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The inevitable playtest poll

How do you feel about the playtest?


Haven't finished reading it yet. The hit point economy would have to be overhauled either by WotC or by my own houserules for me to play this longterm, all my other annoyances are just little things that I don't think would be difficult to change. I'm enjoying the overall set-up...

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  • Attack and defense math has not just been flattened, it has been stomped down into a thin red smear. I approve of this.
  • The skill system looks nice and tight.
  • Spell descriptions are 100% prose.
  • Cantrips and orisons, including damaging ones.
  • Monster descriptions in the bestiary--very evocative and engaging.
  • Stirges. That bloodsucking mechanic is evil.
  • Backgrounds! These are really, really well-done.
  • The hit die mechanic for nonmagical hit point recovery.
  • Regain all hit points with a long rest. This was a 4E-ism that needed to die. Keep hit dice, lose this.
  • The cleric of Pelor is stupidly good at healing. I mean, Pelorians are supposed to be healing specialists, but daaaaaaamn. Herbalism is way, way too powerful.
  • The intoxicated condition. Yeah, it's funny, but the joke will get old in a hurry, and 1d6 DR for being wasted is ridiculous.
  • It's early to judge since we don't have chargen rules, but feats show every indication of becoming the same bloated monstrosity they were in 3E and 4E.
  • No spell disruption... at least not yet.


First Post
The Good
- Flat math is good math
- Advantage and disadvantage are clever
- I like how hit points are done and the hit dice mechanic is something I need to play around with more

The Bad
- Spell and ability descriptions. Game rules are buried in flavor text.
- Fighter is derp
- On the assumption that there will be mechanics, items, or spells that increase stats saving throws are going to be ruined. Even now they are pretty bad. A caster should always have 20 in their casting stat.

The Ugly
- Oh god monsters with spell lists. Please make it stop!
- Casters rule everyone else drools.


Ok, so I've had enough time to go through about 90% of it and so far there's only three quibbles I have about the system. Otherwise I'm pretty happy, and even excited about it. Because the things I dislike are what I consider to be fairly minor, I decided to go with "Love it".

Stand Outs

- Advantage/disadvantage system. So simple and yet so damned cool. What I love most about it isn't just the simplicity and wide-ranging potential of the mechanic but rather that it will result in a much higher frequency of both critical hits and fumbles, two things which I think capture the essence of D&D :)

- Backgrounds & Themes. I really like the idea of mix'n'matching races, classes, themes and backgrounds to create exciting and interesting characters. I also think this will be a fairly easy system to balance. I can't wait to see character creation!

Black Marks

- Surprise. I really don't like the whole concept of a "-20" to someone's surprise roll if they're surprised. I get why they did it, but I disagree with it being used in this way. It's just so damned arbitrary and clunky. I'd much prefer the now common standard of, "Are they surprised?" and if so, everyone who isn't surprised gets a free action before initiative starts.

- Spell descriptions. I LOVE flowery prose and descriptions for spells. However, I LOATHE having the minutia of rules interspersed amongst that prose. Separate the two. There's simply no need for them to be amalgamated and no need for it to be either/or; you can have both and still run a clear and clean game.

- Resistance/Vulnerability. Ugh... halving/doubling. No thanks. Would much prefer static values.


First Post
First time I have EVER voted Lemon on one of these polls. :rant:

But unfortunately despite being one of the early preference testers, I cannot download the stuff yet. :(:erm:
Hopefully soon though; it sounds like there is lots of things to tinker with.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

If I understand, you voted Lemon. You decided on "lemon" without reading anything. Just on what you have heard here tonight? If that is true, I think that is just a very poor decision.


I agree with n00bdragon's and Kzach's pros and cons.

I want play this to see how adv/disadv works in practice - looks swingy in a good way!

If I understand, you voted Lemon. You decided on "lemon" without reading anything. Just on what you have heard here tonight? If that is true, I think that is just a very poor decision.
"Lemon" is a current "code" used in a poll as the option available for the: "I just like polls/Bacon/Lemony Lemons etc". In other words, it indicates that you are not giving an official response to the poll (rather than saying something be it good or bad when you have no real capacity to). My frustration :)rant:) was at not being able to respond to the poll properly (due to not being able to download the material); not to indicate some level of negativity towards the Playtest material. At the time of the question, I felt it the best way to respond because damn it, I was missing out on being able to respond properly and everyone else was getting to play with the poll toys.

I have since been able to download the material and I'm seeing lots of good things as well as some things that I would like to see change. So my response now would be: Like some things, dislike some things.

Does that help you understand my position as well as what "Lemon" is referring to in the poll?

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise


There are a few really nice bits and pieces hidden in the muck, but for the most part I'm very disappointed in what I see so far. I'll give a detailed impression of my pros and cons sometime next week, after I've had some real time with the rules (and am not having RL adventures), but just a really minor but horribly nagging quibble that screams at me:

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