The Journeys of Helspar


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The Journeys of Helspar, Entry Eight

We have reached the busy town of Trail’s End. It will still be three weeks until the Great Fair officially opens but there are several merchants and traders already arriving to get the prime locations. Indeed this was our travelling companions’ plans. There is to be no rest for us, however, as the mentallist Kale wishes to drive on to a place called Korbach. What strange schedule drives his haste? This is unexpected. Although I wish the mentallist no ill, I cannot be sure of his intentions towards the rest of us. Wicker is also disappointed, he spoke of a yearning to hunt orcs to the east in the Goblin Rifts. I have never been there, but I hear of few that have returned. I must confess I did not feel it necessary to walk into the very nest of these creatures. Pick seems uncomfortable wherever we go. I hope that his past does not catch him too soon.

I have told the merchants whence we go should any messages arrive from Oakhurst. I hope my suspicions are incorrect for everyone’s sake.

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The Journeys of Helspar, Entry Nine

We have reached the village of Korbach and many strange events have taken place since I last wrote. I will try to recall them as best as I may here, but my penmanship may not do justice to describe some details, for that I will apologise beforehand.
The way from Trail’s End to Korbach was taken quickly as the mentallist Kale drove us on. We rode in silence, our horses voicing the only complaints. Only a few other travellers were met on the road and they gave little news. Probably uncomfortable with talking to our motley band. I think they found the unwavering gaze of Kale somewhat unsettling. In any event we soon found the source of what most of the traveller’s feared on the road.

Early on the morn on the day we reached Korbach we were ambushed by a group whom I assumed were intent on banditry. It turned out to be a group of fiendish lizard-folk. They soon found folly at their choice of targets in the blades of my friends, but not after we were sorely bloodied. I myself was wounded by the graze of one of their crude missiles. In fact it is lucky that all of us are not measuring our lengths in the earth now, as they surprised us well. Only one of the half dozen managed to escape into the swamp.

Upon arrival we have found that the villagers of Korbach have indeed had problems with the lizard men, although it seemed that this change in their behaviour was recent. It was these problems that the mentallist seem to bring us here to rectify. Or so I thought, but he later did not know why we were here. I never know where that one stands. A note on the village of Korbach, one of the more dismal places I have visited in my travels. Each building in this place seems to be built to withstand siege, a reflection on the state of mind of the inhabitants. Where the stone was obtained in the swamp, I have no idea, but if the inhabitants choose to make their home in this dreary place, I can only assume there is money to be made here. After we met the apparent authority of this town the next day it would affirm my assumption.

During that day we split our ways to conduct business. Valeric and myself made our way to the strange shop of an aged elf woman. Indeed that her age was showing is testament to her advanced age, I have rarely seen any of the fair folk who looked older than their middle years, and then only because they wished to. While we were there I wished to find the value of an item I acquired in the “Sunless Citadel”. I was unsure of it’s worth and wished to trade away and object held so long in evil. I also wished to acquire some items of medicinal value to us if we were going to travel long in this area. Valeric was of like mind. Despite the unerring accuracy and speed of his hands he was unable to keep the multitude of insect pests from bothering him. Consequently he sought a chemical solution, a wise idea if one were to be spending time in these fens. It was during this time away from the “psi-man” (An amusing story, Pick took to calling him this after I explained to him how the then unnamed Kale derived his strange powers and the meaning of the term psionic.) that Valeric confessed his distrust Kale, especially his strange shifts in personality. Demon-ridden was the term he used I believe. It is good to see that it is not just myself that he disturbs. I believe that this man Valeric, though of strange bearing, is indeed noble and good intentioned. Good sometimes hides itself in unlikely places.

We met later in the inn to tell what we each learned during our day. Rest was not to be had yet however. The inn was subject to a raid by the lizard men and a chaotic brawl ensued. There is not much to tell of the battle, like all, blood was spilled on both sides. It was unfortunate that some of the villagers were injured in the fray. Of note though the lizard folk seemed to be intent on capturing the mentallist. We interfered with their mission, of course, but one wonders to what end they would want him. These questions will have to wait for the morrow, I am spent after tonight’s action and have yet to put my mind to mastering my magic again.


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The Journeys of Helspar, Entry Ten

We are spending the evening in the hospitality of a man of the swamps named Roland. We have spent the day in canoe travelling into the Sunken Forest. It is a remarkable shelter Roland has constructed here, hidden from prying eyes and an island of dryness in the dismal dankness of the fens. It even provides a measure of protection from the assault of the insects that pervade this place. Oh for a sunbathed day in the open air at sea or the cool quiet of a dessert night! I will be glad when our business here is finished.

Roland has advised us to travel during daylight in the swamps, and that I agree. It would seem that the more fearsome of the marshland predators take the hours of night to hunt. I for one cannot see well in the darkness. Earlier today we had a nasty encounter with a few of the wetland inhabitants. I cannot say I am eager to meet what Roland claims is worse. There are frightful sounds beyond our sanctuary in the darkness, aside from those Kale makes in his sleep. At least the mentallist has been somewhat more “human” today for lack of a better word. I still didn’t trust him enough to share a boat with him.

Tomorrow we will set out for the camp of the offending Lizard-folk. With this we trust Roland with our lives. I have faith that he will not lead us astray.

Ed. Note: it has been a while since I have been able to post due to technical difficulties. My hardrive crashed and it has been some time to retrieve some info.:)


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The Journeys of Helspar, Entry Eleven

My companions have got themselves into a pickle again! We were observing the camp of the lizard folk when Pick was discovered. Seeing the odds against us, I prudently called for a retreat but my words caught the ears of none. Battle was quickly joined with superior numbers against us. Already I had warned them that I could not help them should battle ensue. I had already saved Pick from a nasty encounter and had not the ability to do so again. I pen this hastily hoping that my judgement will be found wrong. There are some among them that count as many in battle, But I do not think that will be enough. May Fharlanghn guide their path to safety. I shall wait here until dark, Then I will see if I can help them should they have not returned.
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The Journeys of Helspar, Entry Twelve

Miracles of miracles! My comrades have survived their assault against the lizard folk! A benevolent god must watch over them somewhere. They are badly battered and beaten, it is fortunate we have one such as Roland to aid us. I have witnessed him to indeed perform mighty feats of battle and fortitude. I trust it was his help that carried them through. The lizard men are not defeated however, and they know now of our presence in the swamps now and I do not believe that they will simply let us leave. We are on their home ground now and have lost the elements of stealth and surprise. We must come up with another plan, but with the odds heavily weighted against us now I don’t believe that we can prevail decisively against them.

It is this that we have discussed tonight in the shelter that Roland has once again graciously provided. Some of my companions are not so thankful for the mean cover provided, but they are in no condition to complain given their own actions that brought them here. I have counselled a withdrawal from the swamp to let the lizard folk to gain some sense of security before attempting to make another foray against them. I will have to make a stronger case it appears; as Kale counsels against me. Wicker and Pick side with him as well, Pick having the gold lust seeming to consume his thoughts. Roland has remained neutral in our discussions I can only wonder what interest he has in this misadventure. I think he is having second thoughts about it as Kale incessantly badgers him for his advice; Almost as if he thought he was a conduit to some higher source of knowledge. It is only Valerick who seems to have been cautioned by the retreat. It is time for rest now, only Fharlanghn knows what path we shall tread tomorrow.


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The Journeys of Helspar, Entry Thirteen

Much has passed since I last put quill to parchment; Very little of it of good tidings. And I know not of the fortunes it will bring. Our world has been turned on its side in recent catastrophic events. Of our return to Korbach there is of little note. It is indeed of small consequence to the events I will attempt to describe here. I fear my limited descriptive skills will be insufficient to bring gravity to our plight; so I will ask for the reader’s forgiveness beforehand.

It would seem that after our return there was little thanks for my companions’s deeds. Though to the eyes of the villagers our heroism would seem somewhat less than deserved. Tact in these matters is something that my comrades should learn, with perhaps a touch less arrogance and scorn. Fortunately my counsel usually heads off ugly situations and needless bloodshed. We were to be put on trial for our apparent crimes against the people of the village, but the trial was not to be resolved. Higher powers had something drastic in store for us this day.

Great magics ripped time and space apart before our very eyes. What they brought was the stuff of nightmares! A witch of powerful evil and three demonic warriors of fearsome battle prowess. A fifth was a strange man of the Brothers of Boccob; who, as it seems, the previous four were in pursuit of. Stranger and stranger, he appears to have known Valeric! If good or evil he sides with is questionable, but there was no time for questions. Battle was soon joined in the confines of the master’s hall. The slaughter that ensued defies description. I attempted to bring my spells against them but to no avail, their resistance to it was formidable! The valour of Master Gorant’s men was also in vain, they fell like wheat before the reaper’s scythe. Even the attempts of my colleagues were to naught. Flight seemed our only hope. The Gods dealt us a foul hand that day as our efforts were blocked by an unexpected full-scale attack of the lizard-folk! An ill omen indeed! Were these creatures in league with the fiends? I led my companions to safety outside of the hall only to discover some were missing in the chaos I had wove to aid our escape. The fiends were soon on to us and we retreated to the river with heated pursuit. Roland and I quickly tended to a badly wounded Wicker in a quick moment of peace. It does not seem like we will be able to thank the apothecary for it as most of the village was in flames. Only Fharlanghn can count the numbers who tread the road of the dead this day.

Since I am writing this you assume we escaped that day; Indeed all my companions evaded death’s shadow another day. The list of questions seems to grow longer each day, while the one of answers is always far too short. Who is this old Jolem who knows Valeric? Why do the others chase him? And where is he now? I guess I am thankful that I can still add to the list.


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The Journeys of Helspar, Entry Fourteen

Indeed the fate of Kobach is that which we feared. Not one building stands, and none alive walk. These “Yellow Sign Hunters” as Valeric has called them are demons indeed. If their actions are any indication of their pervading evil, Then they are dire foes we face. It seems that they chase the wretch Jolem and seek some Ancient tome that he possesses. Valeric himself apparently has witnessed the Tome’s retrieval by Jolem’s brotherhood, The Purple Robes of Boccob. I have not personally put much faith in the uncaring one, Magic comes from within, not without, but I digress. Fortunately Valeric himself does not place much stock in the old buggar.

We now chase the wizard’s trail which seems to lead back towards Trail’s End. Our pace is great and I cannot believe that one so invalid could keep ahead of us, much less elude our chase. Fortunately I doubt that the “Hunters” follow the same trail. I hope that I can trust in the judgement of my comrades when we catch him.

Which brings me to another matter, what to do about the young Pick. I know Wicker would as soon leave him for dead on the roadside and I wonder if he might be justified in thinking that way. Regardless of the young man’s motivations, he has betrayed the trust of his companions. While I am hesitant to condemn him for his actions, I know not now if I can wholly trust him again. It goes beyond simply watching my money pouch as I sleep. It is his motives I question now, It is a dark path I fear he has chosen.

We should reach Trail’s End before the sun peaks in the sky tomorrow.


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The Journeys of Helspar; Entry Fifteen

We have learned much since reaching Trail’s End, I will try not to miss anything important, but, if I do it is by chance and not purpose. Much business was attended to since our arrival, the important things, rest and food in our bellies. Equipment was restocked, much to the thanks of the coins we liberated form the lizard folk. It appears that word of Korbach’s demise has not reached here, and I cautioned my companions on their words lest we be associated with it unjustly. I have managed to replace my lamented lost Brindal with an even tempered beast of pinto color. I think I’ll name her Khalan. But backed to important matters. As not even the news of Korbach has reached here neither has that of the fiends who razed it. This is a thought both good and bad. Jolem on the other hand was easily located.

In the company of the master of the village he has sought refuge. It is this reason I speculate that the “Hunters” no longer dog him. The tower of master Mestoph seems at first glance to be well warded, I did not test it, use of my magic in his sanctum would be a serious breach of good will. I hoped that Pick Could be trusted within its confines. It is here that we learned the full extent of the trouble that Jolem would drown us in. Some of my companions seem too willing to throw their lives at the feet of this quest. Only Wicker seems displeased at the prospect of another possibly foolish quest.

The evil which Jolem would have us quash resides in an abandoned temple to the east. It would seem that these “Yellow Sign Hunters” are tied up with a reemergent force occupying it. Mestoph seems to fully endorse an expedition to the temple, yet to what end I am unsure. This Book of the Unspeakable Ones that Jolem possesses is thought to be the key. Valeric is also tied to the book, or at least its finding. I will at least stand by this man if his fate is entwined with it. I question the motives of this Jolem, it was his irresponsible action that brought about the slaughter of Korbach. We have decided to investigate the trail to the temple with great haste and we leave right away.

It worries me that Wicker has decided to part company with us on this adventure, but his heart pulls him southwards I sense. We will have new companions though. Jolem himself wishes to see this through. Kale has found it seems a kindred spirit in the taverns of Trial’s End apparently a religious man but none like I have ever seen, especially if he is a servant of Pelor as he claims. I sense none of the patience and serenity of a man of the cloth, only aggression and relentless drive. He calls himself Cromwell, and if he is on the same terms as Kale, I sense trouble ahead. Maybe I should follow Wicker south.


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The Journeys of Helspar; Entry Sixteen

By the mercy of all the gods we live! The way to the temple is fraught with more surprises than I care to mention. We even encountered one of the deadliest creatures this world has to contend with. I think it is only the luck of the foolish that I am able to write this from the safety of the Inn of Clowns. In retrospect I almost feel sorry for the defeated beast. My companions tore the creature apart like animals upon its demise. In the battle that we waged with it in the gatehouse, a former outpost of temple, it was discovered that more lies below. Perhaps some clue from the past that might help us? We return in the morn.

Of other matters, I have decided, after some deliberation to help the Boccobian, Jolem with his studies. He seems to be of some lesser ability in the magical craft, so I might be able to aid him. Although he is of somewhat questionable morality (All Boccobians seem to me on the neutral ground of loyalty, their magic always placed before other concerns.),his quest for knowledge seems true. I will teach him some spellcraft and I can use Sharwynn’s Grimoire as a text. I am not going to give him access to my spellscroll, I have to keep some secrets up my sleeve after all. Why do I do this? If some one wouldn’t have helped me long ago I don’t know where I’d be. Let’s say that it is a way of paying back old Mabruk. If I should perish in the company of these men at least mayhaps the memories of Mabruk and the ill-fated Sharwynn will live on.

Lastly I have finally found time to send word to Filosial in Oakhurst. If I can at least spread word of growing evil then perhaps the forces of good will not be caught entirely off guard. Word has it that Wicker lingers yet in the area. That is good, I may need his aid yet. The night grows late and I must yet study my scrolls.


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The Journeys of Helspar; Entry Seventeen

I write this from the darkness in the depths of the gatehouse, in a moment between study by Jolem’s lamplight. We have rested finally after my comrades have spent their fury against the roving packs of ghouls and other creatures of the night. It seems as though we have defeated their master, one of the priests bearing the ochre robes described before by the old man. Jolem seems to require much study to complete his daily tasks, Not only to his magic but to the “Master” of his magic as well. From what I know, I doubt Boccob pays much heed to the desires of his acolytes, but to each their own. Magic comes from the will of its wielder,not some uncaring source, It is driven by creation, will, desire and passion. Nonetheless it is this complete devotion (and lack of any other activity) that brings Jolem to the ill health he is in. The only other sharing the waking vigil is our captive Trog.

In a way I feel shame for the captive’s treatment, my companions can be heartless and brutal sometimes, particularly the bloodthirsty Kale. None deserve the fear that torture and vengeful deeds bring. He is captive out of necesity though, as he might be able to provide some clue as to the real threat that hides below this place, and the true nature of the priests and their gnollish servants. I will make sure he at least has a quick death.

It seems that this creature was in league with these foul priests, but not of their order. I speculate that we have diminished their number, but I doubt this trog acts alone in aid of the priests or in habitation of this place. It also does not seem that the Dragon was of any part of their plan either, possibly just an unhappy coincidence. Since we have returned though we have had little time to ponder these troubling events. Rather I have been chasing my companions on their rampage through the catacombs beneath the old gatehouse until they were completely spent. At times I was hard pressed to keep up with them, the Boccobian even harder. No time for questions then, and none to answer now. I see that Kale’s snoring has disturbed Jolem’s study again. He sleeps the sleep of one with clear consience that one, satisfied in the death he has dealt this day and apparent wrongs righted. I should roll him over before he wakes the others.

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