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The Land of the Seven Realms: Characters


First Post
Gwynnwr Aleta Henriksson, female human Cleric 5: HD 5d8+10; hp38, Init +1, Spd 20 ft.; AC 20 (19 flatfooted, 11 touch, 30 or total cover with shield); Melee morningstar +3 (1d8), ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8/19-20); SQ Rebuke Undead, Spontaneous Casting; AL N; SV Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +8; BAB +3; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 10.
Skills and feats: Bluff +8 (8), Hide +4 (8), Wilderness Lore +11 (8), Concentration +10 (8), Spellcraft +10 (8); Track, Extra Turning, Strength of the Faithful.
Domains and energy: Trickery, Travel, Negative Energy.
Languages: Common, Giant, Dwarf.
Magical and Special Equipment: Cloak of Resistance +1, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Handy Halversack, Full Plate +1, Tower Darkwood Shield, Stone with continual flame (self cast).
Weapons: Morningstar, Light Crossbow, 20 bolts.
Misc Equipment: Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Flint/Steel, Parchment (10), Soap, animate dead Components (4), Unholy Symbol, Holy Symbol, Silk Rope, Tent, Mirror, 10 days rations, Holy Water, Grappling Hook, Hammer, Piton (10), Miner's Pick, Signal Whistle, Sewing needle/String, Waterskin, Wineskin, Antitoxin (2).
184 gp, 6sp 55lbs weight (77.5 with shield; Heavily Encumbered at 67, max 100)

Background: Gwynnwr Aleta Henriksson was born the only daughter of the great Barbarian King Henrik of the Nordheim Tribes. Far from casting his daughter out for not being born a son, he loved her and raised her with all the attention a son would have had. Gwynnwr was raised joining in the great hunts, and was able to track better than any boy her age. She played with the boys around the camps, and soon learned to lie her way out of trouble or hide behind rocks after playing practical jokes. Although Gwynnwr had the will and courage to fight like her father, it was clear that she lacked the raw strength necessary to make a Nordheim Barbarian. Her father put her under the tutelage of Eskkid, the King's Healer. The Nordheim Tribes pay fealty to no gods -- only to their warrior ancestors spirits. Through Eskkid, she learned the powerful magic of healing, as well as how to channel her ancestors' spirits into the bodies of the fallen to aid her on the battlefield.

At the age of sixteen, Gwynnwr took leave of her Father and went to see of the Seven Realms and the great world beyond Nordheim. She promised to come back a strong warrior, ready to serve her father and king.

After a year of travelling, she came across Smiles and partnered with him on several occasions. Their combination of skills make them very good partners for low profile assignments. On the last occasion, she and Smiles were betrayed in the city of Tredeshan, in Al'Kar while investigating a cult named the Brothers of the Serpent.

Gwynnwr is 5'6 and weighs 125 lbs. She has long blonde hair, blue eyes, a fair complexion, and freckles across her nose. Her name is pronounced "Gwinner" in most versions of Common, and "Gunner" in the Nordheim dialect. Gwyn is an acceptable short version of her name, pronounced "Gwin".

Spells Prepared. Spells in italics indicate domain spells.
0 (5) CMW x3, Detect Magic, Resistance
1 (4) CLW, Obscuring Mist, Bless, Shield of Faith, Change Self
2 (3) CMW, Hold Person, Darkness, Invisibility
3 (2) CSW, Blindness/Deafness, Fly
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First Post
Kintys Redstar (and Tamna)

Kintys Redstar, female human Evo5: CR 5; ECL 5; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 5d4+10; hp 26; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+1 bracers of armor, +2 Dex); Melee quarterstaff +2 (1d6/crit x2); Ranged MW light crossbow +5 (1d8/crit 19-20); SA spells; SQ summon familiar; AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +8; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Alchemy +11 (8), Concentration +10 (8), Knowledge (arcana) +11 (8), Knowledge (history) +8 (5), Knowledge (the planes) +8 (5), Move Silently +4 (2 from familiar), Scry +9 (6), Spellcraft +11 (8); Craft Wand, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Evocation)

Spells Prepared: (4+1/4+1/3+1/2+1) 0-detect magic(2), flare, read magic, resistance; 1-burning hands, finger of flame, magic missile, magic weapon, shield; 2-daylight, flaming sphere, knock, see invisibility; 3-fireball(2), haste.

Spellbook: 0-arcane mark, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic, resistance; 1-burning hands, color spray, endure elements, finger of flame, identify, magic missile, magic weapon, shield, sleep; 2-daylight, flaming sphere, knock, pyrotechnics, see invisibility; 3-fireball, haste, Leomund's tiny hut.

Equipment: MW light crossbow, quarterstaff, Heward's handy haversack, wand of magic weapon, wand of shield, wand of burning hands (3rd), wand of magic missile (3rd), potion of cure light wounds (2), +1 bracers of armor, +1 cloak of resistance, spell component pouch, spellbook, bolts (20), trail rations (10), waterskin (2), bedroll, pearl (for identify), paper (20 sheets), ink (2 vials), inkpen, 225 gp.

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Undercommon

Encumbrance: 13 lb.

Tamna, female owl familiar: CR 1; Tiny Magical Beast (snowy owl); HD 5d4; hp 13; Init +3; Spd 10 ft, fly 40 ft (average); AC 18 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural); Melee claws +5 (1d4-2/crit x2); SQ familiar, low-light vision, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, touch, speak with master; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2; Str 6, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 4.

Skills and Feats: Listen +14, Move Silently +20, Spot +6 (+14 in dusk or darkness); Weapon Finesse (claws).

Liminal Syzygy

Community Supporter
Smiles, male human Rog5: CR 5; ECL 5; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 5d6+10; hp 32; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 19 (16 flatfooted, 14 touch); Melee MW dagger +7 (1d4/crit 19-20 x2); Ranged dagger +6 (1d4/crit 19-20 x2) or shortbow +6 (1d6/crit x3); SQ sneak attack 3d6, evasion, uncanny dodge; AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will 0; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 14.

Skills and Feats: Balance +5 (0), Bluff +10 (8), Diplomacy +12 (8), Gather Information +8 (6), Hide +11 (8), Intimidate +4 (0), Listen +7 (8), Move Silently +11 (8), Search +10 (8), Spot +7 (8), Tumble +11 (8), Use Magic Device +3 (1), Disable Device +12 (8), Open Lock +13 (8), Pick Pocket +6 (1), Disguise +2 (+12 with hat, +14 when acting in character w/ bluff); Improved Initiative, Dodge, Weapon Finesse: Dagger

Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven

Equipment: Hat of Disguise, Ring of Protection +1, Mithral Shirt +1, Hewards Handy Haversack, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, MW Dagger, Silver Dagger, 8 Daggers, Club, Sap, Shortbow, quiver and 20 arrows, 2 Alchemist's fire, Antitoxin, MW Thieves' Tools, 4 Waterskin, Bedroll, 10 Candles, Flint and Steel, Hammer, Holy Water, Small Steel Mirror, 20 Trail Rations, 2 50' lengths of silk rope (1 knotted), Spade, 10' pole, Grappling Hook, 10 Tindertwigs, Tanglefoot bag, Smokestick, 2 Flasks of acid, Caltrops, 10' Ladder, Bullseye Lantern, 10 flasks of oil, Miner's pick, 10 Pitons, 2 Sacks, Sledge, Soap, Tent, 10 Torches, Whetstone, 2 Flasks (empty), 10 Wooden Holy Symbols of different deities, Signet Ring (Spy organization), 5 Paper, 5 Parchment, Inkpen, Ink, 5pp, 37gp, 8sp, 9cp, magical cloak (from Runner killed outside the inn), potion of invisibility, potion of cat's grace, potion of cure moderate wounds

Here is my barebones background for now, will clean this up going forward...


1) Smiles' first memories are of life as a street urchin in Taladae, a city of Araestos.

2) Through his charisma and natural way with people he became leader of a small gang of child pickpockets.

3) He never knew his parents or his real name. Smiles was his street name. He hasn't used the name in years but has gone back to it recently(he's always thought of it as his "name" internally in any case).

4) His gang crossed the wrong person, and Smiles was arrested. But before he was hung his promise was noted by Bochim Crowder, a high-ranking member of the Gentle Dreams, a spy organization attached to the Order of the Eclipsed Sun.

5) Crowder became a mentor to Smiles (not a kind one), training him in infiltration, assassination, and social engineering.

6) From his late teens until recently Smiles was a successful agent for the Gentle Dreams working under the code name Joakim.

7) His last mission was a rare assignment to work with a foreign contrator, Gwynnwr, on a mission to the city of Tredeshan. There they were to look into the activities of a cult, The Brothers of the Serpent.

8) Soon after arriving in Tredeshan, before they began to look into the cult, Smiles and Gwynnwr were betrayed. They went to meet their pre-arranged contact but were ambushed upon arriving, and barely escaped with their lives. They are now afraid to continue their mission with just the two of them, or to return to Taladae, as they do not know how deep the conspiracy goes.

9) In the meantime, they start looking for powerful and reliable companions, for protection in numbers, and to look for jobs to apply their special talents. Smiles switches back to using his old moniker. He doesn't believe that anyone else in Gentle Dreams besides his old mentor, Bochim Crowder, would recognize the name now, and holds onto a hope that Crowder will eventually try to contact him.

Change log:
2003.4.12: Added languages
2003.4.29: Updated equipment - stuff picked up
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First Post
Tragus the Smith

Tragus the Smith, male dwarf Clr4/Fig1: CR 5; ECL 5; Medium-size Humanoid (dwarf); HD 4d8 + 1d10 + 10; hp 39; Init 0; Spd 15 (20) ft.; AC 17 (15 flatfooted, 10 touch); Melee MW Warhammer +8 (1d8/x3); Ranged Light Crossbow +5 (1d8/crit 19-20 x2); SQ Turn Undead, Spontaneous Casting; AL LG; SV Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +9; BAB +4; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats:Craft (Armorsmithing) +11 (8+2+1), Craft (Weaponsmithing) +11(8+2+1), Heal +5 (2+3), Concentration +4 (2+2), Climb +3 (1+2); Iron Will, Rune Carving, Weapon Focus: Warhammer.

Equipment: Adamantine Chain Shirt*, Mithril Large Shield*, MW Warhammer*, MW Handaxe*, Light Crossbow w/20 bolts, Ring of Sustanence, Bag of Holding (1), Wand of CLW, Potion of Bulls Strength x 2, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Potion of Neutralize Poison, Portable Forge#, Iron Holy Symbol of Moradin, Backpack, Bedroll, Waterskin, Empty Journal (Wiz Spellbook), Sack (holds Priest & Extra Traveler's outfit)#, Inkpen, 8 vials of ink.

*= Crafted by Tragus
#= held in Bag of Holding

Domains: Earth and Protection

Languages: Dwarven, Common, Orcish

Tragus Shieldsplitter, more commonly known as Tragus the Smith with those he has fought with, has spent almost all of his years near the forge. His parents died when he was but a babe defending the great halls from an orcish horde, and with their passing, his upbringing was left in the hands of Brackus Trollbane, his grandfather.

Brackus raised the babe as best he could, and sought to pass down to his grandson all that he could of the world, the races, and most importantly the secrets of the forge. Even though he had almost seen two centuries come and go, Brackus felt the excitement of youth when Tragus fired the forge for the first time, and felt his heart nearly break with pride when the first crude dagger shaped from its flames.

As the years passed, Tragus’ skill with the forge brought a new element into his life as well. He began to hear the holy chants of Moradin as he worked, and knew that he had been called to be more than a simple smith for his people. Embracing the calling, Tragus dreamt of a great star falling from the skies, and within the heart of the star was Moradin’s gift to him, should he be strong enough to find it.

For three years, Tragus wandered as Moradin’s will guided him, and while the road was not always easy, or straight, it finally led him to the valley of the dream. That night, a falling star crashed down in the heart of the valley, and once fires had died around the impact, Tragus saw his gift, the star metal, adamantine.

Covering the metal in wards and other protective measures, Tragus hurried with the haste of a human to the closest town and commissioned a crew to follow him back to the valley and help move the stone. After many tries, the heavy stone was lifted and carried back, all with Tragus saying prayers constantly for their good fortune.

For a year solid, Tragus worked the metal, and while the stone itself was large, the veins of adamantine were small and well hidden. In the end, he was able to craft a single shirt of chain links from the stone, and while to many, it seemed like too much work for such a small yield, to Tragus it was a sign that Moradin smiled upon him.

Tragus traded the remaining ore, a sizable pile indeed, with a mage who seemed to know more about Tragus’ activities than Tragus would have liked. However, Moradin’s sight showed no darkness of the mage’s soul, and so in exchange for a ring, which would allow Tragus to ignore the need for food and drink, and a sack, which the mage promised could hold a small portable forge, the ore was traded.

With his faith, and armor to protect him, Tragus followed Moradin’s call to the border wars which seemed to rage constantly against the realm of shadows. Knowing that this new road was to be long and deadly, Tragus has traded in his smithy hammer for a warhammer while on the front lines, but still hears Moradin’s chants as his hammer strikes armor instead of the forge.

Spells to come soon...


Living EN World Judge
Vithras Entarim "Sparrow"
High Elf
Ranger 2/ Fighter 3
5'5", 114 lbs.
Black hair,just past shoulders (worn in a ponytail),
eyes pale green.
Alignment: Chaotic Good

STR 16 8 <15,+1@4th>
DEX 16 6
CON 12 6
INT 12 4
WIS 10 2
CHA 10 2

HP 39

Fort :+7
Ref +4
Will :+2
Init :+3
AC:17/14 flat/13 touch
Move: 30'

Feats: Point Blank Shot,Far Shot,Rapid Shot,
Weapon Focus: LongCompBow
Ambidexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting, Track,
Favored Enemy:Giants
+2 Spot,Listen,Search <within 5 feet of a secret door,
he gets a search check>Immune to Sleep,
+2 vs, Enchantments,

Speaks: Common, Elven,Giantish.
<25 Ranger , 9 Fighter>
Spot 4/+7
Listen 4/+7
Search 1/+4<cross>
Hide 4/+7
Move Silently 4/+7
Wilderness Lore 4/+5
Prof:Bowyer 2/+3
Climb 2/+5
Jump 1/+4
Swim 1
Knowledge: Nature 1/+2
Heal 1/+2
Ride 3/+6
Intuit Direction 1/+2

Long Composite Bow +10 <12 within 30'> 1D8+4 crit 20/X3 110' Increments
L-C Bow <Rapid Shot>+8/+8<10 within 30'>1D8+4 crit 20/X3 110' Increments
Longsword +9<+7 with 2-weapon fighting> 1D8+3 crit 19-20/X2
Shortsword +9<+7 with 2-weapon fighting> 1D6+3/1D6+1 crit 19-20/X2 offhand.
Dagger +8 1D4+3 crit 19-20/X2 10' Range Increments

+1 Mighty <+3Str> Long Composite Bow-2700GP
Mithral Shirt -1100
Master-Worked Long Sword -315GP
Master-Worked Short Sword -310
Elven Cloak -2000
Elven Boots-2000

Quiver of 20 Masterworked Arrows -141GP
Quiver of 20 Masterworked Arrows <on Horse>-141GP
4 Potions of Cure Light Wounds 1D4+9 <House Rules Change>-200GP
1 Potion of Change Self -50GP
1 Potion of Expeditious Retreat -50GP
1 Potion of Jump -50GP

3 Daggers -6GP

Light Horse,Riding Saddle & gear -87GP
Saddle Bags:
2 weeks Grain -1GP
Crowbar -2GP
100 Silk Rope & Grapnel -21GP
Small Bullseye Lantern 5 Flasks Oil -17GP
2 Weeks Trail Rations -7GP

Satchel -1GP
Bedroll- 1SP

Aprox 9 SP left over.

Hailing from the Realm of Kythraen, the Elf known as Vithras Entarim <though his close friends usually just call him Sparrow or Vith> has known nothing but strife in his life. When the young elf was but 30 years old, not even yet upon his first Path, his village of Hurvethas was attacked by Hill Giants and their Orcish Slaves. Barely one in five elves escaped the treacherous attack, for the Giants attacked during the Spring Harvest Celebration, while most of the community was celebrating a record bounty that the Land had gratiously given forth. Vith's father Issyllarin was slain defending his brother and two sisters,as well as his mother, all to no avail, as they were cut down by the Giants like so much wheat from the so-recently harvested fields surrounding the community.
The survivors fled south, Vithras' uncle Thellim leading the way, for Thellim was a Roadwalker, one of the Rangers of the Land, serving the Crown, and thus he knew safe havens for the beleagured Folk. Once all of the survivors had been delivered to the Human town of Alfrin's Ridge <some30 miles from Hurvethas>, Thellim turned grimly back to the Road, taking with him the remainder of the Elves capable of battle, along with twice as many Humans from the town, for the two communities had long since been friends and allies in trade and other commerce. Young Vith seethed with rage at the thought of his slain Mother and Father, and he wanted to go back, his tiny play bow in hand.
Thellim knelt down and whispered in the young Elf's ear 'Your time has not come, little Sparrow <his nickname for Vith>, I would not see you layed low so recently after I lost my family. You are all that I have left. For me, would you step down, and guard the others? I ask you as one Elf to another.' Thellim had addressed young Vith as an adult, asking a Boon, and Vith understood this, as well, he also knew that nothing would come but his Death from returning to Hurvethas. Vith spoke up, looking his uncle in the eye. 'I will stay, Uncle, but on one condition. That you train me in War, and in the ways of the Wood, and of the Forest and of the Bow, for I would visit nothing but Death to all of Giantkind for the rest of my days, may they last a thousand Seasons.'
Thellim was taken aback by such a vehement display of Hatred and Pain as young Vithras showed in his face and in his words, but he nodded a silent 'Yes' and turned back to the company to depart for the despoiled Elven Village. When he returned 4 days hence, fully half of the party had been slain, and he brought back the head of the Hill Giant Chief and layed it at Vithras tiny feet, saying 'This is your Enemy, Sparrow, and this is the face of Death,
I would have you know both.'

Years went by, with young Vithras training with his uncle, as well as with the other Roadwalkers, Elven, Human and even with a few Dwarves, for these folk knew how to fight the Giants, and Vithras was ever keen for methods
to slay them. Battles came, and may a foe was layed low by the arrows of Vithras, not the least of which were the many Ogres and even Giants that he encountered. But also did he use his blades, for the elf that would come to be known as 'Sparrow' to those he aided on the road was eager to deal back to them what they had dealt to him those many, many years before as a child.

Now, Sparrow patrols the borders, looking for any sigh of incursion by enemies, especially Giants. Loyal to a fault regarding the Crown, Sparrow often lets his less orderly side get the best of him, sometimes breaking protocol and doing what he feels is 'right', despite what the Law says. Still, he would do nothing that would violate or threaten the direct edict of the Crown.

Voidrunner's Codex

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