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The Maruts of Hindu Legend

The Maruts of Hindu Legend.

Marut (large outsider, chaotic, extraplanar)
aliases: Maha-Richis, Mountain Crushers or Rudras
HD: 22d8 + 220 (396hp)
Initiative: +8(+4 improved initiative)
Speed: 40ft., fly speed120ft (average)
AC: 49(10 + 4dex –1 size +15 natural + 12 armor + 9 deflection) touch 22 flat-footed 45
BAB/ Grapple: +22/+37
Attack: + 5 lightning blast Huge heavy mace +43 + 3d6 electric damage melee (2d8 + 27 + 3d6 electric damage/19-20/x2 ) or 1 claw + 33 melee or unarmed + 38 melee
Full attack: + 5 lightning blast Huge heavy mace +43/+38/+33/+28 + 3d6 electric damage melee (2d8 + 27 + 3d6 electric damage/19-20/x2 ) and 1 claws + 33 melee or unarmed + 38/+38/+38/+33/+28 melee
Space/reach: 10ft/10ft
Special attacks: Marut’s Cry, Mountain Crusher, spell-like abilities
Special qualities: DR 20/ magic and adamantine, darkvision 60ft, fast healing 15, immune to disease and poison (DC 30 or below)SR 32
Saves: fort+29, ref+22, will+30
Abilities: str32 dex19 con30 int21 wis20 cha29
Skills: balance+18, bluff+26, climb+25, concentration+23, diplomacy+17, handle animal+15, heal+20, intimidate+28, jump+26, knowledge(religion)+22, listen+21, search+21, sense motive+21, speak language+20, survival+24, swim+22, tumble+17
Feats: combat expertise, dodge, mobility, spring attack, whirlwind attack, power attack, cleave, great cleave, improved initiative, improved unarmed strike, improved grapple, weapon focus (mace), weapon specialization (mace), greater weapon focus (mace), greater weapon specialization (mace)
Environment: Swarga(Limbo)
Organization: group (3-5 maruts)
CR: 21
Treasure: triple standard
Alignment: any chaotic
Advancement: 23-35 (large), 36-55(huge)
Level adjustment:

Before you stands a handsome Hindu man standing 10 ft. tall. His eyes glow like a pair of shiny topazes. He is muscular, with bronze skin. His hair is black and wavy. The armor he wears is golden. It has an elaborate design, and is encrusted with many topaz gems. A shimmering golden cape flows freely behind him. His hand has pointy, pearly-white nails that are hard and as sharp as a diamond. In his hand he holds his massive golden mace which cackles furiously with electricity.

These are the spawn of the chaotic Rudra. He and his consort, Riti, plotted to overthrow Indra. Once impregnated, she remained pregnant for 100 years. When the time came to give birth, Indra was there to prevent this abomination from being born. He hurled a thunderbolt at Riti’s womb and shattered it. This action caused the fetus to be splintered into many pieces. This gave birth to the destructive Maruts, or storm gods. Just then, the Maruts grew to full size within in seconds and attacked Indra. Indra managed to defeat them. Rudra knew Indra would have his head for this betrayal, so he offered them to Indra as attendants and bodyguards. Indra accepted and took the strongest of them and left the rest with Rudra.

Maruts are known to use their amazing strength and size to crush mountains. They are always chaotic and love to destroy things. They are the bringers of wind, the fellers of trees, and the crushers of mountains. Maruts are usually found mostly in Limbo, standing guard at the gates of Indra’s palace, Swarga. They stand 10ft. tall and weigh 700 pounds.

Combat: Maruts charge into battle with their massive maces raised high. They get in close and pummel their foes to death. If the battle is not in their favor, then they’ll take flight and make good use of their spell-like abilities.

Marut’s Cry(ex):Maruts can let loose a disastrous yell which sounds like 100 claps of thunder. It deals 20d6 sonic damage in a 90ft cone. Reflex save DC(10 + ½ HD + cha bonus) halves damage. You must then succeed on a Fortitude save DC (10 + ½ HD + cha bonus) or be deafened for (5 + cha bonus) rounds.

Mountain Crusher(ex): A marut is so strong it can produce mountain crushing blows.
While using this ability, the marut gains the following:
· + 10 bonus to strength
· any bludgeoning weapon it wields has triple the threat range.
· successful criticals deal damage as if it was improved by one step. Example: x2-x3
This effect lasts for (con bonus +1d4)rounds. Afterwards, it cannot be used for another

Spell-like abilities(ex): CL 22nd level. DC 19 + spell level
At will- chaos hammer, dispel law, magic circle against law, shatter, gust of wind, call lightning, ice storm, cure serious wounds, bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, lightning bolt

3/day- storm of vengeance, power word kill, bigby’s crushing hand

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