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The Monetization of D&D Play


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I got bored.

I commend you on your incredible reading comprehension. My quote isn't about paying DM's anything resembling a salary at all, but supporting the DM because often DM's carry a much larger monetary burden than the players. What I mean by "supporting" (and I'm just elaborating since you intentionally misunderstood my other post) amounts to nothing more than e.g. sharing the cost of the adventure, and/or showing gratitude by buying some snacks or drinks. DM'ing takes time and work, and as I said, just because spending that time is enjoyable (which it still is) the DM shouldn't carry the cost of DMG, MM, Adventure book, minis, battlemat, markers etc all on his own. If you're fine with just showing up to your DM's place, sitting down and lazy-eyed stare at your DM waiting for him to feed you entertainment then that's your prerogative, but I'd personally be happy to help out.

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The paying for Exp thing is crap, and that store should be reported.

As for the other part, if we assume a 3-4 hour session, $2.50 to $5 is pretty cheap for that kind of entertainment. That's paying less than going to a movie, for about as much certainty that you'll enjoy it, and for more time than most movies run. I do think you shouldn't have to pay until you know who's DM'ing though. That's the best response for dealing with crap DMs, or DMs who are trying and learning the craft but aren't quite worth paying to play under in a player's opinion.

"$5 to play under that guy? No thanks." Hearing that might make a few bad AL DMs rethink things.


Cards on the table: I have never played in AL or at a FLGS. I've always gamed with friends at one of our houses where the company, beer, wine, and snacks are good. While I don't have a problem with stores charging players for table space (that's logical), the idea of paying someone to DM for me is just bizarre. An RPG is a cooperative experience for everyone's enjoyment, the players and the DM. Both sides of the table have an important role to play in creating that experience. Maybe I should charge the DM for my witty repartee and fulsome charm? I guess fair play to anyone who can earn a few coppers doing this, but it's not for me (and I fully acknowledge that I am almost certainly out of step with the majority).


First Post
Cards on the table: I have never played in AL or at a FLGS. I've always gamed with friends at one of our houses where the company, beer, wine, and snacks are good.

Zzz. You have to understand that not everyone has access to the stuff you do. It's like someone saying "I've lived my entire life on Hawaii; why do people pay money for vacations to tropical places? Just go down to the beach! It's not a problem for me, why should it be for you!?".


If you want to draw a distinction between gaming with friends and not gaming with friends and still maintain that friends shouldn't pay each other then I'm a lot more interested. It's just that some on this thread have pushed for even Dm's that are friends to be paid. I and others are wholeheartedly against that.

Where did this notion of "should" come into it? Certainly not me.

There is no "should" here at all, AFAIC. Can a DM charge for his or her services? Of course. Is it probably a pretty good idea for gamers to get off their duffs and pony up for the DM? Again, I'd say yuppers. The days of expecting the DM to buy all the books, do all the work and organize everything for nothing should never have happened in the first place.

In our group, we all chipped in to buy the Ultimate Fantasy Grounds license for the DM. I know that at various times, players have bought stuff for the DM as well. That's the way it should be.


Zzz. You have to understand that not everyone has access to the stuff you do. It's like someone saying "I've lived my entire life on Hawaii; why do people pay money for vacations to tropical places? Just go down to the beach! It's not a problem for me, why should it be for you!?".

Sorry, you clearly didn't understand what I was trying to say. My apologies. I'll be quiet now.

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