The Mean Streets

Alrighty folks, here we go.

We can talk about what sort of d20 Modern we are going to do here. Right now, we've got one vote for Mean Streets, let's give it a couple of days for people to speak up for preferences, then we'll go from there.
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I'll wait to form up something more solid until after we settle on what type of adventure we'll be doing, but right now I'm thinking of going for either a Fast Military (Navy SEAL) on leave in Chicago to visit family. Excels at demolition and swimming and is a hobbyist pilot. Barring that, I might try for Charismatic Athlete (college cheerleader), good at face-to-face interaction--ie: playing dumb and cute for information--and acrobatic enough to climb and tumble. :D


First Post
Any ideas on PC development, Blarkon? Such as what level game you want to run? That way I can start brainstorming some ideas. :)

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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