• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Key to Victory


First Post
Trinham visibly jumps as the purple sphere appears. He is just about a dispatch a set of Magic Missiles at it when he realising that somehow Jareth has managed both to locate them and to be teleported here.

Having managed to stop himself from casting his spell, Trinham re-assesses their situation based on the arrival of Jareth. In Trinham's opinion they are still in trouble. So he re-targets and casts his spell at the two nearest zombies.

[sblock=Actions]Cast Magic Missiles defensively. One missile at T15, two missiles at S14.[/sblock][sblock=Statblock]Defence: AC 15, HP 21/23

Crossbow, Light +5 1d8 19-20/x2 80'
Dagger +4 1d4+1 19-20/x2
Dagger (Thrown) +5 1d4 19-20/x2 10'
Longsword +4 1d8+1 19-20/x2

Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4

Crossbow Bolts: 30, 29, 28, ??

[b]Active Spells:[/b]
[i]Spell            Rounds Remaining[/i]

[sblock="Spell List"]Sorcerer Level 0 Spells: Daze, Detect magic, Flare, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand.
Sorcerer Level 1 Spells: Color Spray, Grease, Magic Missile
Sorcerer level 2 Spells: Protection from Arrows
[/sblock][sblock="Spells Per Day"]0 Level: (_) (_) (_) (_) (_)
1 Level: (X) (X) (X) (X) (_) (_)
2 Level: (_) (_) (_) (_)[/sblock][/sblock]

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First Post
Cedric scuttles towards the southwards tunnel, playing hopscotch with the whailing limbs of the zombies wallowing in Trinhams grease. Far latches onto his jacket collar and is dragged behind him, feathers flying through the air. Cedrics boots get soiled by the grease, but he manages to keep his footing and turns back towards the group. He concentrates on an untested formula from his old books, hoping he remembers the words and motions correctly. Fire springs from his fingertips, searing the undead and charring his eyebrows as it lights up the caverns for a few seconds.

[sblock=actions]Move: move to R19. (Can one provoke AoO's from prone opponents? If so, I provoke three.)
Standard: cast burning hands on zombies Q16, R17, S16 & S17, reflex DC 15[/sblock][sblock=stat block]HP: 4/9
AC: 17

Dagger drawn

Fort +3, ref +3, will +2

Lvl 0 spells prepared:
Detect magic

Lvl 1 spells prepared:
Magic weapon
Magic missile

Active spells:
Mage armor[/sblock]
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Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=Whose Up.]
AFg - Aver is prone but has 1 HP if you wish to take a total def action (will have 2 here at the end of the round if he stays still ;))

jackslate45 - you are up and gaining HP also

FtF - will continue to fight def, for him I know he is having RL issues.



First Post
The appearance of a new man slightly scared Ern. However, it seemed that "Jareth" was friends with some of the group here. Well, he seems capable at least. The spell that he tried to cast looked familiar, but Ern had no clear idea what was cast. (As it is in the school of Necromancy after all)

Looking at her wounds, she noticed some of them were healing. Well, I should wait now and see what happens. Holding her crossbow at eye level, she looks around and waits for her opening.
5' Foot set to P3
Readied Action: If a zombie ends up adjacent to no allies, with take a shot at him with the crossbow. trying to get out of the -4 to shooting into combat.

Aldern Foxglove

First Post
Aver cautiously opens a eye, but though he feels a little better the situation has hardly improved. Giving up his feigned death he goes full defensive desperately flailing to keep the mouldering limbs at bay.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Striking out at the zombies, Mal can feel a warmth come over him, as his vision takes in the surrounding cavern. He wonders just how tall the ceiling is, if it was to come to retreat...

His actions speak otherwise, as he continues to fight, spying the light warning of magic. When it is revealed that the newcomer is indeed an ally, he shrugs, indifferent as to who it is, until the name is stated. Apparently, the revelation takes hold, as Mal's attacks are easily batted away by the shambling undead. Something had to give soon....


Thy wounds are healed!
End of Round 6

Jareth is slightly unused to the well made weapon he holds in his hands. Although he connected with the chain it sliced through the zombie so sharp and thinly it was like giving the undead beast a paper cut. (note spiked chain is magical +1)

Tira slices the leg out from under the zombie and then decapitates it. She looks up at Jareth with an expression of hero worship that turns the poor man's stomach.

Trinham's magic takes care of the zombie that was threatening him and the young warrior-mage takes in a deep breathe. Cedric gives him a nod for clearing the way and starts to move around the zombies. The few lying in the grease claw and scratch at him to no avail. The mage puts a foot into the grease when Far cries out stopping him.

"Caw! Caw! No! No! Are you drunk? Go back no need to go all that way!" the bird directs the young wizard. Concentrating hard Cedric follows Far's advice and steps back. He starts to cast his new spell as the zombies in the grease try pushing themselves up onto their twisted feet. The fire engulfs them and adds new light and a foul smell to the room.

As the flames swoosh out and warm Aver's bottom the elf decides it's time to protect his more sensitive assets. (sorry had to be done)

Malaroc stands alone battling four to one and although he spends a great deal of time dodging and parring the zombies, it proves to keep him yet in this fight.

Ernestine steps back and watches as the burning zombies start to rise. With careful aim she let's her bolt fly. With a sicking *thunk* as if it had punctured a rip melon. The bolt lodges through the skull of a burning zombie sending it toppling to the ground.

Posted in init order
[U]Character       AC  HP  InHand/Condition[/U]
Jareth          17  34  spikedchain/[I][COLOR=DarkOrchid]blessed[/COLOR][/I]
Trinham         15  [COLOR=Lime]14[/COLOR]  l.sword/none
Malaroc         [COLOR=RoyalBlue]20[/COLOR][COLOR=Olive]   9[/COLOR]  d.gauntlets/[COLOR=RoyalBlue]fightingD;[/COLOR][I][COLOR=olive]aura-healing[/COLOR][/I]
Cedric          [COLOR=royalblue]17[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]   5[/COLOR]  c.bow&dagger/[I][COLOR=royalblue]mage armor-ends round 600[/COLOR][/I]
Aver            [COLOR=Orange]14[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]   2  [/COLOR]dagger/[COLOR=lime][I][COLOR=Orange]prone[/COLOR][/I][/COLOR][COLOR=Orange][I];totalD[/I][/COLOR]
Zombie          11  16  none/none
[COLOR=PaleTurquoise]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=Red][COLOR=PaleTurquoise]14[/COLOR][/COLOR]  none/none
[COLOR=Cyan]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=Cyan]10[/COLOR]  none/none
Tira            18  [COLOR=Orange][COLOR=Lime]+4[/COLOR] [/COLOR] s.sword/none
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Zombie(x2)[/COLOR]      11   [COLOR=SeaGreen]9[/COLOR]  none/[I][COLOR=Orange]both in grease[/COLOR][/I]
Ernestine       [COLOR=White]13[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]   3[/COLOR]  c.bow/none
[COLOR=Orange]Zombie[/COLOR]          11  [COLOR=Orange] 2[/COLOR]  none/none
Round six:
Jareth - miss by the only one?!?
Cedric -move provoke 3 AoO cast burning hands Far - tags along and directs
Aver -Total Def
Ernestine - ready and fires hit dead zombie
Tira - attack hits/dead undead?
Malaroc - miss
Trinham - cast magic missile
Zombie AoO - all miss
Zombie saves - all fail
Zombie attacks -all miss
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Thy wounds are healed!

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l!l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l


l l = impassable
l l = open, explored
l l = grease effect

M = Malaroc
J = Jareth
T = Trinham
C = Cedric
A = Aver
E = Ernestine
t = Tira
Z = Zombie


First Post
Jareth doesn’t have much time to mentally register the surprise of his chain’s lashing strike, when even he thought it was going off-target. He likewise doesn’t have long to note Tira’s expression before he continues his movement, spinning the chain in a wide arc above his head as he steps to the side. With another step, he leverages the head of the chain in another lash at one of the zombies harassing the gauntleted man. “Tira, everyone, get back into empty tunnel behind us!” the red-haired warrior-mage shouts as he takes another step towards the zombies.

With another exclamation, swift and incomprehensible, he throws one hand with fingers splayed at the greased zombies. The force of his will and his newfound skill cause another burst of flame to spray from his hand and cover the undead nightmares.

I had a guess you might do that with the chain, HM. ;) I’ll factor the +1 into rolls, but Jareth won’t know until either he or someone else uses Detect Magic. And onto my actions…
Move + Standard for Spring Attack; 1 W to Q3, attack zombie at O5, keep moving S to Q4.
Then Swift for Quick Cast of Burning Hands to the South, covering squares Q5, PQR 6, PQR7 and hitting all three of those zombies. Reflex save DC 14 for half.

Oh, and HM, don’t forget the AoOs I might get with my new spot. 10-ft. Reach, 3 AoOs (Combat Reflexes), +10 Attack, 2d4+5 Damage. And if I hit 10 or more damage, I get a free Trip attempt (+7 on the opposed STR).

Jareth AC 17, HP 34/34
Spells (Quick Cast, used 1/1):
0-level: used 1/6
1st-level: used 1/6
2nd-level: used 0/3
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First Post
Trinham is not sure what Jareth is planning but he suddenly becomes concerned for Moggins, especially has he is not quite sure were he is. Trinham uses their shared link to get Moggins to join him. At the same time he start to move into the tunnel. Not been sure which of the two tunnels Jareth meant, he move into the tunnel behind himself.

Once in the tunnel, Trinham waits for Moggins and the others to join him before deciding what spell to cast.

[sblock=Action]Sorry HM, this is going to get complicated.

1. Move to T1 either.

2. Delay until:

a) Moggins and the others are all in the tunnel. Then cast Grease on the tunnel entrance.

b) The end of the round. Then cast Magic Missiles, with all three missiles aimed at the Zombie at O16.

- Hide +16
- Move Silently +8[/sblock]

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