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The most important people in the world (my players stay out)


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One powerful leader from my setting:

Highfather Imos Natan, head of the Church of The Lawbringer, and ruler of the nation of Therus. Middle-aged, well on his way to old, his long graying hair is tied back in a ponytail. He wears fine robes as befits his station, but nothing too gaudy, aside from the gleaming silver staff fashioned into a likeness of his god's holy symbol.

His entourage would include most notably: Highlord Bathacus, leader of the Order of the Gauntlet, a group of paladins dedicated to upholding the laws of Therus and destroying the forces of chaos. He would appear noble just by the way he carries himself, not taking into account his immaculately polished armor, silver-thread embroidered tabard, and the gleaming greatsword across his back.

The two probably have in tow various mid ranking clerics, paladins, and religious historians depending on how far and how dangerous the travel was.

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An NPC from my campaign world (Players in my Paths of Legend PBP may not want to read this one)...

Lady Devera de Sisan

A high ranking elven noble, with something to hide. Specifically, Lady Devera is but one name used by the infamous Ebon Mask, an assassin who kills mainly for the challenge, or simply because she's bored. She's been known to assist those who strike her fancy, but everything she does is based more on whim and whimsy than anything else. She's also gone under the names Zephia, an adventuring rogue, Captain Xanaphia Nodello, a drow pirate ship captain, and a variety of others.
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First Post
King Utharanel Stonefoot
Male Duergar
LE 6 Expert/ 7 Aristocrat/ 4 Fighter

King of the underground Duergar kingdom of Thullen's Gorge, named after Utharanels Great Great Grandsire. He is a balding and ancient Duergar, rumored to be over 600 years old. His body is now frail, but his mind is very very sharp. He is the inventor of several types of primitive guns. His retainers include his closest adviser and friend, disguised as a jester. His name is Snaggletooth (star wars reference) and is a Kobold Rogue 10/ Master Spy 4. The rest of his entourage includes 4 battle wizards, 8 rifleman, and 12 pikeman. All Duergars. He sends Snaggletooth amongst the grouping to gather information.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
Kennson Brightwood - a high-level human ranger who almost single-handedly carved a duchy out of humanoid-infested wilderness. He's an archtypal example of the adventurer turned ruler-by-necessity. His lands are relatively small, but contain significant resources that others need, so that he wields significant economic power. Mostly, he's present because he and the fellows who helped him are the epitome of adventuring power/prowess.

He's over 6'6" in height, and thin as a rail, with dark eyes and black hair kept short and straight. He clearly spends his clothing budget on function rather than beauty, and is as likely as not to show up to the council meetings wearing armor and weapons. He's Neutral Good, and as pragmatic as that alignment will allow, accompanied by a couple of members of his adventuring party, not all of whom are as morally upright as Brightwood, but will not cross him too blatantly.

This bunch will strongly suspect that some people at the conference are involved in the problem, and will be carefully trying to root out the who, how, and why. To that end, Brightwood plays the part of notable ruler, sitting through main council sessions, so that his compatriots are free to take part in more of the casual and behind-closed-door sessions in which the true issues are more likely to surface.


Banache and Tarsil - a pair of half brothers (one human rogue, the other a half-elven bard with a few levels of fighter and/or rogue). Nominally, they run the Tall Tale Inn - which sits in a major city, frequented by adventurers and nobility. They are here in their role of information-brokers, as few things discovered by men fail to reach the Tall Tale eventually. Tarsil is one of the greatest stores of history (by way of heroic tales) available. In addition, the brothers are perhaps the best con-man/thievery teams around. Tarsil is good-aligned, so they won't do anything that will destroy the conference, but expect them to have many pans in the fire.

They're of unremarkable build - Banache has short-cut brown hair, and tarsil's got his elven mother's somewhat curly blond mane. They'll be dressed to show that they're successful - Banache dresses in a very "Grey Mouser" fashion - all greys and browns, but of fine make - and highly functional to the adventurer's eye. He probably has more hidden pockets than there are hors d'oeuvres at the banquet. Tarsil will be a bit more flashy and colorful, short cape and harp and all.

Her Verdant Excellency, Sensillis Lamarri
Nentyar High Druid of the Circle of Greenwrath

Druid ruler of a vast expanse of wild forest and jungle, Sensillis reluctantly agreed to leave her domain to come to this extraordinary council. She knows little of social etiquette, and her feeling out of place makes her seem more snobbish and aloof than usual. She has come with two Forest Giant Druid bodyguards.



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Shepherd Elizabeth
NG Female Celestial Halfling Druid 17

A pretty middle aged halfling woman with shining golden hair and tanned skin. She is dressed in clothing made of leaves and feathers, but on her they look regal. She holds no position of ruler ship but is often sought out by those in need of her kind wisdom. Her retinue consists of her squirrel animal companion, Flitter. An honor guard of 10 awakened Mountain Ram 10th level barbarians. And her cook, a fat and happy Satyr 6th level Expert named Oolja.


First Post
Empress Hinla of the Court of Seven Lions
LN Female Human Aristocrat 5

Empress Hinla is a pretty 15 year old girl. She is the ruler of an island kingdom in a tropical sea. She is dark skinned with long corn rowed/braided hair. She is adorned in flowing clothes and beautiful jewelry, mostly gold. She is uncertain in this group of powerful people and looks to her uncle and adviser Mugrabe the Stern.

Mugrabe the Stern
LE Male Human Fighter 5/Rogue 5/ Blackguard 5

Mugrabe is a hulking man with ebony skin and intense eyes. He wears the hide of a black lion for a cape and never is he without his blood red chain shirt and flaming greatsword.
Mugrabe loves his niece more than anything in this world. He will rape, kill, lie, steal, make pacts with dark powers, anything really to insure that she comes to no harm and stays in power. He even murdered his own brother so that Hinla could ascend to the thrown, though he was able to blame the death on the lion he now wears as a cape.

The rest of their retinue is filled out by 101 loyal warriors and 59 cooks, attendants, teachers and such for Hinla.


I don't know your world so I will make the details vague.

Tok-Lehm Keita
Male Human boy, 14 years old (he's a black boy or whatever resembles African-Americans in your world)
Class: Some form of religious Monk

He is the prodigy of a monestary in a remote area of your world. His entourage consists of middle aged & elderly human men (also African-Americans). They are not tribesmen, their culture is more like the asian monk culture. Tok-Lehm is extremely mature for his age and actually comes off very wise. The other monks think he may be a gift from the gods sent here for some great task. Tok-Lehm is great at whatever he attempts and is an oddly quick learner. Within minutes of meeting other people at the conference and studying them, he already understands their greeting customs and shows his respect by gesturing in their own manner as if he was born of their culture. He can learn a language as he listens to a person speak it (although it's not perfectly fluent). If instructed, he can learn combat styles fairly quickly and he likes to practice them when he is alone. He is quiet, but he is not shy. He treats everyone with respect and is a genuinly kind person.

He is not a ruler and does not command anyone. The monks take care of him as if he was a brother or a son. Tok-Lehm does not come to the meeting as a leader, the monks all come as equals. They just insist that he act as the figure head and stay behind him so others know to direct their conversations towards Tok-Lehm.
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Doctor DM

First Post
Steal one of my old players characters:

Mr. Underhill, (no one knows his true name), the greatest thief that ever lived. A super rich retired halfling adventurer, runs a huge thieves guild. Chaotic Neutral to the core.


These are great! Thank you.

The plan is to have the meeting in a location where no violence is possible (and that's a thread in itself.) It'll be fun to see the logistics play out.

I'll take more if you have them!

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