The misbegotten waif thread a/k/a The Fray V2

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And in a completely non-political note. We're in the process of potty training our boys and looking for that proverbial carrot to motivate one of the boys (who hasn't shown any interest and seems perfectly happy sitting in his own waste). He's been reading my old Dungeon magazines during that mags glory days (aka when Paizo was running it) and came across an advert for the Privateer Press Warmachines/Horde miniatures and promptly decided that what he wanted was this:


for his "toy" that he gets once he's all done his training. The friggin' thing is $37 just for the mini (unpainted and unassembled). Looking around on ebay it's like $100 for it time I'm picking the "toy".

Oh, and when we went into daycare today he told his teacher that when he's done being in diapers he gets his troll toy. To which I got a very disapproving/questioning look. He also tells her often how much he loves dragons, he brings in his (formerly my) D&D minis (mostly the Purple Worm and the Heroslayer Hydra) to show her his toys...

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Pathfinder: there can be only one!

Holy man, here in the lounge is the best place to discuss rules!!

No! No no no! Keep your rules discussions out of our all-around laziness! :rant:

The only rules discussions in this thread are for Edition War purposes. ;)
And it's pretty obvious you weren't talking about starting up any Edition Warring, so get your peace-mongering little rules discussion out of here. :lol:

I do not have the adventurer's armory. i might be aboe to get access to it in the very near future. I will definately look into this information. for this is worthey informaition born to be part of [EDITION WARS START] MOST EXCELLENT AND ULTAMATELY SUPERIOR RPG SYSTEM THAT IS PATHFINDER!! [/EDITION WARS STOP]

Dragon writer, will that work for the edition wars requim?

It's a start... But I see no opposition. Therefore, no Edition War is possible at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you and have a nice day.

Share and Enjoy. ;)

Aw, but my good Dragonwriter, All that is needed is a reagent called [MENTION=54810]renau1g[/MENTION] to cause a stir .. .. .. .. just watch!

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
OK, Rhune. Here is what you do. Deliver the bottles to me and I will give my opinion on them once a night so you won't feel bad about drinking them. I will do this just for you as a year long birthday present. How do you like that as an idea?

It is a tempting offer. And if you lived closer, I might take you up on that. ;)

it has been sunny and in the 80's here.

Had a bunch more snow here this weekend. But it should get up to 60 today.

Beautiful weather here, Why don't you and your girlfriend just move here to Missouri? Then you can deliver that scotch!


First Post
Oh, and when we went into daycare today he told his teacher that when he's done being in diapers he gets his troll toy. To which I got a very disapproving/questioning look. He also tells her often how much he loves dragons, he brings in his (formerly my) D&D minis (mostly the Purple Worm and the Heroslayer Hydra) to show her his toys...

I'm sure my parents got the same looks. Sounds like what I used to do back in the day!

Beautiful weather here, Why don't you and your girlfriend just move here to Missouri? Then you can deliver that scotch!

Missourii? Nah...I can't ski in Missouri.


First Post
Aw, but my good Dragonwriter, All that is needed is a reagent called renau1g to cause a stir .. .. .. .. just watch!

Pfftt, we all know that getting rid of the Vanacian magic system was the best thing ever, plus now it's much harder for my PC to die in 4e from a lucky crit from an orc with a greataxe.

Even Paizo copied the greatness of 4e's Action Point mechanics with their own Hero Points....and my fighter in 4e can do more than just Full Attack.

Oh, and my fighter is never outclassed at his role by the priest.

There we go...


First Post
Pfftt, we all know that getting rid of the Vanacian magic system was the best thing ever, plus now it's much harder for my PC to die in 4e from a lucky crit from an orc with a greataxe.

You know, back in the AD&D days, I actually went through and developed a magic point system, sort of like psionics were handled. I always thought it was strange that psionics used one system, and magic another. I never could figure out that logic.


Thy wounds are healed!
I did the same. Gave magic users and priest "Power Points" each spell cost one PP/LvL. And the neat thing was you could...

a) Use extra points to power up the spells duration or damage.


b) Everyone had PP and a high enough wizard could siphon them off the fighter or rogue (this was during 2e) since they weren't using them.



Thy wounds are healed!
No the bad old days when a first lvl wizard only had 1 spell he could cast per day LOL. Then two, etc...

And that was the reason almost every wizard was a specialist.

Under the system you got 1 PP/ character lvl and 1 PP for each lvl spell you could cast (in old system) equal to it's lvl.

So A first LvL wizard only started with 2 PP but once at 3rd LvL they had 7 PP so could cast 7 lvl one spells (always Magic Missile of course) or 3 second lvl and 1 first lvl spells.

It was a good system I thought. We were playing RoleMaster around the same time here and there and added some of that into it.

Good times indeed Rhun thanks for getting me to stop and remember one of the great things I love about RPGing. :D


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