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The Name Of The Shadows


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

You lower yourself over the edge and let go. A moment later, as you hit the ground, pain lances up through your right leg as you heel hits the blunted but upturned point of a large piece of the broken stonework.

Just a few short strides away, the battle rages on. Combatants on each side swing wildly, but only Ogre and Seneira's razor clawed assailant deal damage, eliciting another agonized scream from the young woman as her upraised arm is slashed by the undead warrior.

On the ground, you can make out the unconscious and bleeding form of Barayle, and you can hear his tortured gasps.

Your beleagued companions are currently in a wedge formation, with Ogre front and centre, fending off the attacks of the bigger skeleton and its companion. To the warforged's right and rear in Ghunar, and to his Nilayne, with one a skeleton in front of her. On the other side, the clawed skeleton stands over Barayle as it slashes at Seneira, who occupies the same space Nilayne does on the other side. A second skeleton stands directly in front of her as well.

The fools, Klik! They are ignoring available tactical advantages in their efforts to ward off blows! Direct them, Klik, so that they might yet prevail.

(You take 2 points of subdual damage.)
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Klik flops down and smirks at the ailing Barayle. He goes through his pack quickly and pulls out a potion. Klik raises it as if for a toast while smiling and gulps it down.

"You really should have invested in a potion or two oldman."

and Klik throws the evidence of the potion into a hole and gets up to save the day.

Potion of Cure Light 1d8+1= 7.


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

The soothing warmth of the healing potion works its magic, and you can feel your wound closing up, as well as the pain in your leg subsiding.

Suddenly, you are showered with a few pieces of bone as Ghunar's drought ends, and he smashes Nilayne's attacker into little pieces. At the same time though, Seneira is struck again, claws leaving bloody trails on her forehead, causing her to stumble back a bit. You can see that she is barely standing, but she has enough left in her to roughly parry the incoming blade of her second attacker, leaving her guard is open to subsequent attacks.

Ogre, who was unable to land his last blow, has been struck by a lucky blow from the smaller of his two opponents, leaving a rather nasty looking dent in the side of the warforged.


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

You land a blow on the clawed skeleton, but it seems to be still holding together, barely.

Ghunar steps in to aid Ogre, but fails to land a blow, again. The towering warforged strikes a blow against his opponent, but it is not quite as effective as one may have hoped. Nilayne darts behind her companions to try and distract the clawed skeleton, but it seems to be set on one target at a time.

That turns out to be very bad for the honey-haired beauty, who is torn into by those deadly claws, and falls to the ground, bleeding horribly from her many wounds.

The second skeleton, armed with a longsword wielding in two hands, steps over the fallen woman to attack you, but gets tripped up by her body, causing its strike to be awkward and go way wide.

Poor Klik, you were quite fond of that foolish girl, eh, Klik? I have a feeling it will be quite difficult to deliver much needed succor, with that withered warrior standing over her like that.
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"AH SHUDDUP!" he screams at no one (it seems)

We need to get out of here or get our crap together. Ogre- step over here to watch the fallen. Nilayne and I will finish this! To me! We can watch each other's backs and take these things down."

Takes a swing-

16+3 = 19

3+1 = 4 damage


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

Temper, temper, Klik.

Your attack sends the skeleton in front of you to its second death, and the bones and armour collapse on top of the dying woman.

As Nilayne attempts to foul up the deadly clawed monstrosity, Ogre turns and demolishes what's left of it with a powerful blow from his battlefist. However, his momentary lapse in concentration ends with another blow from the greataxe, this time to his back.

Just then, you hear a strangled gasp from the prone form of Barayle. He coughs, and then coughs again more loudly. There is a sharp in take of breath... And then his breathing steadies out again...
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Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

Your attack is dodged by the undead warrior.

That undead warrior's attack though, is not dodged by Ogre, who is struck another terrible blow by the greataxe. Though the warforged is able to fight on, it is clear that he will not be able to endure many, if any more hits before becoming inactive.

Work with them, Klik. The girl aids Ghunar by trying to foil her opponents defenses, and you should do the same, Klik. The two remaining skeletons are both set on destroying the warforged, Klik. Get behind the larger one, and give the metal man a chance to strike a finishing blow.

( I need tell you that at the end of the month, I think I am going to have to call a close to this game. I am going off to university, but I am not going to be taking my gaming books with me, or very much else for that matter, other than clothes, linens and supplies. I'm perfectly happy to keep playing up until the end, but it is up to you. Alternatively, perhaps I could start a new game that doesn't require access to the sourcebooks. )

Sorry I was away. Bit of family stuff then I got caught up in the 4e news. Its your call.

In the mean time, Klik will move behind the skeleton warrior and hope to aid Ogre.

Att..... (dice are not liking me....) 13 total to hit

If I did hit then 4 damage

Good luck at school. Major?

Voidrunner's Codex

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