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The Long Journey Home

Ray Ray

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OOC: I flipped a coin because I couldn't decide whether I should help Ghost or not.

He stayed quiet, though stood up straight again, stretching slightly as he watched the small alien from the corner of his eye. He also noted the fact that Ghost was being assaulted by the rest of the aliens, but he opted to turn a blind eye to this because Raymond wasn't very happy with Ghost right now. Like Ghost said earlier, He wasn't Raymond's squad leader, Raymond owed him nothing.

After a short while he spoke up, somewhat softly, and with a smile on his face. This expression was, would you believe, uncannily similar to Rey's probable expression at this time also.

"Its ok... I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm a -nice- soldier. Pay no attention to grumpyguts over there."

OOC: The coin did not like Ghost.

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As he falls over, after being hit by the bolas.

You'll be the first when I break out of this...

Defiantly staring up at the aliens before him.

Aleksandra backed down the corridor as she gave orders over the comms. "Fall back down this corridor. Hostiles are close-quarter the bottleneck will force limited engagement. Miha covering fire, J.D attempt to use your paksis to help bottleneck Ula will Flash bang then deform."

OOC: Moved down the corridor, maintaining stealth. Ula will flash bang (large blast, all targets get disadvantage on checks next turn) then I'll desummon her and summon Olga as a standard though I'll update that on the map next round.

J. D. Tsuba

First Post
J.D. felt glad that the acting commander had ordered a retreat so quickly, not even requiring him to suggest it. Aleksandra was a passable tactician after all, most satisfactory.
'roger that, I can't hold this position for long. Mikhail, you'd better quick-time it out of there, I'll do what I can'

Surge of magic to get my measly 3 mana up to 8, dropping the buff now to reduce upkeep, but still keeping terrain and gravity well leaves me on 5 mana after upkeep.
two magic attacks against the two B's in front of Mika, pulling them down to the well again
6+6 vs m.def
6+6 vs m.def

that could have gone better. If they don't move, sorry mika - it was nice knowing you

Still concentrating intently on the fight, J.D casually walks over to the entrance they came in by, and backs slowly out.

actually screw that, I'll burn some destiny till they shift, you're worth it ;-)
@universal - just tell me what it costs
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OOC: Sorry back from flight, map updated for Echo. Just to make things simpler move your icon to where you want to go approximately. Remember the blank box is one measurement for movement, I will move the fog of war accordingly.

Round 2 for most of Sierra is done, round 2 for echo needs to be posted, I will try to resolve the rounds together once their posted. I've done the rolls for Alexander barreling forward and charging the first thing he sees.

Mikhail, J.D.Tsuba, Blade bots, Aleksandra, Claw bots.

Echo fight is: Arthur, ???, Blade bots, Rey, Bauhdric, ???.


Alexander gets given a shield and goes barreling through the doorway, eventually meeting a largebot slightly larger that the claw bots that are bipedal but have very large 'feet' with sprawled out pistons touching the ground. 4 pistons on each 'foot'. The bots are wielding what looks like swords, or maybe some form of club. The are very thin sheet metal with vents every so often along the blade that have electricity pouring out of it. Alexander lands a punch square it it's face. Arthur can see the other signatures start moving up closer towards them though they have yet to reach Echo.


The claw bots seeing the movement of their friends being hampered by walls dig their claws into the walls and climb over the pod in between JD and Mikhail with one over the pod not gaining enough momentum to drop down with it's allies. (This is end of first round before your posts)

Boarded up building

Now with ghost subdued one of the aliens that threw one of the bolas disarms ghost of his rifle, it walks away from the rest of the group down a corridor with the rifle. The rest of the group plus Ghost and Raymond are lead down a separate corridor, they are lifted up in some bits as the aliens climb on walls around a few set of traps. Eventually the pair of them are led into a room with many more of these creatures all shapes and sizes many without weapons huddled around fires. All of them turn and stare at the two 'aliens' amongst them. Eventually the crew leads the pair into a small cell and they are left alone for a time. No aliens are in ear shot so the two soldiers can discuss freely, though Ghost has not been relinquished of his bonds.
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First Post
Struggling against his bonds he realises it's futile, maybe given enough time he could break out of these but there were more pressing matters to attend to.

Private, can you do something about these bolas, if we're going to escape I'm going to need the use of my hands.

He starts to survey the surroundings, looking at exits, the cell itself and what he has at his disposal.

OOC: How many exits is there to the room? They can be doors or windows, even if they're boarded up. Also what state is the cell in? Are the bars new or old? Do they show signs of wear and tear?(rust, flaking metal etc) Also how many bolas are currently attached to me? Also going to bring this up now before we continue, you didn't mention that the aliens have searched us just that they took ray's launcher and my rifle, does that mean I still have my pistol?

Ray Ray

First Post
"Escape? We have first contact with an alien race that COULD have killed us on the spot as they greatly outnumbered us, but they didn't. What did you expect them to do ey, give us tea and biscuits and let us on our way? This is an opportunity. Who knows, maybe they could even help us get home again, you think of that, 'cap'n'? or shouldn't I call you that since you're not my squad leader?"

He sat down on the floor, calming himself a little and stretching.

"I apologize, I'm not usually like this cap'n, but you're hitting a raw nerve; The line must be drawn here! We might be soldiers, but we're human first. Breaking out of there would have expended resources, cooperating gives the opportunity for negotiation and possible gain, maybe even something mutually beneficial. This is no typical war scenario and we need to tread carefully. I sure as hell don't want to be called their enemy."


First Post
Sitting down opposite Ray, he has calmed down now, compared to how he was before capture.

So I'm assuming that's a no then, I have no intention of remaining their prisoner for any longer then we need to. They could very well be friendly and would help us if negotiations opened up. But we have a language barrier as the first obstacle. But they could just as easily be an enemy, they've taken our weapons giving them access to that level of tech', they may even use us as hostages giving them unneccesary leverage in negotiations. You have a positive view of the world private, but not everything in this existence can be bargained with. You are correct though, they could have killed us and chose not to, so they clearly have some plan for us, whether that is good or bad remains to be seen.

Ray Ray

First Post
"If they have something bad in mind, then they're no worse than some humans. Nothing they could do to me would hurt me more than I've been hurt before cap'n, trust me on that. Sometimes language barriers can save you from alot of pain, ey?" He commented offhand.

Voidrunner's Codex

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