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The House of Rath: Prologue


Chauzu said:
”No more horse-playing. Percy, if you want a part of this, join the table.”

"I just wanted to check that I had the right group of mismatched individuals being hired a mysterious stranger in a tavern. I wouldn't want to accidentally find myself in a group out to kill Elminster or rescue a princess from the evil dragon of the moment now would I?"
Percy sits, looking around at the group before him, "As I don't know any of you I have no especial preference who I go with. I am reckoned to have a good tongue for negotiation, and I can be of assistance in combat - though I am not really at home in the wilderness."

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Atavy considers his options. It's not much of a pay, split up and with the maerchant taking his share, but it's better than nothing. And maybe they'll find more than just two.

He turns to Percy. "I am. At home, that is. In the wilderness." With a an almost sinister grin he adds. "I'll go hunting."

Meliria joins the tracking group

Meliria speaks up, worried that she'll end up stuck with the Thayans if she doesn't get a word in. "I'll help track down these missing loggers," she says. At least the forest isn't tainted by Red Wizards yet.

Forcing her way through the crowd around the bar, Meliria taps Taurus on the shoulder. "Excuse me," she begins, none too politely. "You said these men were the fifteenth and sixteenth to disappear. How do you know that, when no one else seems to? And why hasn't something been done up to now when over a dozen people are just... gone?

"And, when did you say these two fellows Talf and Elonn went missing again?"

Meliria peers intently at Taurus, watching his face as he replies.

[sblock]OOC -- Sense Motive +0 (for what it's worth).
Also, I am never sure in these invetigatory situations how nit-picky to be regarding what the NPCs say. Let me know if I'm just grasping at straws here.[/sblock]


"Wow. This is pretty exciting." Glar grins, and then stands up, pointing around the table as he indicates each person.

"Okay, so my grandfather said it's always best to get things well organized from the start. He, uh, tended to get involved in situations like this quite a bit."

"So with the trackers, we've got Merliria, um, mister halfling and madame dwarf. (I'm sorry, I didn't catch your names.)," Glar adds, sheepishly.

"And on the other side, the group going into town includes Lady Dawnbringer, sir wizard Jand, and his friend Tinos."

"Percy and Kohl have both said that they wouldn't mind working in either group. So mayhaps we'd best use some measure of chance to decide who goes with which. Any of you have a pair of dice on your persons?"

"I guess that makes me odd man out. But I figure that since we all seem to agree that the group heading into the woods is likely to face the most trouble, I'll go with them. Oh, and I'm, uh, Dorn, for those of you just getting here."

Glar looks around the table once again. "So...um...did I get everything?"



nonamazing said:
"So with the trackers, we've got Merliria, um, mister halfling and madame dwarf. (I'm sorry, I didn't catch your names.)," Glar adds, sheepishly.

"That'd be because I didn't offer my name" the dwarf says in reply. Thumping her chest and looking around the group she says "I am called Glandred"


Nysa looks to Glar as she thinks on the matter at hand for a moment and speaks, "While I have little experince with wilds, because there are two Clerics, perhaps one should accompany each group. It would appear that there are those who can speak with the authroities as well as I, if I am welcome, I will join those who wish to venture into the wilds in search of these missing woodsmen."


Percy watches Merliria push thorugh the crowd and accost Taurus, "Yeah, you'd better go into the wildnerness love."

nonamazing said:
"["Percy and Kohl have both said that they wouldn't mind working in either group. So mayhaps we'd best use some measure of chance to decide who goes with which. Any of you have a pair of dice on your persons?"

Percy raises an eyebrow, "I'm not generally partial to making decisions based on random chance alone. But at the same time I don't think we know each other well enough to make a rational decision that would be better than chance."
He shrugs, "I have no such randomizing instruments, but if the young lady there", he points with his mug of milk at Merliria, represents the tracking party's bets face on the world then mayhaps I should join them."

Mephit James

First Post
Jand picks up a crust of bread from a nearby table and offers it to Ramas. As the raven pecks at it he murmurs softly, "It would seem we have found our way into a competition of sorts, pet. These barbarians may fall to blows if we're not careful." The Thayan gazes steadily back at any glares. "It just seems," he says in an even tone to the table at large, "That choosing groups based on one's ability to 'win.' Isn't really constructive to the mission. Ideally, both groups will succeed, with the trackers bringing back a quarry and the investigators amassing evidence against the criminals. That is assuming there is a court system in this glorified encampment. The element of time is also important, and I feel that a quick division into groups is best." Jand glances around at the bar, "The sooner I can leave this... stable, the better."


First Post
With a tap from Meliria, Taurus lets out a long exhale then turns his attention away from the bartender to the hers. "You are an interrogative lass, but I suppose I haven't been very clear to some. I am not the only one to know of these disappearances. I am merely the one to look for some fresh fodder for the private investigation. A small group of us that frequent the taverns in the area have been ever watchful when people began to disappear. I am a late-comer, but I think, with my better connections with the folk of the area, I am a step ahead of investigations. Why? Because I know someone that was the last to see them leave, one that knows where the direction of the threesome left off at. Kalgar 'of the Alley'. Or so he claims. The drunkard won't tell me a thing however. He does not trust my lips. 'Tis a shame."

The tapping of the rain against the roof of the building faded away. "Well, that wasn't too long. Listen, I must be leaving here in a second, but hear this and tell the others: Decide who is in which group. Those that are in the group that are tracking the two men speak to Kalgar before you leave the tavern tonight. You WILL find him in the alleyway next to this tavern outside, trust me. Ask him for information on the missing men, but don't tell him I sent you, or else he will likely not tell, heh. That is all I can help you with for now until I find more information on the case. Those that decide to help me and the constabulary... tell them to meet me in the merchant sector tomorrow morning. They'll find me when they get there."

As the merchant begins to leave he gives a wink back at Meliria and answers her last question. "A couple days ago was when I last seen them. I am not offended by your lack of trust with me, it is expected but I'll earn your trust yet."

With that Taurus left the Golden Songbird. "Good evening, sir," said the tavern owner as the door closed. Soon the tavern would be half as crowded as it was.

[sblock]Sense Motive = Fail
Taurus appears to be helping Meliria as best as he can, though still is a little unclear at some parts with her. The merchant does sound truthful, however. [/sblock]


First Post
Kohl considers the merchant's words and those of the others at the table. Dorn's explanation seems to have made everyone's disposition relatively clear.

I'm not certain that I will be of great help here in the city, but it seems clear that there are more than enough that wish to travel into the wilderness. Perhaps if we can attract the attention of the authorities, they can move quickly to return these people to their homes. The merchant, the Thayans, the elf maiden... so many strange characters.

Kohl wraps the prayer beads back around his wrist and rises from his spot at the table.

I think that it falls to me to remain here with the others who intend to work with the local authorities to uncover the faits of the missing men. I will await you in the merchant's quarter tomorrow. For those of you traveling into the wilds in search of the vanished, I can only wish you good hunting and good fortune- may Ilmater aid us all in delivering those who have fallen into harms way.

Kohl offers a short bow to the table, and raises his gray hood to cover his hairless head. He picks up his staff and makes his way to the door of the inn, passing unhurriedly out into the damp night.

Voidrunner's Codex

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