The misbegotten waif thread a/k/a The Fray V2


Sample (4d4):
Only if all 4 dice show a 1 you can get a 4.
Only if all 4 dice show a 4 you can get a 16.

Now look at all the possible combinations to get a 8 or 10...

You can fake a d13 without bell curve by rolling a d20, subtract 7 and have a min roll of 8 on the ENWorld roller. No multiple dice, no bell curve. But another die for high or low works.

BTW, d30: d10 and d6 [d6 for a low (1-10) 1-2, med (11-20) 3-4, and high (21-30) on 5-6).

(1-2 add 0 to the d10, 3-4 add 10, 5-6 add 20. Every possible number can only rolled by one combination)
Correct! Except that exactly TWOcombinations yield every number from 1 to 30. ;)

see?SEE!? i told ya, but you just wouldn't listen. harumph.

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Relique du Madde

On can argue that every die roll made with non-precision dice yields a bell curve as a result of slight variations to each surface of the die and weight distribution caused by pipping.

Same thing can be said about dice rolls that are made on psuedo random number generators (ie any die roll based on a programming language's random function).

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Relique du Madde

Most likely using perl, php, of java-script. What that means is that if you reset tje server to the date that the roller was integrated and start rolling dice the rolls you get after the server set should be similar to the rolls that are currently in the log assuming they are made at the "same time." This is assuming that the random seed would be the same for each roll (which would not be the case for true random generators).

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So are you saying that we shouldn't trust the ENWorld dice roller? Are you a closet anarchist who is fomenting unrest and sowing seeds of mutiny anong the masses?

Walking Dad

First Post
I would suggest using IC. Perfectly linkable, you can roll before posting and the no-standard dice are no problem...
The roller here is nice, but this is a hobby game, so I'm not terribly concerned about dice cheating.

Relique du Madde

So are you saying that we shouldn't trust the ENWorld dice roller? Are you a closet anarchist who is fomenting unrest and sowing seeds of mutiny anong the masses?
I am a anarchist; however, I am not suggesting that you should abandon the ENWorld die roller. Instead, I am suggesting that there is a possibility that the results it creates are not truly random since it is based on algorithm.

If I am correct about ENW having a psuedo random number generator, then you would not notice the lack of true randomness unless certain circumstances occur.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I am an anarchist; however, I am not suggesting that you should abandon the ENWorld die roller. Instead, I am suggesting that there is a possibility that the results it creates are not truly random since it is based on an algorithm.

If I am correct about ENW having a pseudo random number generator, then you would not notice the lack of true randomness unless certain circumstances occur.

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Ok Mr. Anarchist, help me with my thread necromantic resurrection rebellion!


I would suggest using IC. Perfectly linkable, you can roll before posting and the no-standard dice are no problem...
The roller here is nice, but this is a hobby game, so I'm not terribly concerned about dice cheating.
Oh, yeah, I forgot what we were talking about. Yeah, just linking IC seems to be the solution for playing DCCRPG here. I've now received my first pdf from Brave Halfling from their kickstarter deal. It's a level-zero module for DCCRPG.
*rubbing hands together gleefully*

I am a anarchist
Doesn't your admission of this fact impair your ability to spread anarchy to the fullest?

Ok Mr. Anarchist, help me with my thread necromantic resurrection rebellion!
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