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The Malazan Book of the Fallen: The Burning of Kindle

Voda Vosa

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Helicrates can't hide the disgust of the image the bone witch displays with her foul powers. He sheathes his sword and envelopes himself in his robe again, the cursed glow of his armor hidden behind the thick cloak.
"Let's move on, these corpses won't hurt us now." he says, glancing one last time to the skeletal remains of the attackers.

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Durzo slips of the shadows to wave at his companions, to signal that he is continuing to scout ahead. He slips back into the shadows again and leads the way.


Durzo Stern CS


First Post
"My house lies less than a bell from here" says Candour, stepping over the skeletal remains of your attackers, "I am grateful for your assistance, servants of Goble Fenn...I trust he rewards you appropriately.."
Seeming to note Helicrates discomfort, Candour's head snaps round and looks at the warrior.
"How curious, cursed warrior, that you are horrified that my power takes something of another's life, when....." her rasping voice drifts off, as though distracted, "Further warren's open this night...Telas, Meanas, Rashan, many others....all coated with the breath of ash...."
The witch strides on.
Durzo has slipped into the shadows once more, invisible to all but the most perceptive sight.


First Post
Musings on Kindle

"It had long been noted that the Houses of Kindle were frequently wrapped up in their squabbles, perhaps to the detriment of Kindle itself, with the exception of the House of Blades who were often the 'tool' used to bring such arguments to an end.
The House of Wyrd and the House of Faith clashed, frequently. Master Glim, a mage of Serc - master of his Warren no less, and an astute scholar - lead the House of Wyrd and fashioned it into an organised cadre of sorcerers, claiming the sorcerous protection and proliferation of Kindle as their domain. This was an area that oft times, it was felt, overlapped with the House of Faith's claim to caretakers of the spiritual needs of Kindle's citizens. The triumvirate that leads the House of Faith: Phaedra Vo, High Priestess of Soliel, Kirrium, solitary priest of the elder god Mael and Saska Vo, perhaps the only Demidrek on the continent. That only three deities were represented in the House's leadership was not the only oddity, add to that the twin Vo sisters who lead opposing aspects: The Goddess of Healing and The Worm of Autumn.
The House of Coins - led by the Traders Council - and House of Manners - under the guidance of the Daru-sen Dynasty - suffered in a similar fashions, rich merchants bringing themselves to equal footing with those of noble ancestry. The Terraces, once the noble district of Kindle, were now home to merchant's estates and mansions. The House of Manners lost more and more of its footing to the House of Coins with each passing year, as trade routes prospered and goods flooded the markets of Kindle.
One wonders, amidst these struggles, if the Houses ever found time to govern fair Kindle? It is for this reason, perhaps, that the residents of Kindle confessed the guilty secret of welcoming the attention of Empress Laseen. Kindle was not Pale, subject to a magocracy nor was it Darujhistan, rich and powerful and old. What would the Malazans bring? Order. They would make Kindle a city that worked. As is usual for the Empire, Laseen's Claw would enter the city and offer the local assassins contracts for all the current leaders with the intention of leaving one faction in power. In this case, the House of Blades would be the one that remained. An interesting possibility, is it not? A city ruled by assassins? A city of order, none the less."

'Musings on Kindle' Sarielle, Mistress-Librarian of the Scholar's Stoop Library, House of Wyrd.

[sblock=OOC]This is just some background info, I tend to throw it in now and then for...well..fun. It's bearing on the events the characters experience is...variable...:p[/sblock]
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Durzo scouts the immediate area of their route and then returns to the group to report that the way is clear for now. He asks Candour, "Did you recognize these attackers?" They he proceeds to search the bodies for anything interesting as well as valuables.

<<Since we finished mucking about on my character sheet, I decided to search the bodies since we are stalling out.>>


Durzo Stern CS

Walking Dad

First Post
Teth (Tough +6, Fort +7, Reflex +, Will +11; Defense +4)

Moves next to the bone witch: "Can you sense a direction where the warrens opened?"


Warren Telas (35 PP):

Blast (Fire, Autofire, Penetrating) +4 (16 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Line) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Cone) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Obscure (smoke) (smell and sight, Selective) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Fire Control +8 (1 PP)
AP: Environmental Control (Heat, Light) (Independent, Total Fade) +5 (1 PP)

Immunity Fire (10 PP) (already active)
Strike (Aura, Fire) +4 (4 PP)


First Post
A toothy smile flutters across Candour's cracked lips.
"Questions, questions, questions" she rasps, and then nods her head in the direction of the woman's remains, "That one and her friend were Cutters, from the House of Blades, low-ranking assassins...learning their craft at best but...."
The witch turns, to stand over the man Durzo shot. She kneels beside him, skeletal hands hovering over the still form, fluttering but never touching.
"This one...this one is not of Kindle...as I said.." her voice drifts off, her head cocks to one side "A Malazan...an servant of the Empire...a Claw"

[sblock=Durzo]Your search of the bodies reveals three throwing knives on the remains of the attack who tried to run away, the woman was carrying a crossbow with a further five bolts and a long knife. The man, still intact save for your arrow sticking out of his chest, was carrying a pair of small daggers and an amulet which consists of a black, smoky stone wrapped in a small metal cage.
Would you make a Notice check for me?[/sblock]

"The warrens, wizard?" Candour murmurs, still leaning over the body of the Claw, "All around and everywhere, the Terraces, House's Argument...there have been other deaths this night...we should hurry to my house"


First Post
[sblock=Durzo]The bolts and long knife the woman was carrying are slick with something, not blood, but there is some sort of liquid coating on the bolts and blade. These items and the knives would fetch a couple of Houses in the market, to the right buyer.[/sblock]

As the midnight bell begins to ring, Candour leads you all past the ruined wall that marks the limits of Kindle. The cobbled street has given way to a simple dirt track that blends into the plains to the east of the city. The houses here are more like ramshackle huts, hastily built it seems but left in place by the residents. The Plainsview District is aptly named, as the Rhivi Plains stretch out beyond the rough huts.
Candour's house is furthest from the city wall, a simple affair of stone and thatch. Clustered by the warped wooden door and shattered stones are candles, wax dried on in pale yellow puddles around them.
As the witch approaches, three candles sputter into life to produce a sickly glow.
"There are sleeping mats inside, if you wish to rest, else these houses.." the witch gestures at the few huts closest to her house, "..are empty"
Stepping to the threshold, Candour turns to look back.
"There are things I must do this night, Fenn will not expect you to return to him until the morning...so do as you wish"
The witch opens her door and disappears inside, the candles outside her door remain lit. Despite the breeze, the flames remain still.

Voidrunner's Codex

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