The misbegotten waif thread a/k/a The Fray V2

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Thy wounds are healed!
Your the only barbarian looking one LOL - if you find your own pic let me know and I'll use it. goggle barbarian/images and there are quite a lot.



First Post
After much searching, I have determined that there are not very many pictures of appropriately dressed barbarians, and have found this one


Relique du Madde

I also dislike the shift of the information block to the left side :(

They are a design no no. What they are saying is that

Adventure paths for 4e and pathfinder and the little ads for the enword games are more important then the content.

The columns and articles are also more important then the site's forums
The friends on line are more important then the site's forum.

And lastly,


I get it that this site has no permanent designers, but instead only vBoard coders... but it needs to have it's structure looked over by a designer.

My saying this is a red flag since I SUCK AT DESIGN and rather would spend my time sitting in a code window thinking "public var X:Stuff = new Stuff; add(X);"

Relique du Madde

I do frequent backups to my external hard drives, just to be on the safe side.

I do that too... but the problem for me in this case was that I have 4 copies:

1. Laptop ( local Dropbox)
2. Laptop
3. Android Xoom (local drop box)
4. Dropbox on web.

The laptop dropbox is automatically updated with the webdrop box (constant connection).
Android dropbox needs to be downloaded from the web and manually uploaded.
I then tend to drag and replace.

I forgot to sync the local drop box at one point and then dragged an old version of the file (overriding the current version).

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I have learned to ignore the ads and I have a little button to shut off the sound.

in other news,

[MENTION=13739]Velmont[/MENTION] and [MENTION=54810]renau1g[/MENTION]: I found some 20 year old balsamic vinegar. I have some pretty good quality vanilla Ice Cream and a small pack of blackberries. I know what is for dessert to night!


First Post
I do that too... but the problem for me in this case was that I have 4 copies:

1. Laptop ( local Dropbox)
2. Laptop
3. Android Xoom (local drop box)
4. Dropbox on web.

I have a similar problem with having copies of stuff on my laptop and on my work PC. I've been trying to get better about saving them to a thumb drive for transfer back and forth, so I'm only ever working on one copy...but then when I forget the thumb drive, it kinda sucks! :)

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