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The Kolloseaum: Team Go Hard or Go Home (DM: Iron Sky, Judge: Luinnar)

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
But I'm posting to ask: Pressing Strike lets me shift 2 before the attack, but that's not enough to get me to K19 from where I am, because crossing the wall takes an extra square of movement, correct?

GM: Technically, you're outside the wall and would take a DC 15 Athletics (or Acrobatics if you want to run along the top of the water walls which are just a little above the waterline and ramp up to the regular walls) to get in there.

If you guys had missed more - like not killing 7/23 enemies before they had a chance to go - it probably would have been different too. I'm not complaining, just was expecting it to be more of a challenge.

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First Post
In a single fluid movement, as the sword hits the Dragonshield, Rilissa spins in place and begins moving quickly towards the trees in the northwest, leaping over the river. Murder glinting in her eyes, she dashes through the trees and lands a solid blow upon the leader of the goblin forces.

"The Raven Queen calls for you, it's time to die!"

[sblock="Actions"]Move to G7, Athletics check to jump 1 sq of river.
Charge to B5
-After roll, realized -2 to hit for cover, still succeeded on hit though.[/sblock]

[sblock="Stat Block"]Rilissa Shandalar - Female Shadar-kai Assault Swordmage 1
Initiative: +1 Passive Perception: 9 Passive Insight: 9
AC: 19 Fort: 14 Ref: 14 Will: 14
HP: 14/27 Bloodied: 13 Surge Value: 6 Surges left: 9/9
Speed: 6 Languages: Allarian, Imperia
AP: 1 Second Wind: Unused

Powers: (Underlined is used)
Aegis of Assault, Lightning Lure, Greenflame Blade
Shadow Jaunt, Flame Cyclone
Frost Backlash[/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
GM: Technically, you're outside the wall and would take a DC 15 Athletics (or Acrobatics if you want to run along the top of the water walls which are just a little above the waterline and ramp up to the regular walls) to get in there.

If you guys had missed more - like not killing 7/23 enemies before they had a chance to go - it probably would have been different too. I'm not complaining, just was expecting it to be more of a challenge.
OOC: I decided not to risk failing the check and taking extra hazard damage just for the chance to get the extra 2d6 damage. I got lucky and got enough for the kill anyways, if you include the damage the sorc will take at start of next turn.

I can understand expecting this to be more of a challenge; luck was mostly on our side, for sure. I don't think that using the old Siege rules would have been the right way to increase difficulty, because they make the match arbitrary- making more of the minions be standard goblins, even weak ones, would have done the trick, as long as they had enough hp to live through one hit. Then it would have been a game of trying to use forced movement and focus fire without getting mobbed. The increased durability would have made things very scary without making us feel like our efforts had no effect on the outcome.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Move to G7
Charge to B5
-After roll, realized -2 to hit for cover, still succeeded on hit though.

GM: Note that the river and the trees are all difficult terrain. You could throw some athletics checks in there (clear 1 square per 5 Athletics with running start) to try to make it thought.

[MENTION=69684]WEContact[/MENTION] - tough to do with level 1 characters. Had you been level 3 or more, I could have thrown some "weak" N-2 monsters in to mix it up, but I was on a budget. Still two more tough fights to go though :)


First Post
OOC: The trees were accounted for in the 6 squares of charge. Starting G7, F7 to D7, to C6 to B5 (difficult). Forgot to jump the river though, will add that. Fortunately, can only fail on a 1 :p


Corragan staggers to his feet, feeling groggy after the onslaught. Taking stock of the situation he sees Ignatz standing over the sorceror in boiling water, the warmonger on the retreat and Rilissa chasing him down, and the lone sniper just across the wall from him. "I guess you're mine." he mutters.

Corragan calls upon the wind to buffet the goblin and the area around him, pelting him with debris, killing him.
[sblock="Actions"]Move Action: Stand up
Standard Action: Grasping Tide centred on F14.[/sblock]
[sblock="Stats"]Corragan - Elf Druid (Unaligned) Level 1
Initiative +3
Passive Insight 15; Passive Perception 22; Senses Low-Light

HP 28 Bloodied 14 Surge Value 7; Surges Per-Day 7

AC 16 Fortitude 11 Reflex 14 Will 16
Speed 8; Size Medium
Str 13 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Wis 20 (+5)
Con 11 (+0), Int 10 (+2), Cha 8 (-1)

AP: 1, Second Wind: Unused

Wild Shape, Savage Rend, Fire Hawk, Grasping Tide
Thorn Spray, Elven Accuracy - USED
Summon Giant Toad

HP Remaining 13/28
Healing surges remaining 5/7[/sblock]

Son of Meepo

First Post
Dina stands, making her way through the model city until she stands beside the druid. She takes one hand off her longspear and uses it to grab a javelin from her back which she lobs over the wall.

The javelin manages to weave between the branches and graze the goblin in the shoulder.

The deva then readies her longspear once again.

[sblock=Actions]Move: H10
Free: Remove main hand from longspear
Minor: Draw Javelin
Standard: Magic Weapon to A4. (1d20+8+4-2=20, 1d6+5=6) HIT for 6 damage. Corragan gains +1 to hit and +3 damage until the end of Dina's next turn.
Free: Return hand to longspear[/sblock]


Dina - Level 1 Artificer|Warlord
Init: +2 Speed: 6
Passive Perception: 13; Passive Insight: 13
AC: 17 Fort 11 Ref 15 Will 15
HP: 18/24 Surges: 7/7 Surge Value: 6 AP: 0
Languages: Allarian, Draconic, Eladrin
Str:10 Dex:10 Wis:17 Con:12 Int:20 Cha:8

Commander's Strike
Magic Weapon

Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [x]
Healing Infusion [x]
Inspiring Word [x]
Use Vulnerability []
Provocative Order [x]
Second Wind[]

Punishing Eye[][/sblock]


First Post
Sha'kar moves around the city to get a better shot at the goblin warleader and looses a bolt at him, but it goes wide, almost hitting Rilissa instead.

"Sorry about that!" He yells to his ally.

[sblock="Actions"]Move: to K5
Standard: Magic Weapon vs. Rikroc - 1d20+5=8 Miss[/sblock][sblock="Stats"]Sha'kar Menoth Male Genasi Artificer
Initiative: +0, Passive perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Normal

AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 14, Will: 14
Resist 5 Psychic

HP: 20/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges Left: 10/10
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: unused

Allarian, Tsugo

Basic Attacks:
Melee Basic Attack: +2 vs AC - Quarterstaff 1d8
Ranged Basic Attack: +2 vs AC - Repeating Crossbow 1d8

At-Will: Magic Weapon, Thundering Armor
Encounter: Burning Weapons, Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture, Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula, Void Assumption
Daily: Icebound Sigil
Item:Alchemist's Fire (1/1)

Quarterstaff - 1d8
Repeating Crossbow - 1d8
Current magazine: 6 bolts
Full Magazines Remaining: 14


Crossbow Caster - Use Crossbow as implement for implement attacks
Voidsoul - Resist 5 Psychic damage
Arcane Empowerment - Empower magic item once per day + once per milestone (Augment Energy or Impart Energy)
Augment Energy - A weapon gains a +2 bonus as a free action once. A weapon can't be infused twice (lasts until next extended rest or until used)
Impart Energy - Recharge a daily magic item. An item can't be recharged twice in a day.
Arcane Rejuvenation - When an ally uses a daily magic item they gain 4 temporary hit points.[/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Match One: The Assault on Anakabar, Round 4

As the goblin sorcerer drowns in the boiling water, the Warmonger slips back from Rilissa and shoots her point-blank with his longbow and makes a (probably final) defiant goblin warcry.

GM: Obscurement doesn't provide concealment unless you're 2 or more square away (melee 1 attacks unaffected). Also, Rikroc's power let him shift 2

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Goblin Sorcerer 1: Take 5 damage from water and die.

Goblin Warmonger Rikroc: Move to A1. Rilissa's OA: 1d20+6=21 vs Rikroc's 18 AC, hit, 1d8+3=4 damage. Longbow(Range 30): 26 vs Rilissa's 21 AC(+2 concealment), hit, 8 damage and Relissa grants CA until the end of the goblin's next turn.

Reinforcement Roll: 11 vs DC 17, fail. Reinforcement now DC 16.[/sblock]

Corragan: I11, 13/28hp, +1 hit and +3 damage
Sha'kar: N9, 20/30hp
Rilissa: M10, 6/27hp, grants CA
Ignatz: K17, 22/30hp, Thunderfury Rage
Dina: K8, 18/24hp

All enemies have Goblin Tactics(Immediate Reaction, when missed by an attack): the Goblin shifts 1 square.

Goblin Warmonger Rikroc: A4, 17/46hp, concealment
Goblin Warmonger: 46 HP, AC 18, Fort 16, Ref 17, Will 16. MBA: +9 vs AC, 1d8+6 damage.

Goblin Sorcerers Killed: 2
Goblin Snipers Killed: 4
Goblin Assaulter Killed: 8
Goblin Shield Bearers Killed: 8

Effect Key: location, hp/max hp, damage related, TenT or TsnT, conditional, save ends, encounter[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]Walls: Crossing the walls takes an extra square of movement if you are crossing between walls within the city or crossing walls to leave the city. Crossing walls to enter the city takes a DC15 Athletics (Climb) check.

Cover: The walls grant cover against attacks made from outside the city to the inside.

Water: The water is boiling for extra drama. Any creature that enters or starts its turn in the water takes 5 fire damage. The Athletics DC to swim in it is DC 10.

Walls in Water: Creatures can cross the wall segments in the water leading to the Bluffhold by making a DC15 Acrobatics check. Failure means the move action ends and the creature falls into and adjacent water square. Crossing the gap at L16 requires a DC 10 Athletics (Jump) check.

Difficult Terrain: City, forest, and river squares are difficult terrain. For any square, its terrain type is whatever the majority of the square contains. When in doubt, ask for clarification.

Obscurement: Forest squares are light obscurement (grant concealment, 5 squares of them provide total concealment).[/sblock]

[sblock=Special Rules][sblock=Appease the Crowd]
*As a minor action, a PC may make a skill check to wow the crowd. If they succeed at the check, they gain +2 to their next d20 roll if they beat the DC, plus +2 per 5 by which they beat the DC. If the check is failed, the PC takes a -2 penalty to their next d20 roll, -2 more per 5 by which they miss the DC.

I.E, if the DC is 15, 1-5 would be -6, 6-10 would be -4, 11-14 would be -2, 15-19 would be +2, etc.

*All skill DCs will start at 15 and each individual skill's DC goes up by 2 per time the skill is used as the crowd gets more jaded. The DCs go up at the end of the round in which they are used. The DCs do not drop between arena rounds.

*Any skill can be used, as long as the player can provide relevant character action to back up the roll.

Current Skill DCs:
Athletics: 17
History: 17
Perception: 17
Others: 15[/sblock]

[sblock=The Siege]Overrun: If any enemy starts their turn within a district (any of the eight labelled areas with cities) that district is "overrun" for the remainder of the match.

Loss Condition: If six of the eight districts are "overrun", the group loses and everyone dies (To the Death).

Reinforcements: At the end of each of the monster's turns there is a chance reinforcements will arrive. I'll roll a d20 each round vs DC 20. If the roll succeeds, reinforcements have arrived and all PCs gain an AP that must be spent during the next round or it is lost. The reinforcement DC goes down 1 after the roll each round.[/sblock][/sblock]


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Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: I can try to run out of the city to give Rilissa a bonus to hit and damage, but I don't want to go until after Corragan so that he still has his bonus from my last round.

Voidrunner's Codex

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