The misbegotten waif thread a/k/a The Fray V2

Relique du Madde

67 pages and counting (due to how I formatting things.) I think converted about 100+ templates / character/creature archetypes. (No main hero or villian archtypes)

So far the fastest ones were the stock humans and the animals. I branched into some of the other books. Out of all the books I own, the one I'm to even touching is going to be Mecha and Manga since I didn't like some of those builds and the ones I could use seem to be needless (School drama-esque ones) or since they double up on builds that already exist and were better written.
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Thy wounds are healed!
The sample fighter kits are zen-archer, unarmed specialist and sword specialist. But we can surely work something out, based on your idea :)

Wil have to give the rules a once over after the holiday weekend.

IN other news I have decided to go see Transformers today (11:45am) as I need something to pick me up after The Green Lantern debacle.

And I heard they have the sequel to GL in the writing stages here's hoping they do 10 times better. :confused:

OH and found this in a related search...

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪X-Men Origins: Deadpool Profile‬‏[/ame]

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Thy wounds are healed!
ROTFLMAO... (lucky I can still link this)

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Deadpool - The best bits from Hulk vs‬‏[/ame]


Relique du Madde

deadpool stuff

It's sad how hard Deadpool is to write. Currently I only the only comic I like that he's in is Uncanny X-Force. His normal comic was good up until maybe three archs ago, since then they decided to write Deadpool as being over the top silly violent.

What's interesting is how a lot of the current writers seem to have Wolverine as being one of the few people that Deadpool considers as being a friend (even though Wolverine gets annoyed with him).
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Thy wounds are healed!
Have a great 4th of July everyone. :D

I will be at work 8-4 then BBQing with the family and then back to EnWorld tonight. So I plan on having a great day (except from 8-4 :p).



First Post
Managed to get a virus on an USB stick while visiting my parents. Hope it didn't affected my RPG files :(

You should always protect your computer. Use protection:

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