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The New Adventures of Meepo (Updated 6/25/05)


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Meepo's Journal Pages 1-15 (Sunless Citadel-Standing Stone)
Meepo's letter to his companions
Meepo's Journal Pages 16-19 (Various Short Adventures)
Meepo's Journal Pages 20-35 (Heart of Nightfang Spire)
Meepo's Journal Pages 36-37 (City of the Spider Queen)

Yes, it's another story hour following the adventures of everyone's favorite kobold, Meepo. This one is told entirely from Meepo's perspective, in the form of a journal he keeps after one of the PCs in my grounp taught him to read and write. Download the PDF linked above if you want, it has formatting and pictures. It's really the best way to read the story.

Some quick campaign info: Running the group through the Sunless Citadel-Bastion of Broken Souls path, though I've added in a few small in between quests here and there. Also plan to incorporate City of the Spider Queen in place of Deep Horizon and Lord of the Iron Fortress, though that is far in the future.

Daelewyn: Half-elf Rogue. Meepo calls her 'Sneaky Lady.'
Kah: Half-orc Barbarian. Meepo calls him 'Big Orc.'
Lady Everlove: Elf Cleric. Meepo calls her 'Pretty Elf Lady.'
Derrida: Elf Wizard. Meepo calls him 'Magic Elf Boss.'
Torrell: Half-elf Ranger. Meepo calls him 'Man-elf with Sword.'

Meepo is an NPC that the players latched onto, though he has been played by guests sitting in with the group a couple times.

As I remind my players constantly, Meepo is not stupid (INT 10), he just doesn't speak/read/write common that well. Grammar errors are all (hopefully) intentional. If anyone wants anything clarified in 'non-Meepo' style let me know.

The group just finished Speaker in Dreams and will be heading into Standing Stone tomorrow.

Some credits: I owe Samnell's Meepo's Story Hour a debt for much of Meepo's writing style, as well as Wizardru's Savage Sword of Meepo, just in general.

Meepo's Journal, part 1:
Meepo write words in book. Meepo learn words from new Magic Elf Boss. Magic Elf Boss make nice to Meepo. Meepo no think Sneaky Lady like Meepo much. Meepo ascared of Big Orc. Big orc squish Meepo and eats? Pretty Elf Lady make nice to Meepo. Meepo think Man-elf with Sword no like Meepo but Man-elf no hurts Meepo.

Meepo write Meepo story. Meepo story be kobold epic. Meepo borns. Meepo mother no make nice to Meepo. Meepo father kills by big badger when Meepo is ten sleeps old. Kobolds no make nice to Meepo. Meepo no like fights and traps and hurts. Meepo likes storys.

Troglodytes attaks clan kills many kobolds. Clan leave home go to old human dragon place that sinks. Clan finds dragon Calcryx. Yusdrayl say Yip you is keeper of dragon. Dragon bite Yip and eat. Yusdrayl says Meepo is keeper of dragons. Meepo is good keeper. Clan loves Meepo. Meepo fertilizes many eggs.

Goblins comes with Balsag and rats. Fights kobolds. Kills Yip and Baz and Yip and Yoya. Balsag hits Meepo. Meepo flys in air. Meepo fall in pit and sleeps. Meepo wakes and dragon gone. Meepo lose dragon. Clan hate Meepo. Clan burns dead. Graddo say burns Meepo. Yusdrayl say Meepo needs suffer afore burns. Meepo curl up wait to die. Meepo want die. New friends come find Meepo. Meepo think they kill little Meepo. Meepo decide no want die. No kill Meepo.

Meepo takes to talk Yusdrayl. Yusdrayl say go finds dragon. Fight nasty goblins and rats and guthash. Finds gnome in cage. New friends let gnome go. Meepo no like gnome but no say. Gnomes hates kobolds cause kobolds more smart. Meepo watch gnome hope he no hurts Meepo. Finds Calcryx. Meepo says no hurts dragon. Calcryx ice Meepo. Calcryx no make nice to Meepo. Friends pounds Calcryx on floor. Calcryx sleeps. Pretty Elf Lady make Meepo cuts and bruise and hurts go away. Meepo no know how. Pretty Elf Lady is magic too?

Takes Calcryx to Yusdrayl. Meepo think be keeper of dragons again but Yusdrayl still hate Meepo. Meepo go with new friends to human place. Sun hurts Meepo eyes. Sun no make nice to Meepo. Gos back to home. Fights troll. Friends give Meepo fire stick. Meepo holds stick so friends see. Meepo drop stick on foot. Fire no burn Meepo. Meepo no know why. Fights goblins. Meepo kills big goblin! Fights goblin chief. Friends kills chief Durnn.
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Concluding 'The Sunless Citadel'

Meepo's Journal, part 2:
Meepo takes Durnn head to Yusdrayl. Yusdrayl make nice to Meepo. Meepo is war leader of clan! Meepo will fertilize many many eggs. Meepo miss Calcryx but no miss all clan hit Meepo and kick Meepo and piss Meepo after goblins takes Calcryx.

Yusdrayl send Meepo to grove see if new friends dies. Meepo leads warriors. Warriors and Meepo and friends kills plant things. Friends go fights Outcast. Yusdrayl happy.

Yusdrayl tell Meepo go kills goblin womens and goblin childrens. Meepo no want. Meepo says we chase thems to underdark. Yusdrayl throw spear at Meepo. Yusdrayl says guard feed Meepo to calcryx. Meepo runs. Meepo hides. Meepo waits three sleeps in hide spot. Guards still looks for Meepo so Meepo go looks for new friends. Meepo leave clan. Meepo ascared leave clan. Meepo ascared Calcryx eat Meepo too.

Meepo hides waits for friends. Nasty sun burns Meepo eyes. Friends come. Meepo says no hurts Meepo Meepo go with friends. Friends says Meepo go with them! Meepo happy.


More when I return from dinner. Feedback very welcome.
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First Post
Americano said:
Meepo's Journal, part 2:
Meepo takes Durnn head to Yusdrayl. Yusdrayl make nice to Meepo. Meepo is war leader of clan! Meepo will fertilize many many eggs. Meepo miss Calcryx but no miss all clan hit Meepo and kick Meepo and piss Meepo after goblins takes Calcryx.

Yusdrayl send Meepo to grove see if new friends dies. Meepo leads warriors. Warriors and Meepo and friends kills plant things. Friends go fights Outcast. Yusdrayl happy.

Yusdrayl tell Meepo go kills goblin womens and goblin childrens. Meepo no want. Meepo says we chase thems to underdark. Yusdrayl throw spear at Meepo. Yusdrayl says guard feed Meepo to calcryx. Meepo runs. Meepo hides. Meepo waits three sleeps in hide spot. Guards still looks for Meepo so Meepo go looks for new friends. Meepo leave clan. Meepo ascared leave clan. Meepo ascared Calcryx eat Meepo too.

Meepo hides waits for friends. Nasty sun burns Meepo eyes. Friends come. Meepo says no hurts Meepo Meepo go with friends. Friends says Meepo go with them! Meepo happy.


More when I return from dinner. Feedback very welcome.

I love the pdf and its illustrations.


First Post
'The Buzz in the Bridge' (Dungeon #110)

[IMAGER]http://www.todd.com/dnd/meepo_drawing1.jpg[/IMAGER]Meepo's Journal, part 3
Meepo rides with magic elf to halfling place. Halfling homes make nice to Meepo. No too big like humans. Bees fights. Meepo waits in nasty sun. Bee chief almosts kills Big Orc.

Magic elf gives Meepo shiny knife. Meepo love shiny knife. Meepo swing it and think Meepo kill Yusdrayl. Meepo kill Yusdrayl and calcryx make nice to Meepo. Clan make Meepo chief. Meepo fertilize eggs more. Magic elf gives Meepo pony. Meepo ride pony. Pony no make nice to Meepo. Meepo fall hit head on rock make spin round. Meepo head haves nasty gnomes banging drums.

Go new human place. Magic elf say Meepo no be kobold. Meepo no know what mean but Meepo no say. Humans and elfs and dwarfs hates Meepo. Meepo think they hurts Meepo if friends no strong. Meepo no want hurts. Magic elf tell Meepo no piss inside. Meepo ascared go outside. Meepo try no piss inside but Meepo no help when Meepo ascared.
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Begin 'The Forge of Fury'

Meepo's Journal, part 4
Ride more in nasty sun. Orcs attacks. Meepo want eat orcs. Friends no want. Meepo no know how friends get big. Friend food no make nice to Meepo. Meepo climb down long hole. Meepo carry fire stick more. Fights orcs and orcs and orcs and big big big ugly ogre.

Bug things attaks. Down down stairs. Meepo smell troglodytes. Meepo say troglodytes make Meepo sick. Troglodytes attaks and bear. Big mean bear kill Pretty Elf Lady. Meepo is sad. Man-elf with swrod sad. Man-elf cuts bear. Meepo cuts part of bear to eat later. Food from magic elf is no tasty. Meepo start cooks for friends. Need find rats and fengus fngu glow stuff that grow in cave. And crikits. Crikits is Meepo favrit. Friends likes Meepo cooks.

Leaves cave. Go back in hot nasty sun hurts Meepo eyes more. Ride and ride and ride six sleeps. Magic elf needs golds sells treasures. Meepo gives green dragons. Meepo miss dragons but Meepo helps. Meepo now has only dragon pednat from old clan. Now nice Elf Lady is no dead. Meepo no know how. Maybe if Meepo die friends will ride six sleeps and Meepo no be dead?

Meepo no want be dead. Meepo want sees more. Meepo want learns more. Also Meepo ascared meet kobold god who must no be named cause Meepo leavs clan. Kobolds no spossed do. Kobold god no make nice to Meepo. Meepo no make nice to kobold god. Meepo want finds new god. Kobolds thinks of traps and fights and hurts. Meepo thinks of dragons and stories and magic and advntr aventur heros and places and stories.

Meepo strange. Meepo no be like other kobolds. Kobolds says Meepo weak and no amount to much. Meepo want be hero and advnet adtenvtur traveler like friends. If Meepo be hero maybe somday friends say Meepo call them by names. Meepo hope friends like him nuff. Maybe peoples hurts little Meepo cause Meepo be kobold. Maybe Meepo no go far. Meepo no stops nows. Meepo musts trys. Meepo writes more when happens.
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continuing 'The Forge of Fury'

Meepo's Journal, part 5
Meepo writes more epic storys. We rides back to cave. Gos down stairs. Finds dead dwarfs bones with sword that glows. Sneaky Lady takes sword. Go to big big cave. Finds dead dwarfs beds. Orc opens beds. Fights big worms with tentcles in big cave. Big Orc climbs up to Worms home finds metal clothes and golds. Down more stairs walks over bridge to room with water. Water is too deep for Meepo. Water also look like goblins use it for piss in.

Man-elf is caught by big rock monster with teeths and rope arms. Rope arms drags Man-elf thrugh water. Rock monster say orcs and elfs no tastes good. Brings me better foods. Meepo hope kobold no tastes good too. Gos finds deer for rock monster keeps Man-elf. Brings deer and feeds. Rock monster say we go past now. Finds doors and dead dwarf. Sneaky Lady finds key.

Up stairs finds many trogoldytes. Smell make Meepo sick up nasty food but Meepo finds tasty bugs after fights. Eats some and saves some for friends. Friends kills trogoldytes. Orc and Man-elf hurts lots all gos to big ugly ogre room and sleeps two sleeps. Meepo bored. Meepo start make bear and crikit stew. Back to trogoldyte home. Fights big chief trogoldyte and lizard.

Chief trogoldyte throw fire at friends but no hit Meepo. Finds dead halfling. Halfling has wood box with strings. Box pretty. Meepo pull strings box make pretty sounds. Meepo Magic Elf say box is mandollin. Meepo hope friends gives him pretty mandollin. Rests more cause all friends are burned from big chief troglodyte magics. Meepo glad magics miss or little Meepo be pile of ashs. Meepo writes more when happens.
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First Post
Concluding 'The Forge of Fury'

Meepo's Journal, part 6
We gos to big big cave. Sneaky Lady opens door with key. Down more stairs. Big room. Voice say turn back no Warn again. Friends talks dwarfs. Dwarfs no like talks attaks. Kills for dwarfs one runs. Follows dwarf that runs. Finds tough dwarf woman. She fight then say stop no kills me helps you. Says magics Weapons below in cavern. Friends talks about what to do with dwarf. Says dwarf cans go.

Meepo sad. Meepo never tastes dwarfs. Gos to room with water in circle. Black floating thing talks and talks and talks. Meepo and Man-elf no listen but other friends stops and stares at floating thing. Meepo shoot floating thing but arrow go right threw it. Meepo no know why. Only Man-elf is attaksing it so Meepo draws shiny knife and runs up and swings. Floating thing touches Meepo. Meepo feel very confused. Finally Sneaky Lady and Magic Elf and Meepo kills floating thing. Meepo still feel confused.

Gos back to ogre room and rests two sleeps. Meepo less confused after sleeps. Gos back down finds dwarf tied up in room. Friends unties him and talks. Dwarf go with help fights. Climbs down ladder to cave with water. Cross bridge to ledge. Big big dragon! Runs! Runs! Dragon no make nice to Meepo! Friends no runs. Meepo ascard but Meepo no runs. Magic Elf be mad cause Meepo piss self but Meepo no runs. Meepo no want die so Meepo hide behind rock.

Dragon say you will no have them. Dragon spits at dwarf and Magic Elf. Dwarf and Big Orc and Sneaky Lady hits many. Dragon dies. Meepo friends strong. Meepo happy friends no Want hurt Meepo. Swims to rock in Water With golds. Finds glow ax and big club. Pretty Elf Lady takes club. Meepo see dwarf looking at Meepo neck and hold axe. Meepo think dwarf chop Meepo head off. Meepo ascared of dWarf. Finds dragon eggs. Magic Elf and orc smash eggs. Meepo sad. Meepo miss Calcryx. Meepo Wants train new dragon. New dragon make nice to Meepo.

Waits two sleeps in cave and gos up. Finds Lady with black hair in room. Lady with black hair say wizard catch and keep her there. Friends talks to Lady with black hair. Pretty Elf Lady search lady with black hair. Lady with black hair grab Pretty Elf Lady and kiss then say no everything be what it seem and disappear. Meepo no know how.

Finds room with big carpet. Dwarf pulls on carpet and carpet wrap him. Meepo no know how carpet be alive. Big Orc slice carpet with axe. Finds big room with smashed seats. Fights ugly dead orc and big skeltons. Ugly dead orc hurts Magic Elf. Meepo hate ugly dead orc.

Gos to room with dwarfs and big machins. Dwarfs hit glowing sticks with hammers. Makes loud noise. Friends shoots at dwarfs with bows. Two more dwarfs comes. One is dwarf woman friends lets go. Fights magic dwarf and dwarf woman. Dwarf kills magic dwarf. Dwarf woman kills too.

Magic Elf say we be finished with advnet avendtu dungeon. Now we go to city. Meepo ascared What people in city do to little Meepo. But Meepo also want to learn more. Meepo want find someone to teach Meepo play mandollin. Meepo learns how and Write great kobold epic musics. Must ride in hot nasty sun tho. Meepo go threw many struggles. Meepo glad haves nice friends. Meepo write more when happens.


What will happen to Meepo next? Will the residents of the city our heroes are heading to accept a kobold in their midst? Will he get his wish and learn how to play mandolin the group found? And will he ever learn how to spell 'adventure'?
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First Post
Beginning 'The Speaker In Dreams'

Meepo's Journal, part 7
Meepo write mores. Rides in nasty burning sun. Meepo eyes melt out. Eyes drip on Meepo story? Rides to city. Old lady holds bowl asks for golds. Meepo think old lady no be old lady. Old lady eyes look like Calcryx eyes. Meepo no know why. Magic elf gives gold. Old lady who no be old lady say beware... Um... Dreams... Meepo forgets essactly. Old lady who no be old lady talk fast.

Guards at gate tie up weapons. Big human fights with guards. Meepo wonder why friends no stop big human. More guards comes. Guards no like Meepo. Guard point sword at Meepo. Meepo ascared of guard. Guard say Meepo can go but must tie up shiny knife and arrows. Guard say if Meepo cause trouble he gut Meepo with dull spoon and feed pieces of Meepo to dog. Meepo too ascared talk. Meepo nod head. Meepo will stay very close to magic elf and Sneaky Lady. Peoples in city hates Meepo.

City has many many people on street. Peoples have carts and booths sell stuff. Meepo try look everywhere at same time. Meepo want buy new clothes. Meepo old clothes be old and torn. Maybe people likes Meepo more if Meepo wears new clothes.

Peoples screams and runs from rats and rat men. Friends kills rats. Gos to inn. People at inn stare at Meepo. Gos back to streets. Everything go wierd stretch out. Big purple worms appears. Friends and guards kills big purple worms. Gos back to inn. Meets Bard with Coin. Bard with Coin will teach Meepo to play mandollin! Meepo very happy. Meepo will be first kobold bard and sing and tells stories. Meepo will miss friends while learns be bard but Meepo helps more after. Meepo write more when can.
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Concluding 'The Speaker In Dreams'

Meepo's Journal, part 8
Meepo be very busy learns be bard. Meepo learns play music on mandollin and sings and tells storys. Bard With Coin make nice to Meepo. Start teach Meepo about bard magics. Meepo no be very good at magics yet but Meepo make magics works once almost. Magics be very fun. Is very hard learns be bard. Meepo no suprised there no be other kobold bards. Kobolds no be good at learns long time stuff.

Friends visits With Meepo sometimes. Meepo miss friends. Friends fights rats and evil magic men and big devils and rats and magic ogre. Magic Elf is turned to statue by nasty medusa. Meepo Wonder What be like to be statue. Be awake or like sleep? What if gets itch? That drive Meepo crazy if Meepo no scratch. Meepo must asks Magic Elf.

Friends tells Meepo about fights mind flayer and baron. Mind flayer eats Man-elf With swords brain runs away. Baron make nice to friends. Old priest makes Man-elf with sword no be dead. Meepo no know how. Man-elf alive with no brain? Yusdrayl say Meepo have no brain once so maybe can be live without. Baron has great feast for friends. Baron gives nice presents to friends. People no be mean to Meepo now friends be heros. Meepo eats roasted meat from cart. What be chwawa? No be tasty but no make Meepo sick.

Meepo want write song tell story of friends fight mind flayer. Meepo will sing song so all know friends be strong. Meepo must go learns more bard stuff now. Bard With coin say Meepo be almost done With learn be bard so Meepo must study. Bard With coin say Meepo use name. Bard With coin be Master Rolwin. Meepo must remember. Meepo write more when happen.
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'One Last Riddle' (free adventure)

Meepo's Journal, part 9
Meepo Write about first adventure as bard. Meepo and Sneaky Lady and Pretty Elf Lady and Man-elf with Sword gos from town. Big ghost man-lion-bird tell riddle. Meepo guess answer right! Help that answer be kobold. Meepo know about kobold more than other. Man-lion-bird sends to cave.

Finds scared young kobold. Meepo talk. Kobold name Jaalask. Jaalask make nice to Meepo. Jaalask tell about Blackspear kobold tribe. Blackspear tribe chief Oppol be sorcerer like Yusdrayl. Jaalask say he fight kobolds with friends. Leads to camp. Many kobolds two weasels. Fights kobolds. Jaalask die first. Meepo sad. Meepo want kobold friend.

Meepo play mandolin and sing help friends fight more good. Weasel bites Meepo. Meepo hurt lots. Meepo dying. Dark everywhere. Meepo wake up. Pretty Elf Lady heal Meepo. Meepo hug Pretty Elf Lady. All kobold be dead. Meepo almost sad. Meepo could teach about make nice. Man-elf search for trail. Meepo wonder where be Oppol. Also when be dinner?

Finds trail to town. Talks to gnome. Meepo say no trust gnome. Gos to Oppol house. Meepo sing more. Singing be Meepo favrit part of adventurs. Oppol do magic. Glowing arrows like Magic Elf make fly at Meepo. Arrows hit Meepo. Arrows hurt lots. Meepo dying again. More dark. Wake up agin. Pretty Elf Lady heal Meepo more. Meepo die fast if no for Pretty Elf Lady. Oppol no have head. Takes Oppol cloak. Meepo hope friends let him haves cloak. Meepo need nice clothes for be bard.

Man-lion-bird happy We kill Oppol. Send to cave find treasure. Finds pretty metal clothes. Gos back to town. Master Rolwin say he teach Meepo more. Teach pronouns and tense. Meepo no know what be.
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