The Meeting Place - Discussions and so forth



And juices...juices are good. especially orange juice...Mmmm....and apple cider....

*is a really sad individual.*

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Jace the Raver

Hey Reesa/Danny? Is there any..summary of the decisions made so far? Thanks to the rather sorry state of my computer as well as personal lazines, I wasn't able to read up on the old thread before everything was trashed..leaving me wondering what exactly it is that I want to know that's been already asked, heh.

Questions anyways, though :p

What sort of music is TMP going to be based around, if any? Any specific genre, or just general Everything? Is it a trashy place or nicer? How big is it? Are their any quieter rooms, away from the main floor with all the loud music (A big neccesity, believe me...ughness). Are their any freaky lighting effects there? Fog machines? Lasers? All that fun stuff? Wierd platforms that have no real purpose? Just random curiosity about the exact layout of TMP itself. Sorry if some of it's ridiculous, heh.

Oh, what's the level of security? And the age limit? Will their actually be set hours, or just an Always-Open type deal? *Prays for always open..heh*

Ooh..I agree on the lack of brand names. Can't we just assume all the major brand names finally crashed and went out of business when the public revolted against an overabundant ad campaign, and start from scratch? :D *Sleepy..shush now*



Jace the Raver said:
Hey Reesa/Danny? Is there any..summary of the decisions made so far? Thanks to the rather sorry state of my computer as well as personal lazines, I wasn't able to read up on the old thread before everything was trashed..leaving me wondering what exactly it is that I want to know that's been already asked, heh.

Reesa's reply: I will post a full summary of the decisions that have been made, what is still being worked out or awaiting approval, and so forth later on tonight. I'm actually just heading out the door for the day.

Questions anyways, though :p

What sort of music is TMP going to be based around, if any? Any specific genre, or just general everything?

Reesa's Reply: We're going to make it a country bar. ;) hehehe.. just kidding. No, there is no set genre. Probably dance music, something pleasing to all. There's been talk about a possible rap contest in the future, so that may be part of the genre too. Since it's text based, you can't really hear the music anyhow.. ;)

Is it a trashy place or nicer?

Reesa's Reply: It's going to be a nicer place. It's in an upper-middle class area, so the night club will be something that fits in. I'll cover this more on the post later today.

How big is it? Are their any quieter rooms, away from the main floor with all the loud music (A big neccesity, believe me...ughness). Are their any freaky lighting effects there? Fog machines? Lasers? All that fun stuff? Wierd platforms that have no real purpose? Just random curiosity about the exact layout of TMP itself. Sorry if some of it's ridiculous, heh.

Reesa's Reply: I'll get to the description of the TMP with the post later tonight. This may be subject to change since we are still awaiting approval on some things, but I will give you my basic thoughts to start.

Oh, what's the level of security?

Reesa's Reply: The security will be handled by the WIZO Staff. Basically it'll be common sense. You can come with weapons (ex: handguns) but if you start wielding them, you may find yourself shown to the door.

And the age limit?

Reesa's Reply: Dantain and I have discussed this, and we are still waiting final approval but we're thinking of making it a limit of something like 21 and above for alcoholic consumption, 16-21 allowed for non-alcoholic drinking. Again, this is something we need to discuss further and will require the player's cooperation by not bringing in women with children or young kids (As often seen in the CRT).

Will their actually be set hours, or just an Always-Open type deal? *Prays for always open..heh*

Reesa's reply: This is something that needs to be decided upon by the Lead of the Area. Until I have a set decision to offer, I'm going to leave it as this is undecided. We'll be sure to let you know when we get more information.

Ooh..I agree on the lack of brand names. Can't we just assume all the major brand names finally crashed and went out of business when the public revolted against an overabundant ad campaign, and start from scratch? :D *Sleepy..shush now*

Once again, please check back here later on tonight. I will make a post with everything that we've discussed and the decisions we have made, basic description of The Meeting Place and so forth. Please remember that these could be subjected to change, depending on what decisions come through before the actual opening of the room. :) Thanks for the suggestion! I should have done that in the beginning. :blush:



First Post
I was wondering if we can have some good mixers, like mudslides, daiquiris, and shirlie temples (for the younger crowds or those that have to work in the morning ;) ). Also, I've seen a number/a lot of good (middle class) clubs around here that serve things like steaks, seafood, a few salads, and a good varity of meal sized appitisers (ok, maybe not "seen" seen, but you get the idea.)

[edit: added last sentence]



The Decisions Made, Things Pending, and so forth

There was a question brought up as to all that has been decided, suggested and so forth, so here is the post I had promised to make. I will try to cover everything, though I am going from my memory so I may forget something.

Decisions Made:

The Meeting Place is a Night Club in the upper-middle class of Manhattan in NYC. There is no set destination for the club, due to the fact I am not going to place the room in a definite location. (I want to avoid being told "There would not be a Night Club here" and I'm Canadian so I don't have the intimate knowledge of New York. ;)

The Night Club will be of a fair size (sorry, I don't have demensions yet but will create them later). It will be a no smoking Club. The club will be open to people 16 and up with only 21 and over able to consume alcohol. (This will require player co-operation to make it work as we can't literally force people to comply with that.)

Pending Decisions:

There have been various suggestions for things that could possibly take place in The Meeting Place:
- Open Mike Night
- Rap Contests

There has been suggestions for Bots:
- a Bartender
- A server/waitress
- A vending Machine

There have been suggestions for food items:
- Buffalo Wings
- Fried Chicken
- Fries
- Nachos
- Steak
- French Foods
- Regular Bar Foods
- Meals when the WizOs are on duty
- non brand name foods/drinks
- wine, soda, coffee, etc
- juices
- drinks made by patrons (like "the Purple stuff" in the Cantina)
- mixed drinks
- specialty coffees

Other Suggestions:
- Have patrons play DJs to do requests
- DJ Bot (This won't work since Bots cannot be programmed to do things at set intervals)

Other stuff:
- The WIZO team will be the security team working in The Meeting Place.
- There will be In Character Rules for The Meeting Place (This is to be worked out)

Things we are waiting on:
- The times the Meeting Place will be open (24 hours or only on set days)

We do not yet have a date for the opening, but we're working on it. The TMP board will be coming soon, but again I have no date for that.

I will post the description for The Meeting Place in a little while once I get final approval on it. :)

I hope that's everything...



Re: The Decisions Made, Things Pending, and so forth

WizO_Reesa said:

There have been suggestions for food items:

- specialty coffees

*Ahem!* I do hope TMP would be supporting their local businesses and not simply undercutting them... After all, La Fiamma di Miele is proud to serve a range of specialty blends imported and mixed by an excellent supplier.

. o O ( Of course the fact Uncle Cecile's company won the gold medal two years in a row is the deciding factor. Honestly. :angel: )




Re: Re: The Decisions Made, Things Pending, and so forth

Autora said:
*Ahem!* I do hope TMP would be supporting their local businesses and not simply undercutting them... After all, La Fiamma di Miele is proud to serve a range of specialty blends imported and mixed by an excellent supplier.

. o O ( Of course the fact Uncle Cecile's company won the gold medal two years in a row is the deciding factor. Honestly. :angel: )

Of course TMP would support the local businesses. I'm thinking that they would probably import such items from La Fiamma di Meile. If a local business has things that TMP can use, they'd definitely go to them. I'll actually be contacting the store owners in a little while to discuss some things with them. :)





I have found the post on the old boards that listed the vendors that have been approved.. They are listed below:

La Fiamma di Miele "The Honey Flame" Cafe

Commonly refered to as "the Flame", La Fiamma di Miele is a cafe and on-site bakery that specialises in goods cooked in a flame-heated stone oven. The Flame sells hand-made breads and pastries, as well as offering hot light meals or snacks on request and a range of non-alcoholic drinks such as coffee, real fruit juice and a small selection of sodas and health/energy drinks, mostly by less widely known brands (not Coca Cola, Pepsi or Dr. Pepper).
The atmosphere is warm and friendly, with an emphasis on small and casual. (The owner is a 5th generation local family man although the cafe itself has only been around for about 5 years.)
La Fiamma also has two staff to deliver in the local area, although there is usually a minimum purchase or else a delivery fee will apply.

Knights of NYC

Owner: Leandra Zephyrine
Wares: Knights, is antiques shop. Here, shoppers can find anything from 11th century armor, to 18th century chinese hand woven rugs, to autographed copies of ancient grimoires. Knights is well-known for it's arms and armor collections, but does deal in other items. A shop for the wealthy, Knight's reputation continues to grow, for satisfaction and authenticity is always gauranteed.

Description: Nestled among the surrounding businesses, this two-story building is shaded an eye catching slate gray color. The shop door is heavy, oaken, with the shop name Knights of NYC scripted across the fine wood. Standing guard on either side of the door, is a pair of knights, these bgeing carved from rough stone, and not actual armor. These stand an impressive 8 feet in height, hands curled around sword hilts, like an honorguard in tombs.

Inside, Knights, is done in elegant gray marble. Arms and armor stand at attention, and other items are displayed to show their best features. The staff of Knights is small, consisting solely of it's owner. She alone maintains and runs the shop, and greets all with a friendly hello.

Patel’s Fine Prints

Owner: Thomas Patel

Goods: All paper-related services, including printing, photocopying, resizing, scanning, and stationary. Also, a selection of maps and antiquated documents for referencing and sale.

Description: This is a little print shop around the corner. Outside, the orange neon sign says: "Patel's Fine Prints". The atmosphere is rather dingy and disorganized and not particularly customer-friendly, with many papers, crates, and cardboard boxes packed on the shelves. A room off to the right side (curiously, with no door) contains several good computers and other assorted printing equipment. In the back is a locked door that has a sign saying "Storage Room" and stairs leading up to a small apartment. There are many posters and other sorts of paraphernalia taped to the walls, and the items on the shelves are not labelled, causing for great confusion for the unenlightened customer. Fortunately, a tall, disinterested man with stringy dark hair and a slight stoop attends the counter, often at the computer, and is reticently vigilant about navigating lost clients


Owner: Gabriella Ballard

Dealings: Artistic goods - paints, canvas, clays, inks, drawing material, poster, paper, parchment, ect.

Description: The place is something of a diamond in the rough, a barely known gem when it comes to supplies for everyone from painters and sculptors to sketch-artists and interested hobbyists. The first three floors of the building make up the store, with an enclosed flight of stairs on the side of the structure for accessing the upper floors. Ceiling-to-floor shelves line all three floors, leaving little walking room save the front half of the bottom floor, each and every one stacked to its maximum. Though definitely not the place for a claustrophobic, it seems to give off a close, warm feeling, especially with the excessive color of products and items.

The first floor is home paints and materials, ranging in a wide variety of colors and styles. Paints, finishes, thread, clay, color wheels, coatings, oil, pastels, lettering tools, and even things so farfetched as nail polish are in great supply. Shelves are clearly marked, lending a certain amount of ease to a search.

One floor up is devoted entirely to board material. Many of the shelves are refitted to hold sheets other flat objects. Acrylic sheets, easels, Bristol boards, illustration boards, canvas, newsprint paper, fabric sheets, foam board - if one can name it, it’s probably there. Open space is lacking, the stairwell opening into an aisle, as does the one leading up across the room.

The third and final floor is only half used, the other half walled off for storage. Utensils, gliders, brushes, scalpels, hammers, photo gear, fluting tools, among other things gather in large numbers along every surface.

Bulkier materials, like sculpting stone or mass quantities of clay, aren’t kept in huge amounts. Ordering the lot isn’t all that difficult, nor is their any trouble in doing so - there just isn’t enough room to hold it on hand.

The "Blast Zone"

Owner: Jet

Goods: Boy Scout and Active Lifestyle items- electronics, camping and survival gear, patches, decorative and real weapons and guns, and some low cost computer games, music, and novelty (in good taste) items

Description: The Blast Zone, or just Blast Zone, is shop of many things. The place is designed to look like a bomb shelter with its thick glass, door, brick, and an antenna on the roof. Also on the windows besides monogrammed words telling what is sold are five stickers that someone who knows boy scouts would know as the Radio, the Backpacking, the Archery, the Rifle Shooting, and the Shotgun Shooting merit badges. The owner, Jet is an Ex-Boy Scout with an affinity for the program. Most, if not all of the items in the store can be tied into Boy Scouts. While that may see strange, it is no stranger then Jet's open mind. The novelty signs on the door that say such things as Mutants Welcome (with a three eyed smiley) seem a bit more serious with a "No Smoking" sign right below it. Inside is a few aisles made by small shelves and a glass display case/desk running around the store. While Jet does welcome just about anyone into his shop with a smile and a kind word, one should not expect to use his shop to escape law enforcement if they have committed a crime.

There is still room to open shops, if you have something you would like to add. Just send me a note ( and I'll discuss things with you.


Reesa's edit: June 25th... Updated Patel's Fine Prints with Ria's information. :)



Hey Reese. :)

For my store, Patel's Fine Prints, I sent you an updated description a long while back that actually fits the format. Did you receive it?




Adept_Eliria said:
Hey Reese. :)

For my store, Patel's Fine Prints, I sent you an updated description a long while back that actually fits the format. Did you receive it?


Ria, could you please resend it to me? ( I lost all my emails when I upgraded from Windows 98 to Windows XP (dummy me forgot it would over ride Outlook which I use to check emails).

I'll fix up the store info when I have it from you.


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