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The Mésalliance. Part 2. (Updated 11/28)

I'm wondering if Iua will used against Eadric and the others to spy on their plans. Should be interesting to see how Iua is used by her possessor.

I'm even more interested in how the possessor handles the situation with ortwin hehe.... The way things go he'll even fall in love again with his now possessed wife haha.

And I can't wait to see Mostin go and revel in destruction, this is gonna be mindnumbing how he's gonna rip that plane apart.

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There is one question that hasn't been asked yet:

What does Nwm have up his sleeve? For some reason I see Nwm showing up as The Green's representative in this battle and absolutely chewing bubble gum and kicking butt; and he's almost out of gum.

Sep, does your wife know that people worship you? :D


Normally I don't bother chiming in with the normal course of shocked awe at Sep's posts. He already knows how we feel about his posts, but this one is intense and very deep. This sounds like a conflict to rival or surpass that at the end of Stormbringer. I am definitely going to have to go back and re-read this a few times to try and understand everything that's going on. I'll probably need to go re-read the Compiled thread as well.

PS: Sep I originally just intended it as a joke, but what would the coffee/tea breakdown be between demons and devils? For some reason, I'll dying to find out your views on it.
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First Post
[Eadric]: Will you exercise restraint?
[Mostin]: I doubt it.
[Eadric]: Can you exercise restraint? Is it within your nature?
[Mostin]: I don't know. I've never tried, and have no plans to.
[Eadric]: Your lack of moral responsibility concerns me.
[Mostin]: A surfeit of it would concern me more. I abide by certain…axioms…Eadric, which you cannot hope to comprehend. You can rest assured that within your own framework, I am completely mad.
[Eadric]: And within yours?
[Mostin]: I am utterly pedestrian. There are things far madder than I.

Hehe. There can be no cooler D&D character than Mostin.

Baron Opal

First Post
Oh, yes... I live for moments like this. As a player, to exercise the awesome powers at my character's command. As a referee, to see the forces arrayed against the players and to wonder what they will do.

Two questions come to mind, however. What is Nwm's player doing? I understand that some downtime for the character is necesitated for his goals. I hope that he still had the opportunity to play in what must have been an exciting battle with exciting consequences.

Secondly, how did you prepare for this, Sep? I see that you had two of the three strike teams contain PCs. That lets one operate conviently "off camera". Still there is one NPC on each team, several summoned minions, and a few hordes in the background. I ask because a war is brewing in my homebrew, and while the PCs aren't nearly as powerful or influential, they are going to be in the conflict at key points. Any rule sets used, or was it more of an analysis of who did what and the consequences thereof?

Baron Opal


First Post

During the reading of this story hour I've become more and more interested in sonneillon, so I decided to read up on the sonneillon of legend who sep's version probably is based on. There was only one minor problem. After a through google search, I came to the conclusion that there is almost nothing known about sonneillon. All I was able to find was this:

- it (sources differ wether sonneillon was a he or a she) was once of the order of thrones, before the fall.
- sonneillon is seen as the demon of hatred. "In Father Sebastien Machaelis's (one of the more famous exorcists) hierarchy of devils, Beelzebub is responsible for pride, Sonneillon for hatred."

And that's about all. There was no wikipedia entry. Which brings me to my request, to all of you...

Would you, reader of sepulchrave's awesome story hour (and sep himself) be so kind to contribute all that you know about sonneillon so we can set up a reliable wikipedia entry? Then, when a future reader tries to do some background reading, he/she will at least find more than I found :)

Also, any other information about demons/devils you could share is greatly appreciated (by me at least). I find it an interesting subject at the moment, and try to read as much about it as I can.

Also, great update :D
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gloomymarshes said:
Would you, reader of sepulchrave's awesome story hour (and sep himself) be so kind to contribute all that you know about sonneillon so we can set up a reliable wikipedia entry? Then, when a future reader tries to do some background reading, he/she will at least find more than I found :)

IIRC, we discussed Soneillon in some detail in the Rogues Gallery thread at http://www.enworld.org/forums/showthread.php?t=5652 (but, it may have been not long after she appeared in the SH too....).

Also, any other information about demons/devils you could share is greatly appreciated (by me at least). I find it an interesting subject at the moment, and try to read as much about it as I can.

That depends on what kinds of information you're looking for, gloomymarshes: D&D info about demons/devils, or general occult info about them.


grodog said:
What was the piece of obsidian looted along with the web of motes (in the hands of demons---ick!!!)???
Figurine of Wondrous power: Obsidian Horse, I’m guessing. Ironic, isn't it (the figurine has a 10% chance each use of taking any good alinged rider who tries to use it and plane shifting to a lower plane).


aurin777 said:
I was never able to find the reality maelstrom spell anywhere. Does anyone know where Sep got it from? And as always, the updates never cease to impress me.

It's from MotP. A bit overpowered for a 7th level spell methinks.


Olive said:
It's from MotP. A bit overpowered for a 7th level spell methinks.
I don't have a huge problem with it, myself. It's like phantasmal killer where it has a double save to negate the effect (though only a single will save in the primary AoE), PCs don't get treasure for the creatures they toss into some other plane (and against the kind of things you expect to be dealing with at 7th level being sent to a random plane isn't a big deal half the time) and the Area is way too friggin huge to be usefull in a small scale encounter.

It's only really gamebreaking in a very large scale battle, or one thar starts off at a rather long range...

I had a question for Sepulchrave, though... I'm guessing you house rulled that Vorpal swords can sever a silver cord like a Githyanki silver sword? It looks like the gith may not be in your cosmoligy, for one thing (we've seen both the astral and limbo and no gith, though both are just a lot of wasted space anyway). Likewise I'm guessing that a simple mind blank won't protect against this, unlike a `yanki sword?

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