• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Long Journey Home

OOC: Waiting on Rey to post to finish up second round for Echo. The rest can start posting their next turn if they like. Just missing Aleksandra's action for Sierra's round 3 now.

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First Post

She rushed into the room quickly throwing a shield on her commander as she grinned at Arthur "A perfect tactical chokepoint" she murmered as she waited for the firworks

OOC: Rolled a 14 to give the captain 6 more barrier again, moved into the room just north of the captain
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Arthur Campbell

First Post
Arthur walked into the room and took up position as far from the blast as possible, before setting it off. Now they were appropriately boxed in he turned his attention to the two assailants his captain was dealing with.
He considered what the best course of action would be before realising he had already drawn his grenade launcher
thinking: well since we're here...

OOC: Concentration check 8-6= 2 DOS
Move then set off the planted explosive, the blast should be 3 smaller and the damage is already rolled.

If I have an attack action left I'll fire my grenade launcher aiming for the empty square between the two bots
(I assume it scatters like a normal grenade).
R. accuracy roll: 4, my ranged accuracy= 5
Damage: 7+13=20, blast shield damage: 5+13=18

and just for hilarity kaboom will move up and try hurt the uppermost bot with his robo-appendages
Attack roll: 11 damage:8
you get 'em little buddy.

"Good plan." Said Aleksandra she quickly lanced a hole in the floor and made round the other side to prepare barricade materials.

OOC: 13 vs a cl 12 hole is lanced now on 6 mana. Then move around, I'll update the map so it has the right Holo on it. Still stealthed too.
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OOC: Damn my e-mail not updating me >.>

In the Bunker

Rey runs into the room ready for the plan to go off. A light shines on the blade bots temples and a protective shield comes up around them briefly. Alexander then continues to pummel the face of the Blade bot he was fighting, gaining 7 barrier units. Echo hears the sound of a roaring flame and huge jet of scorching heat enters the room they're all standing in from the south corridor. The flames lick at Echo trying to damage them all, however Bauhdric extends the power of his armour taking the brunt of the flame's damage. (21 damage to everyone in the room, tell Bauhdric how much damage you would've taken and he takes it instead.)

OOC: Will wait on Arthur as he might want to change his turn with this new info, Bauhdric and Rey to post.
Initiative revealed for Echo: Arthur, A.W.B, Blade bots, Rey, Bauhdric, Big Bot.
Initiative Sierra:
Mikhail, J.D.Tsuba, Blade bots, Aleksandra, Claw bots.

In the Satellite

The alien starts to shriek quite loudly. Sierra can see a large ball of blue light starting to erupt from its mouth and eyes. Despite the shrieking Mikhail brings the noisy alien with him down the corridor, J.D. speeds up the process but grabbing it with a gravity well. One of the blade bots runs up to the corridor and notices the Astral terrain, some chatter comes from it's vents and the two others get sent down the other corridor where Aleksandra left to. The claw bots start to dig around the walls seemingly at a faster pace than they would have just trying to bypass the spells.

OOC: Round 3 over, something will happen at the end of Echo's round 3 so wait till then before posting.


Raymond undoes Ghost's restraints and Ghost checks on his person. They disarmed him of all his weaponry, they were probably trying to be cautious of the aggressive alien. A few moments later two aliens with spears come to the cage and poke at the two soldiers with the bottom of the spear. They then open the cage and make a motion to follow.

OOC: Will either of you do anything or just follow?


Arthur Campbell

First Post
OOC: Turn edit:
Arthur's grenade shot will instead be centered on the fire bot, hopefully clipping the blade bot.
He'll still blow the charge, which i think will mean a power 26 hit on Rey.
I took nine damage and kaboom took nine damage though I don't know if Baudric counts him

Ray Ray

First Post
He chucked a little.

"Soldiers don't get breaks, cap'n, unless they're broken limbs. We both know that."

He stood up, stretching slightly.

"Take me to you leader and all that,ey?"

OOC: Giving until tonight for Alexander and Rey to post their turns. If not I'm botting them. From now on to save slow combats I will give everyone a day to post otherwise I'll bot their character for the turn.


OOC: BOT: Alexander and Rey.

The A.W.B that was shooting from the west can't do so anymore. Arthur detects some more are coming to help them out, maybe move the rubble? The A.W.B in the south corridor continues firing, Arthur detects one more has come close enough to begin firing too. His sensors didn't need to tell him this he could hear twice as many shots. Alexander and Rey are both fired upon three times over. However only one shot hits each of them. Alexander again taking the pain. Rey manages to place another barrier on Alexander, Alexander then gives a swift punch to the blade bot he's been attacking destroying it and placing another barrier worth 8 units on himself as he attacks the other blade bot with dishonour's bane. Just in time too as the flame bot sets the place aflame, scorching Echo again. The flames are just as strong as they were before, maybe even stronger. Alexander is looking worse for wear, getting caught in a cooker effectively though he is holding out. None of his squad have been touched yet.

OOC: Flame is 24 damage this time, I have calculated how much damage it would have done to each party member and put the damage onto Alexander. I haven't transferred the damage off of kaboom as I'm still not sure if Alexander considers it 'family' yet. Alexander gains 3 destiny points for getting himself into a detrimental position for his flaw.

Round 3 over.


The two caught are led towards the central area of this shanty town looking place, once reaching the centre there is a sufficiently defended structure. The only tent or building or whatever it is that looks at all defensible in this underground base. There are even guards outside this one as opposed to just near the cages. The two are sat down at a table that has a monitor built in, the pair are seated in front of another type of creature. This one is smaller, though not like the small alien that was clearly a younger variant of the aliens you've been seeing. This one is more bulbous and has 6 legs and no arms. It looks to be maybe the size of a German Shepard or similar dog. The features are similar to the other Taur like aliens, though of course it has no arms instead it's two front legs have two large talons. It is seated on a metal disc that is floating about 3 feet off of the ground. It presents one of it's talons in a sweeping motion, you can guess this is a greeting. It then reaches over and turns on a device in front of it, a screen turns on the group can see many card like shapes with pictures on them. Some of them have symbols or writing as well though they make no sense to you.

The alien on the disc then uses its claw to select some of the cards and they enlarge on the screen. It selects two, a clearly confused alien of their species and a pointing talon at the pair of you. It then waits briefly.

Satellite room

The alien shrieks start to become extremely loud and the party hears what sound like a sonic boom being released from it. A huge circular blue pulse erupts from it's body emanating outwards. As soon as it touches the group the MDAs seem to become alive, parts of the suits are acting on their own.


All the groups see part of a blue circular pulse reach their party and your MDAs kick into gear, reacting and moving faster than they did before.

Team Hisatsu

OOC: And because FUN wouldn't be complete without some buildup music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_Cx4v3SGlw

The suits are bolted into overdrive, each MDA user can hear from their suit: Warning, paksis overload activated blue lines start to weave themselves all over the suits. Epsilon cores seem to grow larger and surround the MDAs in a shell of paksis power. Alpha suits vents upon up and the armour plating start to glow a light hue of blue, the wielders feels strong and more agile. Chi suits scanners start to engulf the user's arm in a blue light the heightens their senses and provide them with that extra push. Each of the MDAs also enters their own unique flair as the suits move in power. Lastly each suit within a close vicinity of each other is connected by a small red string that only the wielders are seeing but to them it feels important.

OOC: Each of you can say what your suits are doing at this point, even the two in the meeting however the ones in the meeting room don't see the thread.

During this Hisatsu which may be triggered once per 'session' per team, each team gains a bonus dependent on how many squad members are within 20 of each other, these buffs last 3 rounds. The party may end the Hisatsu in a finishing attack, any member may trigger it but all members then lose the buff.

Echo: For each member within 20 the squad gains +1 to all attack or m.att and +3 damage rolls, allies may crit on a natural 10-12 during this phase.
Team finisher: one autohit power 25 attack. (+15 power per additional squad member) If bauhdric is in the finisher every party member gains 15 barrier points, if Arthur is in the finisher the attack instead becomes blast 5, if Rey is in the attack all party members roll 3d6 for attack rolls next round, if Raymond is in the finisher all damage rolls next round are overpowering 3.

Sierra: For each member within 20 the squad gains enemies gain -1 to attack and allies gain +3 damage rolls, the enemy may not crit during this phase.
Team finisher: one autohit power 25 attack (+15 power per additional squad member) If Ghost is in the finisher the attack damage ignores all blank damage boxes, If Alexandra is in the party all members can immediately move 6, if Mikhail is in the party the attack becomes blast 5, if J.D. is in the party all party members immediately gain stealth fields and may not be hit for one round following the attack.


As both Ghost and Raymond's MDAs begin to crank into overdrive the alien facing you looks to be just as confused as the card he brought up a moment ago.

Voidrunner's Codex

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