the others at the table are staring, waiting for him to finish his sentence, Glar coughs nervously. "Um, then I guess that means you couldn't be from around here, huh? Uh, if you don't mind my asking, ma'am, where might you be from?"

'My, he is an inquisitive young lad... She thought as she looked over Dorn with a smile as she took another sip of her cider.

"Please, call me Nysa. I was here in Wheloon as a child, long ago. So no, I am not here. I to resided in Suzail before I came of age and was sent to Temple, where I became one of Lathander's children. I spent many years in learning what there was to learn. I was deemed ready, and began my travels in Cormyr, helping those where I could, and my path has brought me here."

She sipped at her cider and turned to the half-orc at his query, "Sorry no, save that he is some sort of merchant. But that does beg the question, why would a mere merchant be interested in these disappearances, when the Purple Dragons should be."

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Tinos walks hurriedly into the inn. When he is just inside the door he looks around and wonders if there are any worshippers or possible converts of Kossuth here. While scanning the room he notices a large round table with other adventurers sitting and talking. He says to the barkeep, "Do you know why there is such a large group of adventurers sitting overe there? Has anything of them said anything about a merchant perhaps?" The barkeep said that one of them had mentioned something about a merchan, so Tinos was intrigued.

On a second scan of the room, Tinos noticed an old aquaintance from thay. He moves to sit down at the round table and says, "Jand, you wouldnt happen to remember me, Tinos from the temple of Kossuth? I was traveling on a journey to get closer to Kossuth and to hone my skills as a defender of the temple. What brings you to this gloomy locale?"
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Atavy thinks of the young man's musings as he looks at the priest of Kossuth and the priestess of Lathender interchangably. My my, Light and Fire. This should be interesting. Bet let's see if the boys suspicions have any truth to them, first. None of his cowardly antics, though.

Atavy puts out his own note and, standing on top of the chair so as to reach further, puts it on top of Nysa's letter, lingering only briefly to see if they are similar. "Do you know", he says, "that these missing men were last seen here, in the company of a certain tall, dark-haired woman - just like you?" He casually leans on the table, but keeps his gaze on her, ready to jump or move if anything moves too suddenly. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that?"

[sblock]Sense Motive=6; ouch. And no, Atavy isn't particularly clever or subtle in social matters... even when he tries to be.[/sblock]


'Two from Thay? I wonder if they have anything to do with those outside of town. They will need to be watched closely, just to be sure.

Nysa noticed that the halfling has stood and produces his own letter, comparing it with hers, before looking upon her and speaking. With a nod she starts to asnwer,"Yes, that is what I have heard as well.

She looks at the halfling as he seems to be asking if she is the mysterious woman who has been seen with those men who have disappeared and leans back and takes up her mug of cider and sip from it before answering, "No, I do not know anything about these missing people, other then what is generally known. I am no Sharessian afterall."

[sblock]Nysa appears to be telling the truth. ;) [/sblock]

Mephit James

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spasemunki said:
Kohl wrinkles his brow. Surely the king's servants have looked into the dissapearances as well?
Jand scoffs, "I doubt the king's servants are concerned with any disappearances except that of Azoun. This realm has too many problems, I'm not surprised that farmers are disappearing in this wilderness. You'd never see this sort of thing in- ." The wizard cuts off abruptly and stands, grinning for the first time since he entered the tavern. "Why Tinos!" he cries in Mulhorandi, "What a small world we live in. What brings you away from Thay?" His smile falters a little as he remembers the trouble left behind in Thay. Perhaps they thought to defeat me with a familiar face. Could he have followed me here? The wizard clucks his tongue and glances over at the raven, continuing in Mulhorandi. "Come, Ramas, we can trust a servant of the Fire Lord."
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Tinos replies, "I am on a journey to home my skills as the defender of our temple. You wouldnt happen to know anything about our red wizards that have congregated around town, would you?"

Tinos looks over at the priestess and asks, "What deity is the one that you have devoted yourself to?"


Nysa's eyes move to the Thayan man seated with the raven... Outraged at his comments against not only her home of Cormyr, but the Crown itself, she stands grabing up the heavy mace still at her side. Those about the table look at her wondering what is happening, just before the swing of the mace sends the black raven hurtling across the room to hit the bar itself and slump over dead. The wizard was shocked and outraged and stood, his chair flying back from behind him, his robes furling out as he hisses some comment in his native language. He starts to cast a spell, but before it is completed the heavy mace comes around striking him in the side of the head, sending him flying to the floor in a heap as blood splatters across the table. Before she can continue the others at the table have jumped across or moved around and tackled her to the ground just as she cries out, "Insult Cormyr will you!"...

The image in her mind is interupted by the question from the other Thayan, an apparent priest of Kossuth. Nysa notices the tight grip she has on the mug of cider has turned her hand near white and she places it on the table before her, "My apologies, I was lost in thought there for a moment. I am choosen of the Morninglord, Lathander."

'I must be wary of my own thoughts regarding these two'
She thinks to herself as she takes a deep breath and exhales before taking up her mug of cider once again and this time draining the remaing contents.

[sblock]Sorry about the bashing of poor Jand and his familiar. It was an interesting thought that came to me, and I was feeling creative in my writing this eve. Nothing 'bad' was intended. :) Just the thoughts of a loyal Cormyrian. [/sblock]


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[sblock]This post was to show my prepared spells, incase we should do anything before noon tommorow.
0-Detect poision, read magic, light
1-command, doom, [inflict light wounds][/SBLOCK]


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Kohl looks with interest at the two clerics.
I thought I recognized the symbol of the Morninglord around your neck, madam Nyssa. And the Firelord, as well. It seems that the gods take an interest in the fate of these lost men, that so many of their servents are drawn here.
He hesitates a moment before continuing.
I myself... I am no cleric or priest, but I was raised in the house of Ilmater. Those who serve the gods are truly blessed. I too try to serve as I can... in my way.
Kohl seems somewhat uncomfortable speaking at length. He opens his mouth as though to continue, or to change the subject, but then clears his throat instead. He glances down towards the floor, and slips the prayer beads wrapped around his right wrist into his hands. He begins to slip the beads through his hands one by one, apparently comforted by the familiar motion.

Voidrunner's Codex

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