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The Hunted (DM: IronSky, Judge: ???)

Voda Vosa

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Earth stands silent. What he knew of the maid meant nothing. He was wishing to find that accursed creature and do what he knew better.

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Devinihm, wilden druid

"Let's see, so we've got a mangled butler, and impaled maid, that poor gentleman torn in two upstairs, and a woman's wedding ring, but no woman to go with it... Devinihm, dearie?," Auntie Mab turns to the Wilden, grabbing his attention with a tap on the shoulder, "Did that poor man upstairs have a ring on his finger? If so, I wonder where his wife is. Did one of the bazzlebaums take its revenge upon her as well? Or maybe they were estranged, and maybe she knows something about the beasts and why they were after her husband and poor Mr. Dartanian."

"Or maybe this is someone else's ring entirely, in which case why did that gentleman have it hidden away in his desk?..." frustrated by an abundance of questions and a dearth of answers, Auntie Mab pockets the ring and heads upstairs to check for a wedding ring on the bisected man's finger.

"I have not looked over the carcass," Devinihm admits. "The state of the prey is ... but it is necessary to help snare the hunter, yes?" He steels himself, then, and joins Mab in checking the torn man for a wedding ring and other clues

OOC: Since the hairs aren't natural, I'm assuming a nature check would be useless in trying to determine if they both came from the same beast?
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
The Hunted: Day 1, Hour 2, Minute 37

The group continues to search for clues in the room. Rysethynn does wipe some of the blood off the picture and it looks like there are other people in the picture as well, hidden beneath the gore...

[sblock=Illarion]The Grey residence is fairly close to where you are now. If you ignore the tavern, you have to locations close to the docks, two in the hills, with no perceptible interesting geometry involved.[/sblock]

[sblock=Rysethynn]So much blood on this picture, can't see anything. You begin wiping the blood away but nearly tear a hole in the picture. Cleaning it off seems to require a delicate touch...[/sblock]

[sblock=Mab]It looks as though the dead man has several rings, but none on his "ring finger" where wedding bands are traditionally worn.

You'd guess the ring was worth around a thousand gold.[/sblock]

[sblock=Devinihm]It would seem the hairs found here and there are nearly identical.

You also discover several gaudy rings on the dead man's hands but none on the "ring finger" where wedding bands are traditionally worn.[/sblock]

[sblock=Perception 18]Illarion seems to have swiped some gold from the crime scene...[/sblock]


First Post
Krav looks around to see if he can see where the creature came in. "It looks like things started in here as this poor maid is still in her bed. There would have been too much noise to sleep through," comments Krav.

Look: 1d20=8


Raijin attempts to see the features of the other individuals in the picture, despite the gore. He is momentarily distracted by Illarion's actions, snorting in disgust he turns back to studying the portrait.

I love the d20 system

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
The Hunted: Day 1, Hour 2, Minute 40

Somewhere out in the city, the bells toll the 11 o'clock our...

[sblock=Krav]Only one door in or out of the maid's room. Must have come through that.[/sblock]

[sblock=Raijin]You clean enough off the picture to make out individuals: one is undoubtedly Dartanian Grey. His clothes aren't as nice and he doesn't have the jewelry, but he does have the giant red coat.

Next is a woman dressed in leather armor covered with straps, buckles, and throwing knives. She has extremely short red hair and a rapier strapped to her side and is ruffling Dartanian's hair in the picture.

Third is the dead man, smiling broadly. He is balding somewhat and wearing a blue robe. In his hand is a golden bowl a foot across. The painting is so finely detailed that you can make out what seems to be a partial map leading to... well, tough to tell without the rest of it...

Last is another woman, slightly older than the first. She's wearing sailor's garb and has long, braided brown hair. She has one hand resting on the shoulder of the man on the blue robe.

Behind them is a rugged looking ship with square sails.[/sblock]


First Post
"Who wants to bet that the ship on the picture is Lucky Lucy?"

"As well as the tattoo on the boys hand" Xander adds in. "I would also assume that this picture either shows all or some of the other murder victims. Let us take it with us and be off to the next crime scene. The hour grows late".


First Post
Devinihm, wilden druid

"There is no wedding ring on the torn prey," he tells the group. "Should we try the ring on him to see if it was lost?"

"If we have a picture of the prey gathered, I agree we should take it with us to compare to the third set of prey."

Voidrunner's Codex

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