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D&D 5E The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Three


First Post
Jeovanna: Hunting

Jeovanna could see the light of Dain's torch ahead, and was close enough now to see his shadow as well.

He seemed to have found the creature! The smell of blood was possibly new, or possibly her nostrils were still soaked with the scent of demon blood from before.

It was a bit of an awkward shot, especially for someone more used to shooting deer and foxes, but it was at least less awkward than trying to swing her great sword. Jeovanna's shortbow, its motley-fletched arrows, would find a mark today!

She felt like telling Dain she had told him not to run ahead, but then, it obviously fell on deaf ears! No matter! They'd kill this wretched thing together.

<To hit- 24. 7 Damage>

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First Post
Otiroth: Hunting and Gathering

Otiroth paced for a moment, feeling quite useless while Jeovanna and Dain dashed down the tunnel after the creature. While he would've preferred they all stuck together, he had no hold over the actions of the others, and they would do as they would. He hesitated to follow them, though, and instead simply prepared some mystical energy should another demon poke its ugly snout through the crack.

He had a few spells yet... and his instinct told him his last firebolt had hit.

For a moment, Otiroth watched Carthum's ministrations- then he would send out another round of dancing lights, hoping to illuminate the few cracks and crevices not caught by torch light and Carthum's glowing shield.

<Spellcasting: Cantrip. Dancing lights>


Hunting (Dain & Jeovanna)

Hunting Round 2
Jeovanna 19
Critter 17 (-17hp)
Dain 16 (-17hp)

Twisting tunnels and narrow spaces are not easy work for a hunter’s bow. It is a risky shot, but thankfully a well aimed one that swishes past Dain at almost point blank range. It embeds deeply into the little wretch, who of course squeals! Now it is angry. Very angry.

Seeing Dain succumb to its secret weapon, paralysis, the critter lashes out at him again. A pincer darts near his abdomen and snaps shut on one of his love handles. A great red tear is left on the ranger. That has to hurt!

<Sorry Dain, another DC11 Con save vs paralysis required. Happens each time on a successful hit. Attack Dain = 18 (disadvantaged). Damage = 9hp. I think you are at 6 of 23 hp now, eek!

I’ll post back for the rest of the team (Gathering) shortly!>


First Post
Dain - The Hunt

An arrow whizzed by Dain in the darkness, and he jerked backwards, wincing at the pain in his knee. His torch bumped against the wall, sending a shower of sparks falling to his feet like glowing rain. He heard the creature whine in pain.

Then the creature struck again, tearing through his jerkin with its fetid claws. Again a wave of stiffness came over him, but this time he shook it off with a grunt that sent more bloody spittle flying from his mouth.

Gyaaahh! Damn the darkness! Damn whatever led me here! At least whatever father sired me, whatever mother bore me, need not see this! But SHE sees! Is it a test, or is it a judgement?!

He pushed himself off the wall, swinging his blade at the creature despite the pain in his leg and gut.

I saw a deer once...running for its life despite its entrails trailing behind it...I pitied it then, I wonder if it would pity me now? Does SHE pity me? I pray she does not!

<Save vs paralysis=20 SUCCESS>
<11 to hit= MISS>


First Post
Jeovanna: Hunting

"Damn it, Dain! Get behind me!" Jeovanna bellowed.

She'd loose another shaft, this one once more whizzing past Dain as he slumped against the wall.

Then, in frustration, she'd drop her bow to one side and pull out her greatsword. "GET BEHIND ME!"



<22 to hit, 6 damage>


First Post
Otiroth: Hunting and Gathering

Otiroth might have lingered for awhile, but the shouting echoed down the cavern, and it did not sound especially good...

"I'm heading in after them," Otiroth said, with considerably more bravado than he felt.

Then again- the spell he had cast before- it had looped up and over his comrades' heads with no trouble! That would work, even in this tight space...

<Otiroth is heading down the crevice- Initiative 8>


Gathering (Metea, Carthum, Otiroth, Annit)

Metea's quick inspection of the two dwarves isn't particularly enlightening, and maybe she just loses interest quickly. In its current state, even the one that still appears to cling to some last vestige of life, won't be able to impart any useful information any time soon. Fixing this probably seems more like Carthum's realm.

Over by the crevice though, that is where the action is! Ah, the sounds of a scuffle, the squeal of the hunted! Whatever is going on down there definitely sounds intense.

More light bleeds into the relative safety of the lair behind the warlock. Otiroth's dancing lights are actually most helpful, showing the rest of the space for what it actually is. It seems that no further secrets have been lurking in the dark confines, but extra illumination is certainly good for the soul and morale.

Speaking of souls, it would appear to Carthum that the paralyzed dwarf still has one. A tiny fragment, a tatter of something within that struggles to grip at life. Stuck between two worlds, perhaps a little sacred guidance will make a difference. For a moment the little man trembles beneath the priest’s touch. Any response comes as good news, that maybe, just maybe it has some remote chance of making it back.

The dwarven lips part then, as in common he whispers, “Wood against skin, don't let go, don't… brother… no… the sea…”

Then the poor little fellow goes quiet again.


First Post
Metea: Gathering

Metea stepped to one side as Otiroth headed past, down into the crevice. She wanted to tell him to stop- after all, Jeovanna and Dain had darted after the creature of their own volition. It was their hides if they got in over the head- but she didn't say anything. Let him go.

She considered following, but... no, she had to keep an eye on this lot. Carthum was distracted with his ward, and Annit was already injured.

"Wood?" Metea asked finally, with a little curl of her lip. "What kind of dwarf works with wood?"

She thought they were all 'stone hills' this and 'iron delves' that. In fact, hadn't she copied books over about dwarves, if only awhile back?

Thinking back to lost lore, well, Metea is much better at that!

<Perhaps a history check to see if Metea remembers anything juicy about local dwarves? Check of 20>

Carthum One-Tusk: Gathering

Carthum leaned in closer to listen to the dwarf as it spoke.

Perhaps another might have heard mad mumbling, but for Carthum, it seemed more hopeful than not. A delusion perhaps, and one that spoke only of sorrow, as Carthum doubted this dwarf's brother yet lived.

"We are far from water, now," Carthum said. He looked upwards. "And far from the woods. Rest. Your soul is strong, but it must rest."

He would then perk up as he heard the shouting echoing down from the cavern. Jeovanna's contralto was unmistakable. They had run into trouble...


Hunting (Dain, Jeovanna, Otiroth)

Hunting Round 3
Jeovanna 19
Critter 17 (-23hp)
Dain 16 (-17hp)
Otiroth 8

Jeovanna’s greatsword works wonders yet again! The blade catches the little horror across the chest, tearing an ugly laceration into hair-topped skin and flesh. It lets out an ear-pummeling squeal of course, and looks to the ranger and barbarian… making a choice.

The ranger! He is weak and ripe for a dying breath! A pincer darts in to make contact, but misses wildly. It's not easy fighting in such tight places, when you are wincing in pain.

As Otiroth rounds the bend it is obvious that Dain isn’t well, a lot of blood has been spilt in the last few moments, but Jeovanna is standing tall and mighty! Here and there the sorcerer might catch a glance of the knee-high creep between the other’s legs. No space for melee weapons here, but maybe you can get lucky some other way? Perhaps Dain will step back and let you through?

<Dain selected at random for attack, disadvantaged roll = 8 Miss. Otiroth is disadvantaged if using to hit rolls at the moment.>

Voidrunner's Codex

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