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The Liberation of Tenh (updated April 24)

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Old One

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(contact) my lad, long time, no stop-by...

Great update...I love that Lucius (and would hate to have a PC on the wrong side of one of his knives). Sorry to hear about the gaming group breaking up...even if it is for life-bettering opportunities...damn that RL!

Hope to see more soon!

~ OO


Thanks Old One! Long time no read!

I figured out the Lucius murdering orc scene-- it came from a novel by Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West. I'm sure it's been in movies as well, but the book is the thing that introduced it into my consciousness most recently.

If you like beautiful prose (And I do mean *gorgeous* prose) and don't mind a book that is decidedly story-second until the back half of the novel, pick it up.

A note-- The whole thing is really this gigantic love-poem to the American Southwest, but it is also a very dark book with a very bleak view of human nature. Pick it up at your own discretion. It is about as happy as Lucius' childhood.

Dherys Thal

First Post
(contact) said:
I figured out the Lucius murdering orc scene-- it came from a novel by Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West. I'm sure it's been in movies as well, but the book is the thing that introduced it into my consciousness most recently.

So when will we meet the NPC named Toadvine? We (my wife and I) actually nicknamed our unborn son Toadvine, and that was a huge hit with the cousins (e.g. 'WHEN IS TOADYVINE COMING?').

Definitely a good read - much like the ongoing Liberation saga...


The tingling means it’s working!
(contact) said:
Maybe Joe Pesci should play Lucius in the stage adaptation of the TOEE2. I was going to push for Matthew Broderick, but this thread has me thinking . . .

Mathew Broderick as Lucius. Oh man. Perfect.

Got any more casting speculation?

-z, whose bosses are having casting issues of their own.

I haven't been visiting ENWorld much lately, but today I popped in and found not only a Sepulchrave II update, but also a (contact) update. *boggle*

When I read the Lucius-stabs-the-orc scene, I thought not only of Saving Private Ryan, but also of the recent Bruce Willis move Hostage. I'll put in spoiler tags as some people may still want to see it...

There's a character in the movie who is a psychopathic killer sort. Twice, he is seen mortally wounding someone, then watching them die with calm fascination. Lucius' scene reminded me of that.

And here's another really random connection. Hastur's out of turn comment reminded me of a similar exchange in the old, old Navero stories (Dan Parson's "story hour" when we still had to post 'em on Usenet), in which a taciturn dwarf who never says anything makes one comment that gets the rest of the overly-talkative party upset. Actually, now that I think about it, there are quite a few similarities between the Navero PCs and the Liberators -- they bicker, they trade insults, some of them dislike each other; but in the end, they are outstanding at their chosen task: killing monsters and taking their stuff.

Voidrunner's Codex

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