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The long road to Lothilawyr [Updated 7/23]


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The long single file line of people stretched along the muddy trail. Elven pilgrims, in formerly white robes, each carrying a glowing blue orb solemnly processed through the dark forest of Miriaw. Dispersed among the pilgrims were the Clerics of Larethian. The blue trim of their white cloaks matching the blue of their glowing orbs which reflected off the longswords hanging at their waists.

Following the fifty or so pilgrims was a less organized bunch. Five merchant's wagons lumbered along behind the procession. around them were ten people, some on horse back, some trudging through the mud.

One horse in particular seemed to glow white against the darkened forest backdrop. On it sat a stunningly beautiful human woman. She talked quietly with one of the other mounted travelers, A wizard by the look of him carrying a large staff and with a small dragon sitting on the horn of his saddle.

Ciramar and Arsindis almost couldn't remember why they were traveling between Pirin and Lothilawyr. It seems like weeks since they had left and they were only into their third day of the five day journey. Traveling with the pilgrims had seemed like a good idea but the pilgrims were only slowing them down. Though there is definitely safety in numbers, especially while traveling through Miriaw Forest.

The journey is miserable, It hadn't stopped raining since they left and often it is pouring or hailing. The veteran pilgrims and Clerics of Larethian said that once they entered Miriaw Forest that the trees would give some protection from the rain but it hasn't seemed to make a difference yet. Plus the mud in the forest seems to have gotten worse. The pilgrims and clerics seem thrilled or at least seem to enjoy their misery.

After eight hours of slogging through the mud and rain the caravan ground to a halt by an enormous flat rock about 1/2 a mile square that protruded a foot from the ground. Vinduil the cleric in charge of the Pilgrimage relays a story of the first pilgrimage over 1000 years ago when the pilgrims were desperately mired in the mud and needed solid ground to camp on. Larethian forced this rock to the surface for the pilgrims to sleep on. Looks like it will be another uncomfortable night. Damp, windy but at least tonight it will not be muddy.

Some of the other pilgrims talk about the stories of the healing properties of the rock and that those who need guidence have been given it while mediataing on the rock.

Again tonight Ciramar and Arsindis set up camp with the three other travelers, five adventurers and ten merchants, traveling with the pilgrims. The pilgrims set up a second, larger, camp circle and the guards fan out around the rocks. Everyone eats and gets comfortable as the hidden sun makes it's way toward the horizon.

The fire keeps the darkness back at the edges of the tents. Thankfully the rain has subsided to almost a drizzle. Ciramar sits at the thresh-hold to his tent reading his spell book covering it with his body when the rain blows in. Eventually he puts it away and stares into the fire. Arsindis lays on her stomach studying their other traveling companions. Her horse stands next to her tent ignoring the lean-to that she set up for him.

A few tents down, Koirin the Dwarven fighter is complaining about the conditions. "whose idea was this trip anyway?"

Iseria the female elven wizard, and apparent leader of the group leans out of her tent and says. "We have to be in Eowithrandil before the winter solstice and it will only get colder until then. Plus there will be snow"

"Don't remind me. I didn't leave the Guran plains because I liked snow."

"And keep it down," she smiled, "you'll wake the pilgrims . . . again"

"I'll be the first one to drown out here. Remember that. Then who'll save you're sorry ***es time and time again?"

Raran the elven ranger and Iseria's husband climbs out of the tent they share. ". . .Just use that hollow tube of water breathing I made for you"

The dwarf only grumbled under his breath, then gruffly says, "Goodnight . . . and don't you and your brother sing too loud. elven singing is bad for dwarven ears." then he closed the flaps of his tent.

Iseria sat back. "I'm turning in now too."

"I'll join you shortly." Raran replied, obviously lying, Sithran, Raran's brother, climbed out of his tent. He was taller than Raran by almost a foot and seems less graceful than the other elves they camped with, but the family resemblence was still there. He opened a case and removed a beautiful lute that seemed to repel the rain. He sat next to the fire and began strumming the lute. Raran sits down next to him and they begin to sing elven songs and songs of their adventures.

As they sing the quiet human with the rapier who has yet to introduce himself to Ciramar or Arsindis, but they have heard the others call him Esdor, comes out of his tent and sits next to Sithran. He hands the brothers metal tankards and then produces a bottle of fine elven wine which he uncorks with his dagger. "One of Ménadir's finest vintages. 1089. He wasn't going to drink it." He smiles devilishly and fills each tankard, he hold out the bottle and says "To Eowithrandil"

They repeat the toast "To Eowithrandil" They each take a drink, Esdor finishing half of what remained in the bottle. The elves begin singing again. Esdor taps his foot to the music and makes a comment about Koirin snoring in time to the music. Both Ciralan and Arsindis fall asleep listening to the soothing music.

Near the Edge of the clearing created by the rock of Larethian, a large cloaked figure stands watching the campsights near the center of the rock. A second large figure steps from the shadows and joins the first.

"We have eliminated the 4 guards on this side of the camp. . . what is that noise?"

"The elves are singing. they sing of the defeat of our brethren"

"It is an awful noise. it comes from the second camp."


"I will lead half of our men and kill those elves"

"No. the plan does not change. We came for their yearly offering. You and your men will attack the southren edge of the large camp."

"I will wait for your signal"

The two figures melted back into the forest.
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First Post
Hello all. While we are on hiatus from the adventures of Dru and Di'Fier. (we are waiting for 3.5e) I am running an adventure for Dru and Dr. N. We had our first session last night. The above story is the teaser introduction that I e-mailed to the players.

Dr. N is playing Ciramar a Wizard5/Guild Mage of Waterdeep 3. Dru is playing Arsindis an asamar Rogue1/Paladin 6.

hope you enjoy it.


First Post
Arsindis Awakens suddenly. She can hear yelling and the sounds of a fight coming from the pilgrims' camp. She grabs her long sword and shield and throws open the flaps to her tent. Sithran runs past the front of her tent, carrying a longsword and a shield, heading toward the other campsight.

Raran is in his tent trying to rouse Iseria. "wake up, we are under attack."

It has stopped raining but a thick fog hangs over the forrest. Visibility is poor; the other campsite is obscured by the fog but the sounds of fighting allows Arcindis to easily pick out it's location.

As she runs past Ciramar's tent she yells, "wake up Ciramar." She hears Koirin still snoring in his tent and yells to wake him too. She notices that Esdor's Tent is empty.

Ciramar Awakens as Arsindis passes his tent Yelling something. He summons his nexus to his hand and Looks over to Lithindhoran his pseudodragon familiar who is still sleeping. "wake up" He puts on his bracers and steps out of his tent. Raran is running toward the other campsite and disappears into the fog. he hears the unique sounds of archana as Iseria cast's mage armor. They run together toward the sounds of battle.

Arsindis and Sithran see the large cloaked figures at the same time. They are standing at the edge of the pilgrims camp burning tents all around them. In their midst is Eshdor surrounded and dancing around their axes, but bleeding from a nasty head wound. Both Arsindis and Sithran attack the unsuspecting figures. Arsindis's longsword cuts deeply into the shoulder of the closest one he screams out and she recognizes his as an orc. Sithran's longsword cuts into another's side. Raran appears charging out of the mists. he is weilding two short swords, with one of he slices into a third orc.

Ciramar sees the battle he halts and begins calling to bring forth celestial bears to fight for him. He hears a single word as slicky green bolt of energy flys forth from behind him where Iseria is. She passes him and heads toward the orcs.

The orc's turn and attack the newcomers. One burrying an axe into arsindis' leg. Raran and Esdor are also struck. A stone mace weilding Orc charges Ciramar but misses the chanting mage. Ciramar sees a holy symbol hanging around his neck but is to busy casting to recognize it.

Arsindis calls forth the power of good and cleaves through the chin shirt of the orc that just hit her and he crumbles to the ground.
as Esdor steps away from his attacker and fishes for something in his shirt. Raran and sithran both slamb into their opponents with little effect.

A celestial bear appears behind the Orc cleric and tears into its back. then Ciramar raises his hand and fires a sickly green bolt into the face of the orc who staggers back in pain. The orc attacking Iseria catches fire as a flaming ball appears at his feet.

Eshdor is propelled to the ground as an axe impacts his shoulder. He stays their unmoving. Ciramar is clocked by the stone mace of the cleric. Raran takes another blow and looks to be barely standing.

The fog is closing in with visibility down to 15 feet. the campsite beyond is totally obscured.

Arsindis and Sithran team up on one orc who Drops after recieving blows from both of them. Raran stumbles back and pulling a wand from his belt issues the command word and touches it to his fallen comrad. Some of Esdor's wounds close but he remains uncontious. Ciramar fires a bolt of white energy at the cleric who stumbles back as a celestial badger appears and attacks him from one side as the celestial bear tears into him from the other. finally as the acid eats away the skin of his face the orc cleric falls. The flaming sphere jumps up and smacks into the orc that it had hit before and finally the dwarven fighter comes charging into the fray but his blow glances off the only uninjured orc's armor. Ciramar's Familiar alights on his shoulder.

The orc returns the blow to Koirin but with better effect. The one on fire moves away to be out of the fire and charges at the caster but having his attack bounce off her mage armor.

Visibility is terrible It is impossible to see anything that isn't right in front of you. Still Arsindis is able to find Raran and lays her hands on his back sending her healing energy into him. He then reaches into the mist with his wand and Arsindis hears Esdor stir. then sees the rogue still bleading profusly making his way past her towards their camp.

A Scream erupts from the only source of light, the flaming sphere which then winks out. Ciramar casts shield on his familar and then listens to know what is going on. He hears Koirin yell "take that you ***tard" and then all is quiet except for the sounds of grunts and footsteps.

Lithindhoran jumps from his shoulder and heads for the sounds of the nearest orc but cannot find him in the fog. Arsindis whistles to the Orc that cannot be more than ten feet infront of her and wait for him to appear. Ciramar tries accesses the guild spellpool and retrieves gust of wind.

The orc Appears out of the swhirling mist but Arsindis is ready for him and he is impaled on her sword. She pushes him off as she hears Ciramar yell "Arsindis, where are you?"

She responds, as she hears what can only be orcish swearing and the swoosh of an axe attacking the air.

Ciramar arrives where Arsindis is waiting. He turns toward the pilgrims camp and casts gust of wind blowing a long narrow corridor of wind in the fog. The camp is decimated there are bodies of Elves and Orcs littering the ground. It only a small area of the camp but they do not hear anything else.

Ciramar yells, " is anyone out there. They hear responces from all around them but Raran's voice is the closest.

"Over here"

"then his brother Yells, "Raran Stay put"

Lithindhoran returns to Ciramar and he deceides to cast detect magic to see if the fog is magical. it is not but something small out where they were fighting is. Arsindis detects evil but ony the remainng orc shows up as evil and as she is watching him he collapses.

"he collapsed"

"Lithindhoran's venom." Lithindhoran takes off agian and then Ciramar says "the fog is at least 60 feet high." his familiar soon returns to his shoulder.

Arsindis Yells, "Raran where are you?"

his responce "We have returned to camp" sounds like he is alot further away than the 100 or so feet that the camp should be from their current location.

"Keep talking." Arsindis responds, "so we can follow your voice. seconds later Sithran's voice is hear singing a song of reunification. But it sounds like he is walking away from them. "your'e going in the wrong direction." But now it sounds like he is moving off even faster. "stop"

Ciramar stops concentrating and begins casting the spel he gleaned from the guild spellpool. locate object. he located his spell book and with Arsindis in tow heads toward it. As they travel Sithran's songs gets further and further away untill they cannon hear it anymore. "I do not like this"


First Post
The night was spent in with an odd sense of anticipation. The fog kept them from seeing anything more than inches from their faces. Eventually Ciramar stopped yelling for the other campers.

"We will just have to wait until the fog clears." reasoned Arsindis.

Cirmar Agreed and sat down at the front of his tent and stared into the fire. Neither could get to sleep.

The morning sun slowly burned off the remaining fog. The fact that the sun wasn't obscured buy the autumn clouds wasn't the biggest surprise. The campsites were gone. Arsindis's and Ciramar's tents and gear remained but the rest of tents, wagons, horses, people and even fires were no longer there.

"Well the rock of Larethian is still below our feet" Said Ciramar
"But everything else is different." Arsindis pointed to the trees appearing as the mist dissipated. "look those trees are not like any I've ever seen before." The trees were different. They were much thinner with straight green trunks and slightly darker green rings around the them every few feet or so. The branches were all at the top and were thin with pointy leaves. Ciramar called out for their companions again. and again got no response.

Soon the fog was gone. It was a beautiful day. The birds sang a light wind blew through the trees and only a few clouds dotted the sky. Ciramar picked up a large stone and magically inscribed it with his mark. He left it in a prominent place on the great flat rock.

"The trail seems to follow the same curve as the one in Miriaw forest. It is like we are in the same location but in a different place." observed Arcindis.

"Then perhaps we should follow the trail to where Lothilawyr should be."

"I don't see any reason to stay here."

They finished loading up their gear. Ciramar used a scroll of mount and summoned a horse and Arsindis climbed onto her mount. They continued along the trail in the direction the had been going the day before. after traveling about a mile they came to a fork in the road. There was a sign post at the fork. On it were symbols that they did not understand but there were 4 arrows and they recognized the numbers next to them. back the direction they came was the number 61. the right fork had two arrows pointing along it with the number's 10 & 22 to the left was the number 45.

"I don't remember a fork in the road to Lothilawyr." said Ciramar "which way do we go?"

"They both lead to the west. if these number's are miles perhaps we should go to the right. the destinations are much closer."

"I agree."

And after Ciramar created an arrow and his mark out of stones, they set off along the trail again. after 2 hours Ciramar's Mount dissipated and their pace slowed. Soon after that they came to a huge cliff.

"It appears that we are standing on a large plateau, there wasn't a near Lothilawyr"
The Whole area had features that were different. They were standing on the edge of a plateau. Fifty feet below them were the tops of the tree of the continuing forest. the forest stretched as far as they could see. there was a mountain to the right with a narrow river that flowed between it and the plateau. Straight ahead and toward the horizon was a Large Village "Perhaps we should head for the village."

But Arsindis was staring at the mountain. She pointed to a something about half way up "there is an enormous building on the side of that mountain."

Ciramar looked. A large building jutted from the rocks if the slim ribbon that followed the side of the mountain and extended from the forest floor to the base of the building were stairs or a trail the building was indeed huge.
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Jon Potter

First Post
Di'Fier, you might want to post a message pointing here in the various Freeport threads. I found this story hour only by accident and I'm sure there are other fans of the Pittsburgh crew that would want to read this.

Just don't do what some other story hour writers from your neck of the woods have done and leave us hanging with our heroes facing off against a defiant would-be goddess mermaid and you'll keep me coming back to read more. :p


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Well . . . update schedule . . . . um yeah. :eek:

We've played one session. I'm about half way through it. We didn't play last friday but we should play this friday. I hope to have finished last sessions update before we play again.


First Post
The building was a beautiful white stone. It had mulitipule levels each slightly smaller than the one below with deep grey hipped roofs that extended far out from the wall below.

"What do you supose it is?" ask Ciramar.

" I don't know. Do we head towards it or away from it. " Wonder Arsindis.

"Well, If the stairs are any indication the building is very large but the inhabitants are small enough to climb the stairs."

" True."

". . .or the inhabitant can fly and the stairs are for the delivery of its food. "

"well if my guesses are correct the base of the mountain where the stairs go down is the 10 that appeared on the road sign the 22 is the village beyond."

". . . There are no windows in the building either. that is not a . . . Hey look there is another set of buildings. follow the stairs about three quarters of the way between the base of the mountain and the temple. They look much more hospitabe. There are openings and I can see a door. perhaps we should make our way to the vilage. and find out what this building is before we check it out."

"I think that is a good idea but we had better hurry you no longer have a horse. it may be well past dark untill we arrive at the village."

They started down the switch back that took them down the face of the plateau. At the bottom the trail aimed straignt at the base of the mountain where the stairs came down.

As they walked the sun reached its peak in the sky and began it's slow daily decent toward the horizion. They walked for hours occaisonly catching glimpses of the temple above them through openings in the trees. When Arsindis guessed that they were about a mile from the base of the stairs they came to their first signs of use. A tall gateway, made of peirs of the tall trees lashed together.with a cross piece inserceting the path. The piers each supported a large flag pole with a black 8 foot tall 4 foot wide flage with 4 white and black circles on it, in a diamond shape.

"they appear to have a picture of fire, a wave, a gust of wind, and a mountian."

"The four elements"

"I believe so"

beyond the gate evey at 50 foot intervals are shorter flag poles topped with smaller red flags. Each flag has the black and white symbol of fire. Staggered evenly between the flags are five foor tall brazers. Many have spent coals but a few coals still glow and produce heat.

They continue along the trail which has widened slightly or at least is maintained to keep the surrounding forest back. After traveling about a quarter of a mile they see 2 lashed bamboo towers flanking the trail. standing atop the left one is a man in bright red armor with the symbol for fire on the chest plate. below the armor he wears a short black robe, a pair of black knee length trousers and his legs are wrapped in black cloth. He is wearing a wide, black, flat conical hat. He is armed with a bow but while it is obvious that he has seen them the bow is not aimed and an arrow not knocked. He says something and a man sits up on the second tower he streaches slightly and stands replacing the conical hat on his head.

"well they seem friendly enough, tho I wonder what language they speak"

As they approach the towers they notice two more similarly atired guards at the base of the towers. Each has an large spear but with the blade of a sword at the tip. The towers are situated on a stone platform. On the platform are 4 stone statues of what look like a cross between a lion and a dog. Between the statues are 2 lit braziers.

The guards watch the travelers with some curosity but do not make any moves to stop them.

Ciramar looks to one with the large spear. "Good day"

"Good day." comes the responce in perfect common.

"Have any other travelers come this way, they would have been dressed similar to us, a human, three elves and a dwarf."

"there have been no travelers from Hosan Village or beyond for days."

"What is this place"

"Ah" he smiles, "you have arrived at the Temple of the elements."

"is there a place we can stay the night?"

"Yes, there is a place to stay below the temple."

" Are there stables for my horse?"

There is a stable in the gate house."

"Thank you." Arsindis and Cirmar both respond and then they continue toward the base of the stairs.

beyond the guard post are pale grey flags with the symbol for air.

The pattern repeats. Flags and braziers for about a quarter mile followed by a guard post.

After air is Water with the theme color blue. And then earth, dark grey. The guards at each station are similar except that they wear the color of their elements and with the element symbol on the chest.

As they travel between the air and water gates 2 bald men were working their way along the trail. They each wear a short red robe and red knee length trousers. around their wasits they wear a black belt. On the back of the robe in black and on the belt in red are embroidered the symbol for fire. They are pulling a large cart full of black stones. They place a few in each brazier and then pour a strong smelling liguid on the rocks. They light them with torches.

After the Earth gate the flags are black and have all 4 elements on them, like the big flags at the begining.

After traveling about a quarter of a mile Arsindis and Ciramar arrive at what must be the gatehouse. The flags continue past the gatehouse and a second earth gate can be seen beyond.

As they approach both notice that they are glowing a soft white light.

"we are glowing" noticed Arsindis

"it appears to be a alignment detection spell eminating from the braziers in fornt of the building. I wouldn't be worried, the guards and those two men are glowing white as well."

The gate house is a 2 story stone building with a beautiful green tiled hipped roof. there are large wooden doors that are open into a chamber with arrow slots in the walls and a second set of doors, beyond, which are also open, that lead to the base of the stairs which you can see. There are two towers and four braziers arcoss the trail from the gate house.

Flanking the entrance are two more of the statues. These are larger and definitly lions though they are puffy, frilly lions that look very mean. There are 4 guards outside each has black armor with all four symbols.

There are two bald men just outside the doors. One is dressed like the men lighting the braziers on the trail. The other man is similarly dress similarly but he wears a black outfit with no symbols.

The man in all black step up "welcome to the Temple of the elements"

"May we beg loging for the night?" Ask Ciramar.

"You need not beg, the loging is freely given for any who travel along this highway."

"Thank you."

"I will show you there myself. Akira wait here for the lighters. There are stables in the gatehouse." He turns and walks into the gate house. Ciramar and Arsindis follow him.


Ciramar's Journal

Day Four - the road between Pirin and Lothilawyr (?)

I am disturbed. The events of the past night are like nothing I have experienced - or heard of in my readings. (scratched out: Not for the first time, I somewhat regret my choice to pursue the path of conjurer rather than Loremaster.) An unworthy thought.

I was awakened by the sounds of fighting - some bestial creatures were attacking the pilgrim's camp. Why they chose to pitch their camp so far from those who could protect them, I do not know, but their guards gave no warning until the attack started.

During the battle, a fog arose. I was certain at the time that our attackers had called it to hide their movements, but that no longer appears to be the case - my investigations proved that it did not bear the distinctive traces of the conjuration magic that would be used for such a thing. It seems to have a confusing effect on the mind, as we called out to our companions but they moved away from us. Only by incurring a small debt to the spellpool was I able to lead Arsindis and I back to the camp.

The sun is barely visible through the fog - a change from the overcast clouds of the past month or more - but we can no longer hear the others at all.

I wonder if I have somehow incurred the wrath of Shardik Bearlord? When I called upon his aid according to the ancient compact, he sent only one of his children. Perhaps he knew it would be sufficient, or perhaps I have unwittingly offered offense. Oh, for my books!


The fog has lifted. The rest of the camp is gone, and we seem to have been transported to another place - or, if my fears are true, another time, for the rock of Larethian is the same beneath our feet. Arsindis and I have decided to continue on our way to Lothilawyr, or whatever lies the direction that the road runs - reasoning that roads connect two points, and one direction is as good as the other. Without a full night's rest, I cannot replenish my spells, but neither of us wish to remain here for so long a time.
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