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D&D 5E The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Three


Annit: Aftermath

For all the incredible, supernatural and arcane abilities, of the variety of races and ways of life represented by the group... to Annit, Dain was by far the strangest. Was he nervous? His words were so unexpected as he rattled off into what sounded like delusions and fantasy. The man’s eyes seemed to be having a fantasy all of their own, too.

The young rogue probably blushed a little, but would do her best to pretend that she hadn’t noticed his roaming viewpoint. This man was such a mystery, and that in itself was alluring. The fast beating of one’s heart, the thrill of risk… danger was often woven into the desires of a thief's life.

Then Dain seemed to become serious again. It was reassuring actually, to hear that Annit’s sparrow-tale might have some kind of relevance or potential for him. As for helping Annit with a quest, she said, “well, you are already aiding me on one, I hope it isn’t our last either.”

With that said, she smiled to him, stood and looked to the others. Everyone seemed about ready to move on. Had they been watching? She eased herself over to the narrow crack in the wall. She wouldn’t mind taking a look at what was down there.

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Metea: Aftermath

Metea seemed pleased as punch about her little mystical flirt with Otiroth. How could such harmless magic cause a death sentence? She simply could not understand. At times, she even feared to be out in public... to admit she could see in the dark...

The tiefling stepped aside to let Annit peek down the crevice when she came over. "I didn't see anything, but there's definitely something on the other side of that crack," Metea said. "But then... you definitely have a better eye for traps than me."

Indeed, Metea might be able to see in the dark- but Annit could see much more regardless!


Annit: Crack creeping

Annit winked to the Tiefling and replied, “only one way to find out, looks tight...” She lit a torch from her pack and without a second thought, headed in. A small stature and slim frame certainly helped as the way ahead was dark and rough. These walls hadn’t had the luxury of being chipped at and shaped by hand. It was the work of nature here, in all its randomness and chaos. She squished her way down the crevice, torch in her left hand, back against one wall and careful... hopefully quiet steps. It was a bit of a zigzag, losing sight of her companions and their additional sources of light quickly.

The further she went, the greater some glitter in the stone grew apparent. Reflecting the light of her burning flame, tiny specks of crystal shimmered like fairydust. It was akin to staring into dark skies at night, counting lonely stars. Turning a ragged corner, her torchlight was devoured by the shadow of a large opening. Holding her breath she poked her head out to take a peek.

The far wall was obscured by darkness but she managed to observe sharp serrations in the stone nearby. Litter lay upon the floor too, the white of a bone, scattered gravel, an aroma of aged earth and dried meat. They had been right. This was a lair, and so far an empty one...

<Stealth (disadvantage) = 17>


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Jeovanna: Crack Creeping

Jeovanna had begun to investigate the rock fall, if for no other reason than idle curiosity. The woman prodded at the faint veins of white that lived there.

The others had dismissed these out of hand- but were they gems? Were they enough for what they needed? Hard to say. She'd give the stone near one of the 'wider' veins a sharp crack with the pommel of her hunting dagger, as if that might knock something loose.

Then, Annit was moving towards the crack, and Jeovanna was suddenly entirely attentive of her as she disappeared. She could trust the little woman was sneaky- but she also feared there were creatures in the dark that were sneaky as well! Had they not just seen something that could... tele-part?

She was prepared to rush to Annit's rescue, but for now, held her ground in the bloody cavern.


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Otiroth: Crack creeping

They would likely need mining tools to get more than dust from these veins- not that gemstone dust wasn't useful. He sensed no real power from the veins, though. Not like he had from the stones that had once been a skeleton's eyes, though.

Where had those gone, anyway?

They were on the clock once more. Otiroth approached as the others listened for any sign that Annit was in trouble.

If she had to flee back through the crevice, they would be well-prepared! Just as they had had time to rest, anything on the other side very well could have prepared as well...


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Metea: crack creeping

Annit would be fine! Still, Metea would back up.

Only to let everybody else keep an eye out for rescue, of course!

Eyes- right! Now near the back, and having watched Jeovanna try to wrestle stone from the bare rock by herself, she had to admit... she felt a little bad for snaking the two gemstones for herself. She had been curious, was all... she'd brush the stones in her pocket.

Content that the others were all distracted, she'd pull one out- hold it out like it was a spy glass and she was peering through it.

Eh. It wasn't a real eye, though. Just a skeleton's eye.


Jeovanna's pommeling crushes and mushes a small area of the lighter material. Not gem-grade this stuff, but it is evidence that their could be more to this place than just boring old black. As for the rockfall, up close she'd be able to appreciate its steadfastness. The blockage was big! Sure, she could perhaps lift out one giant tumbled stone at a time, but was it going to be worth the sweat?

Quite pretty really, the two stones that Metea has sneakily lifted after their earlier altercation. So smooth. Fire glimmers in them like a rainbow trapped behind a thin layer of fog. Are they just stones now? The Tiefling might sense a small shiver... just the movement of cold air... or something else?

<Jeovanna can roll an investigation check if you like, (d20-1). This roll might improve if others want to assist in her close inspection and assessment.>

<Metea can feel free to roll an Arcana check (d20+6). This may or may not give her some small clues as to the stone eye's use in relation to magic. This roll might improve if other arcane casters assist.>
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Hmm! It was even prettier up close...

Metea would look at the others 'through' the rock, including Jeovanna, but quite passively, really...

<Arcana check- 18+6=24>


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Jeovanna really didn't want to crush herself underneath a new era's rockslide, and having to shift a whole huge pile of rocks seemed a loss, to her at least. Not that she minded physical labor.

But lifting or pushing a few rocks? Maybe. The rockslide must have been caused by something. Digging too quickly might've been it.

So far, it was quiet through the crack- no sounds of Annit in pain, so surely the thief was doing well.

<Investigation: 20-1= 19.>


Held out to shadow the view of her fellow explorers, squinting into the stone’s surface, Metea notices a change. No lightning streaks out to incinerate anyone. None of them gasp in asphyxiation. The only alteration is to the stone itself. Soaking up the room’s light, the fire within appears to dull and fade. Bright flashes become a little mediocre. For some reason they seemed at their best before, straight after she’d retrieved them from the darkness of her pocket. That makes a twisted sense really, for something born in darkness to wish to avoid the light.

Metea might recall Annit’s mention of “permanence”. Even permanence in magic can only be attained when certain conditions are met. A fundamental in arcane training of course, is the learning of simple conditions. What to say. What gestures to make. When to not use such skills. The Church of Suru in this regard was as much about how to quietly and discreetly help others, as to how to make decisions… wisely. As for the small moonstone orbs and her learnings? Metea can’t remember anything that directly links the two…

<They might be magic, but it would take some kind of identification spell to be certain and ascertain their exact properties. The other way to discover if their purpose other than looking purdy, would be through further experimentation. Somehow, under the right conditions, they can make a spell's effects permanent!>

Had the battle in some way, cleared the Barbarian’s mind? The outlet of aggression might have done wonders for her. Jeovanna reviews the rockfall carefully, almost like a mason or expert in earth movement. It just makes sense to her right now!

This stone is dense and most of it is tightly packed.The crushing and cracks within pieces at the bottom indicate that this might have happened a long time ago. A relief, that rocks randomly falling on heads doesn’t seem overly probable. The mass is sturdy and sound, if left untampered.

“Kasholsik rarghi snurrah,” a Gnoll expression. “Let it lie, live for the now.” Relevant perhaps, because it looks to be that the tampering or removal of too many of the lower stones “could” have a disastrous effect. If anything, the existence of this mass is proof, that these days the shoreline’s faults no longer stress against each other of their own accord.

Looking upwards and running her eyes across the higher regions, Jeovanna can estimate that an upper level of the mine collapsed, cracking the floor beneath and tumbling further.

What could have done that? Well… an earthquake or another natural cause is a possibility. Maybe it also split the fissure that Annit had wandered into? Or… maybe the miners of old made a simple mistake, that seems unlikely unless they were using some kind of blasting force that got out of hand. A force like that, would surely be able to kick some arse!

This stuff was hard. How long would it take with a hammer and chisel, versus a more direct approach? Maybe back then it took magic… to find magic. Some things never change.
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