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The Name Of The Shadows


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

Your attack fails to connect with the warrior, who seems to be to intent upon the warforged to notice you.

In another stroke of bad luck, the second, smaller skeleton strikes Ogre. The big metal warrior pauses for a moment as the light fades from his eyes and becomes inert, slowly falling over and then hitting the ground with a big crash.

Ghunar yells out, " Bastard! " and strikes down the offending bone warrior.

That just leaves one skeleton left. The biggest, stronger, deadliest one. And it's turning its attention... to you.

I told you, Klik, to run away when you had the chance, Klik. I do not want to be buried again. But, Klik, these skeletons have one weakness that you have yet to take good advantage of. They attack only one target at a time, Klik. Run, Klik, but if you do not... Just try to fend off the axe blows long enough for your companions to destroy it. That is your best chance, Klik.

( I'd like to keep going, but if we want to get anything finished, victory or defeat, we'll have to pick up the pace just a bit. I keep checking every day. Declaring a major is a ways off. I'm leaning towards English, but I'll be taking Political Science, Philosophy and maybe Economics as well, which might be suitable. I might take Business Management as well, next summer (when I plan to take Economics), but I do not want to get stuck with that. )

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Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

The skeletons leather armour, while moldering and nearly useless, is enough to keep the blow from your rapier's hilt from doing any damage.

As Nilayne darts in to force the undead warrior off balance, it swings at you with its greataxe. You don't even have to step out of the way for it to miss, the attack is so poorly executed. Ghunar flanks the hulker, but his attack is again ineffective.


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

You strike the skeleton solidly, but it is not quite done with you yet. As you pull back the skeletons axe blade streaks toward you, and you feel a new pain in your side from its rusted edge. Then, the skeleton in turn is struck by the dwarf, Ghunar, who lands a lucky blow that shatters the skeletons left shoulder and spine. The greataxe drops the the long dead warrior falls to the ground. The battle is over.

Well, Klik, I suppose that did deliver a modicum of enjoyment...

What do you do now?

( You take 7 damage from the axe. )


Wir, Therendor 18, 998 YK

You collect the lantern, dropped by the inactive warforged, and scan the cavern for further threats. You see none, and it is likely that if there were any monsters, they would have attacked during the battle. At least if they were intelligent.

You turn your attention to the fallen, as Soranath and the silent woman are still catching their breath, stunned by suddenness of the battle.

You kneel down to look at Seneira. She appears as if reclining, having fallen to rest in a shallow dip in the floor, one arm over her stomach and the other to the side, with her long dagger lying just beyond. Face looking straight up, her eyes are opened halfway, blood from her forehead flows slowly down her face, some of it having dripped into the left eye. You can't tell if she is breathing by looking, but her vest and shirt and torn open on the right side, soaked with blood, and deep gashes cover her arms and left collarbone. Blood is pooled around her body, a lot of it. You reach down to check her pulse; there is none.

Oh, bad luck for you, Seneira, but not you, Klik. You are much better off without her distractions, Klik. No worthy consort there, just a shallow creature, Klik, no good but as a slave. We, Klik, are fortunate to be rid of her, eh, Klik?

Ghunar approaches you from behind, putting a hand on your shoulder. " I don't think it's going to be safe to move Barayle, " he says, his voice low, and sad, as he looks upon the fallen woman. " One bump on the head could be the end of him, like he is. The warforged, well they don't heal by themselves, but I think with a little time I can get him back on his feet. I think's it's best I stay here with the two of them, but you're in charge now, and it's up to you whether you want to go back for help, or stay here until they've recovered. "

Nilayne appears beside him, looking miserable as well.

sighing in defeat, Klik does what he knows needs to be done. He pulls out his last two healing potions. He gives one to Ghunar. "This will only help Ogre a small bit but we may need him to leave here. Try to get him up and going. I'll deal with Barayle."

"You know what sword....you can be a real PITA. These folks may seem like nothing to you but they were people. Give them some respect" Klik communicates silently to the weapon.

Klik Heal check- 14+1 = 15 on Barayle. He hopes to administer the potion to the ol' grumpy fart.

"I am beginning to think you are too negative sword. And I don't know what to do about that."

And this may be a good spot to stop the story for now. The "hero" is beginning to question the sword but has no proof of malice. He proves himself a good person but with a hubris and fondness for women.

Playing 1 on 1 is very different from a group setting. I tend to sit back and be a supporter which wasn't the right fit for this story. Sorry if it dampened your fun. It does give me ideas on my own DMing however so you have inspired someone with your ideas.

Good luck at college. I miss it myself (class of 92)


Wir... Wait a minute...

Thanks, megamania.

I too am rather worried about how I handled things, like consistency. Maybe we should of sat back and tried to figure out what kind of style of game would have worked best at the beginning.

I kind of want to start up a new solo game where I can use just the Modern SRD, which I can keep on my laptop, but it might be wiser to let things wait for a few weeks until I get a handle on classes, assignments and reading. I am hoping to join an RL group though to sate my lust for gaming.

Maybe, in time, I'll be able to start this game up again, if you're willing. I think there are ways I could do it to fit both of our desired styles.

I guess this is the end to the story for now then, though we can continue a coversation if you like.

Voidrunner's Codex

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