The misbegotten waif thread a/k/a The Fray V2

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And you're NOT, DeWar?? :-S

Hell all of us in this thread are. We must be, or we'd have dropped the subscription to this thread a loonnnnnnng time ago.

Relique du Madde

What if you never subscribed to this thread but visit it regularly?

Side note... I think I'm having gaming withdrawal and I wish fate did not conspire against my pbp during the last summer.

A summer statistics course + family issues + work issues + court issues + house construction happening at the same time is never a good thing.

I'm thinking I might need to begin planning and plotting to start a game this December. But then I fear I might get hung up on customizing a rule set or trying something over ambitious.

-Sent via a cybernetic device.


What if you never subscribed to this thread but visit it regularly?

Side note... I think I'm having gaming withdrawal and I wish fate did not conspire against my pbp during the last summer.

A summer statistics course + family issues + work issues + court issues + house construction happening at the same time is never a good thing.

I'm thinking I might need to begin planning and plotting to start a game this December. But then I fear I might get hung up on customizing a rule set or trying something over ambitious.

-Sent via a cybernetic device.
Why, of course you can count yourself among us junkies if you wish! :)

The easiest way to avoid the 'endless customization treadmill' is to go into the project with a commitment to follow the rules as written in a finite set of listed books.

Relique du Madde

The easiest way to avoid the 'endless customization treadmill' is to go into the project with a commitment to follow the rules as written in a finite set of listed books.

I would agree.. however I tend to play with took kit systems or ones with a minimal amount of books. :eek: So the urge/need to customize is inherent to the game system's design.

Then again I'm also the type that would say "Star Wars Saga is boring the game needs to be able to handle wierd western steampunk :D since I don't want to use Deadlands and I refuse to buy anything from Adamant since I don't agree with that company's owners view that anyone who doesn't vote his political party's Messiah's like figure / lackies is an idiot and a nenhanderthal that is systematically destroying this country and should let Darwin take care of their antiquated views*"

-Sent via a cybernetic device.

* Not his exact words but the sediment of those G+ postings he made were similar
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Fair enough. If you insist upon only playing game systems created by those whose politics is acceptable to you, then I'll just shrug and say, "Good luck with that!"

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