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The New Adventures of Meepo (Updated 6/25/05)


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Heart of Nightfang Spire, session one

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Meepo gos in forrest with Magic Elf and Man-elf and Pretty Elf Lady. Magic Elf casts tellyport. Magics no work right takes to tower. Meepo no know where. Fights lots of nasty things. One thing has body of snake but head of human she. Meepo no know what be. Runs from big dragon with many heads and gos back to Dager Fals. Magic elf does magics makes eyes so sees magic allways. Meepo wonder what sees magic looks like.

Waits many sleeps. Meepo studys musics and magics. Meepo like waits in town. No monsters try kills Meepo in towns. Only some peoples trys hurts Meepo but meepo can hides in room. Some peoples even like hear Meepo sings. Only two but Meepo must starts somewhere.

Magic Elf say want buy house in Nevrwinnter. Meepo no know where be. Meepo buys ring that make Meepo harder to hurts. Meepo also pay many golds to Magic Man to make dead animal skin clothes more magic. Hit Meepo very hard now. Meepo still no can finds lute that makes big fireballs.

Friends hears story about Cukoo so gos to finds him. Meepo hope friends kills Cukoo. Meepo no make nice to Cukoo. Rides to small town thens to big hole in ground. In bottom of hole be tall building. No be door in tall building. Magic Elf do magic. Big Orc flys! Meepo thinks fly be very fun. Maybe Magic Elf will make Meepo fly someday. Flys to top of tall building. Sneaky Lady climbs up wall. Magic Elf tellyports Meepo and others to top of building. Fights big fly monster. Meepo no know what monster call so Meepo call Rorpt. Rorpt talk in Meepo head. Meepo no know how. Meepo do magics make Sneaky Lady no be see. Friends kills Rorpt while Meepo sings. Big Orc almosts dies from Roprt tenntcles. Rorpt say Master be back world will tremmbl. Rorpt talk to fast in Meepo head for Meepo to writes all.

Finds big dead dragon. Dragon be dead while cause bites be gone. Meepo wonder if Rorpt kill dragon or who? Climbs down rope into building. Room has many broken statues and rocks. Follows tracks to other room. Meepo always think adventures with friends be exciting and fun but now Meepo be very scared.

Finds Yusdrayl and kobolds from old clan in tower. Meepo no know how Yusdrayl gets from old home to heer. Yusdrayl look differnt but Meepo no sure how. Sneaky Lady say they no have shadows. Yusdrayl say Meepo how worthless elf-mating kobold like you no be dead? Meepo no can talk. Yusdrayl say no matter Gulthias be hungry you feed but first we tastes. Pretty Elf Lady holds up holly symbl and kobolds runs not Yusdrayl. Yusdrayl looks at Big Orc makes him conffused. Meepo swings sword at Yusdrayl but Meepo miss. Yusdrayl attaks bites Meepo drink Meepo blood. Yusdrayl bes vampire now. All kobolds from Meepo old clan be vampire or dead. Meepo worry if Calcryx be vampire too. Friends hits Yusdrayl and Yusdrayl turn to smoke. Meepo no know how. Meepo feel very week from have blood drinked. Meepo no like blood drinked.


Finally was able to have another session after nearly a month of scheduling problems. Hope to be playing more regularly now, so updates should be more frequent.

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First Post
Heart of Nightfang Spire, interlude

Meepo wakes. Meepo be still week after blood drinked. Meepo legs shaks ifs Meepo walks. Meepo no like Yusdrayl more now vampire. Meepo no make nice to Yusdrayl. Meepo wonder what feel be vampire thoh.Be smoke might be funs.

Friends say leavs tower in hole. Meepo like leavs tower. Meepo ascard of Yusdrayl and other clan kobold now vampires. Friends say need geerup afore fights Yusdrayl and Gulthias. What be geerup? Meepo hope geerup be tasty dinner. Maybe geerup be rat and crikit stew! Meepo be hungry. Magic elf make magics open door that no be door. Meepo need learns make door magics.

Gos back to Dager Falls. Magic Elf tellyports to Waterdeep for shop buys. Meepo asks Magic Elf buys Meepo lute that make big fireballs but Meepo think Magic Elf no like. Meepo no know why. Meepo sees goblin with metal cloths in Dager Falls. How nasty goblin gets metal cloths? Maybe Meepo need metal cloths so no gets cut. Meepo no like gets cut. Kobolds cut Meepo afore Meepo be Keeper of Dragons. Meepo has skars on feets from cuts. One time Rissol almosts cuts off Meepo toe. Meepo happy if Rissol bes vampire.

Meepo writes Yusdrayl vampire song. Meepo be big kobold bard hero so must writes songs. Riming bes hard thoh.

Yusdrayl Vampire Song
bye Meepo, Keeper of Dragons, Kobold bard

Meepo finds old queen in room
Yusdrayl sees Meepo and bit
Drinks blood froms Meepo
Meepo think Yusdrayl full of
Shadows be good Meepo can hides
Sun no make nice Meepo eyes frys

Meepo hate Yusdrayl more
Than if Meepo falls in pit
Yusdrayl vampire is stupids
Smell like lots of goblin
Shadows be good Meepo can hides
Sun no make nice Meepo eyes frys

Meepo want kill vampire
With sword Meepo split
Vampire head from body
Then in head Meepo takes
Shadows be good Meepo can hides
Sun no make nice Meepo eyes frys

Vampire song be over
Meepo be close to quit
If no likes Meepo song
Sticks head in pile of
Shadows be good Meepo can hides
Sun no make nice Meepo eyes frys


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After far too long it looks like my group will be restarting things this weekend. This is just an interlude.


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Heart of Nightfang Spire, session 2

Meepo reeds big book about magics. Meepo need learns more about so Meepo can dos more. Meepo no undersand book much. Meepo no know about stuffs like some bards. Meepo want get familar but bards no can. Meepo think no be fair. Meepo want get big dragon familar. Meepo dragon familar eat who no make nice to Meepo. Sometimes Meepo feel be like dragon. Meepo like be like dragon. Maybe Meepo miss Calcryx.

Meepo practice sings. Meepo good at play mandolin but no be good at sings. Peoples throw things at Meepo when sings. Magic Elf says we gos back to fight vampire Yusdrayl now. Meepo ascared of vampire Yusdrayl. Meepo no like blood drinked.

Gos back and fights kobold vampires. Meepo sad cuz one bes Purziz. Purziz make nice to Meepo. Kills then Yusdrayl and more kobolds comes. After kills turns to smoke then bes in stone beds. Cuts off heads so be dead dead. Yusdrayl no be in stone beds. Finds dead gnome in room. Dead gnome bes gnome friends finds in cage in old home. Friends talk about heal gnome then cut gnome head off. Meepo no know why. Finds room with black floating things and big dog. Black floating things killed and dog. Finds room with black goop on floor. Black goop looks scary. Gos down stairs.

Finds room with dragon on wall. Very pretty big dragon picure. Finds room with many many little parts and carved things. Friends open up carved things finds stuffs. Opens one finds mummy. Mummy scares Meepo. Meepo no moves. Big Orc no move. Mummy hits Big Orc makes sick. Magic Elf and Big Orc tellyport away. Meepo want tellyport too but no can. Meepo plays mandolin. Fights and fights mummy. Mummy make Pretty Elf Lady sick. Man-elf hits mummy and mummy tellyports aways. Meepo no know how. Magic Elf and Big Orc tellyport back heals Pretty ELf Lady. Gos to room with door for sleeps. Meepo write more when happens.

Meepo be very very sad. Meepo cry much. Meepo chest hurt. Meepo heart dies? Calcryx be dead. Finds Calcryx body in room. Meepo cry til Meepo eyes run out.

Someone stick spears in Calcryx stick in wall. Meepo love Calcryx even when Calcryx no make nice. Meepo feed Calcryx and talk. Some times Meepo play with Calcryx in cage. Calcryx plays at bite Meepo and skratch Meepo. Hurts Meepo but no care cause Meepo love Calcryx. Meepo very improtent in clan cause be keeper of dragon. Only Yusdrayl more. All clan resepct Meepo. Meepo fertilize many eggs cause Meepo be Keeper of dragons. Meepo miss fertilize eggs.

Meepo be good keeper of dragon. Meepo no care bout cold like most kobold. Keep dragon Sekrit be no let dragon breaths ice on. Freezes hurts. One time Calcryx ices goblin who sneeks by cage. Goblin freezes and falls and brakes. Meepo picks up goblin peeces and eats. Froze goblin very tasty. Sekrit also be feeds dragon lots so dragon no bes hungry. Also gives dragon shiny tresures for have in cage. Dragon make nice if haves foods and shiny tresures.

All clan like Meepo almosts. Graddo no make nice to Meepo. Graddo come steal Meepo food once. Calcryx breath ice on Graddo. Graddo no wake up for five sleeps. Very funny watch Graddo froze. Meepo and Yip and Ozz use froze Graddo for piss on.

Meepo writes small Calcryx storys. Calcryx eats rats Meepo catch. Not big rats like Guthash. Small rats. One time Meepo go finds rats in Underdark. Meepo find dead goblin in pretty cloths. Meepo thinks feed goblin to Calcryx. Calcryx like eats goblin especly eyes. Meepo give goblin cloths to pretty kobold she Yisska.

Meepo keeps Calcryx in cage. Calcryx like play with Meepo but if Calcryx no in cage hurts when bites and skratch. One time Calcryx almosts kills Meepo when bites. Meepo happy clan heeler be in close room or Meepo dies. Play when in cage be ok cause Meepo can get away cause bars block. One time Calcryx get out of cage and kill Yip afore Meepo stops. Calcryx eats Yip while Meepo puts back in cage. Yip mother mad at Meepo cause Yip body be chewed.

Calcryx gone. Meepo no there to save. Meepo shoulds take Calcryx with on adventures. Meepo no writes more crys now. Meepo crys for ever now.


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A bit of translation: The first two paragraphs are Meepo taking ranks in Knowledge (arcana) and Perform (sing) to angle toward a prestige class. The body of the gnome found by the party is poor Erky Timbers, who they met for the first time in The Sunless Citadel. Erky could have been saved by the group had they continued on when they were in the Spire the first time, but by retreating they left him to the unseemly fate of being drained by kobold vampires. This did lead to the classic line from one of my PCs, "We could have him resurrected. No, let's cut off his head." Calcryx, Meepo's charge from the Sunless Citadel, was the unfortunate victim of a revived Gulthias. Poor Meepo may never recover.


Holy crap, someone still remembers my poorly-punctuated, truncated venture into the wild world of Story Hour writers? FONDLY?!

Well, now I just have to read it. I'll stop back once I've actually done that. :)
Last edited:


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Heart of Nightfang Spire, Session 3

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Meepo be still very sad. Meepo want curl up and die. Meepo no care if dies now. Gos more in to tower. Meepo feels dragon song inside Meepo. Meepo sings more better now. Meepo think cause Meepo be sad. Meepo no care. Meepo no want dragon song Meepo want Calcryx.

Meepo remembres nother Calcryx story. Yusdrayl poisons Meepo for fun. Meepo no think be fun. Yusdayl laughs at Meepo be sick. Yusdrayl make Yozzis Keeper of Dragon cause Meepo is unconns uncnos sleeps. Calcryx no make nice to Yozzis. Calcryx trick Yozzis to open cage and Calcryx ice Yozzis and bites head offs. Yusdrayl make nice to Meepo cause Calcryx eats new keeper.

Meepo forgets write about big apes with for arms. Fights big apes while Meepo sing sad Calcryx song. Big ape grabs Big Orc and rip in half almosts. Meepo wish big apes rip Meepo in half so Meepo no hurt more. Maybe big apes rip empty part of Meepo chest out.

Gos and fights nasty skelton with purpel worm tonge. Skeltons parlize Sneaky Lady. Meepo summons useless owl to fights but Owl no hits Skelton. Gos to new room finds Mummy again. Meepo no likes mummy. Big Orc hits mummy very hard and Mummy dies. Meepo no sure how dead thing dies but Mummy stop move round. Gos to room to sleeps.

Meepo sleeps and Sneaky Lady yells about fight. Sneaky Lady stab by some no see. No see hits Big Orc. Magic Elf makes so sees wite. Fights wites. Meepo think bout letting wite kills Meepo so Meepo bes wite too. If Meepo be wite Meepo no miss Calcryx. Meepo scared wite Meepo would hurt friends thoh. Wite make room be dark. Even Meepo no see in this dark. Meepo no know why. Friends run to light room. Magic Elf do spell and house appeers. Gos into house to sleeps.

Friends make Meepo wake. Meepo no want wake. Gos down stairs. Finds big room with glass and strings and stuff. Fights big golem be ugly made of peeces of mans and ogre and maybe dragon. Golem breaths fire burns Meepo and Meepo friends. Meepo has smokes coming from and smells cooked. Fire hurts lots. Meepo hope Calcryx no hurt so much afore dies. Golem kills Man-elf with big ogre hand. Man-elf dies much. Golem kills Big Orc. Meepo no see Big Orc die afore. Meepo wonder if Golem kills all friends and Meepo. Magic Elf use stick shoots green glow arrow at Golem and kills.

Magic Elf do magic make house again. Sleeps then Pretty Elf Lady make Big Orc and Man-Elf no be dead. Meepo no see no be dead spell afore. Meepo wonder if Meepo can learns no be dead spell. Maybe Meepo could make Calcryx no be dead.

Finds door with writes. Say Runad is in here Leaves him in peece. Voice from door says help lets me out door writes be Gulthias lies. Runad be man-vulture talks say let me go me helps fight Gulthias. Runad talk lots about Shardalon. Shardalon be big dragon cult wurship. Shardalon bes dead and heart be in tower center with Gulthias. Gulthias be insain try do nasty things bring back Shardalon. Meepo wonder if do nasty things bring back Caclryx too? Meepo could try be nasty. Most kobolds good at be nasty maybe Meepo can too. Meepo no like be nasty thoh. Friends let Runad go and takes with. Meepo no like Runad. Meepo think Runad look like Cukoo. Fights more wites. Pretty Elf Lady make wites asplode. Meepo gets wite bits in eye from asplode.

Fights more big apes. Meepo think might be good have for arms. Meepo could play mandolin and swing sword too. Maybe Meepo play two mandolins if have for arms. Runad attacks Meepo. Meepo know no trust man-vultures! Next time Meepo no let friends bring long. Meepo bleeds lots and dying. Meepo happy cause go finds Calcryx when dead. Pretty Elf Lady heals Meepo. Runad dead when Meepo wakes from bleeds. Meepo shoot ape in eye. Meepo arrow sticks out ape bleeds. Big Orc kills last ape with mask.

Meepo start get very mad Gulthias. Gulthias kill Meepo clan make vampires. Gulthias clan kill Big Orc and Man-elf almost Meepo. Gulthias kills Calcryx. Meepo HATES Gulthias.

Meepo trys new magics now. Meepo think can help with mummy sick. Meepo also think can make sword fly and attacks. Meepo like attacks from far away more than close. Close attacks bad cause Meepo get cut. Also try new heal spell for when friends hurts.


First paragraph has Meepo taking Dragonsong from Draconomicon as his 6th level feat. Those of you familiar with Nightfang Spire may realize I shuffled things up a lot this level, many of the changes for reasons I no longer really recall. It must have seemed like a good idea at the time.


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Heart of Nightfang Spire, Session 4

Meepo writes more. Gos down more stairs. Finds very messy room with broken jars and ashs and bones. Finds zombies cleans room. Pretty Elf Lady make zombies asplode. Meepo like when zombies asplode. Fights purpel tonge skelton and big ape and zombies. Gos to big room with fire. Fire attaks! Big Fire-man burns Big Orc and Man-elf. Meepo no like burns so shoots arrows but arrows no hurts fire-man. Fire-man dies from Magic Elf magic snow storm. Meepo no see snow storm inside afore. Gos to curv hall finds room with hole. Climbs down long long hole with handels to catcombs.

Finds room with Big Apes. Apes no attaks. Man-elf makes Apes no be mad. Meepo no know how. Meepo think Man-elf should make skeltons and zombies and fire-mans no be mad so Meepo no get hurts so much. Finds more rooms with Apes no attaks. Finds big room with many Apes and hatchlings. Finds Queen Big Ape and mate. Queen Big Ape talk Undercomon. Only Meepo know talk Undercomon so Meepo tranl tarns translats for friends. Queen Big Ape hates Gulthias send mate for help fights. Queen gives peece of dragon key.

[IMAGER]http://www.todd.com/dnd/meepo-and-magic-elf.jpg[/IMAGER]Finds room with Dragon on wall and alter. Magic Elf reads words on alter and says death. Dragon on wall breaths fire at Magic Elf. Magic Elf smells burned. Sneaky Lady opens dead human bed and nasty smell smoke comes. Meepo choks then smoke kill Magic Elf and Meepo. Sometime Meepo think Meepo spend more time dead than no dead. Meepo no see Magic Elf dies afore thoh. Meepo no finds Calcryx when be dead. Meepo no know why. Pretty Elf Lady do magics make Meepo and Magic Elf no be dead. Meepo almost no come back be no dead. Meepo no miss Calcryx so much when bes dead.

Meepo gives friends isig ingis little carved picters Meepo make. Meepo can sing magic make friends no hurt if haves picters. Magic Elf uses Mummy Hat and tellyports to buy magic stuff for Pretty Elf Lady for no dead spells. Meepo hope no need more no dead spells.

Fights two ugly blue shes and big apes. Ugly blue shes are magic shoots glow arrows at Magic Elf. Meepo do magics throw sword at apes and shes but Meepo miss. Ugly She bites Big Orc. Big Orc bleeds but no dies. Sneaky Lady stabs Blue She and kills. Queen Mate Ape kills other Blue She rip in two peece. Queen Mate be good to have with. Meepo yell For Calcryx stabs Bad Big Ape with sword but miss. Meepo no be so good at stabs.

Meepo no likes this adventure. Bad things happens to Meepo and Friends and Calcryx. Meepo be ascared what come next. Meepo hopes kills Gulthias soon. Meepo want go back to inn and plays music. Meepo will write epic song about Calcryx so all know about. Maybe peoples no hates Meepo so much if knows about Calcryx.


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Heart of Nightfang Spire, Session 5

[IMAGER]http://www.todd.com/dnd/nightwalker.jpg[/IMAGER]Meepo writes more. Meepo try no be so sad but Meepo no know how. Gos back finds room with dead apes and bones and smash rocks. Many apes dies in room. Meepo no know why apes fights apes. Maybe some apes no make nice to other apes. Finds room with old dry fountain and writes. Meepo no can reeds dragon words thoh. Meepo remines of fountain in old home Meepo sees on first adventure with friends. Big doors no can be open even Sneaky Lady no open.

Gos to hall way to room with purpel worm tongue skeltons. Meepo sick of purpel worm skeltons! After kills sees big room too big see. Hears noises from far down in room but no can see. Magic Elf tellyports Big Ape and Big Orc and Man-elf to little iland in room. Finds dragon key but spekters attaks. Fight spekters. Meepo and Pretty Elf Lady and Sneaky Lady no can reach to helps fight. Spekters touch and makes Magic Elf lose... um... Meepo no know word but Magic Elf no can do stuff like afore after touch. Big Orc takes dragon key and floor lectrocuts. Magic Elf tellyports back to other room. Now haves two dragon keys. Meepo wish Meepo could holds dragon keys but Sneaky Lady keeps.

Big Ape bes very week from Spekter fights so takes back to mate. Gos back to where comes down and to hall. Fights more purpel tongue skeltons. Meepo say no more purpel tongues! Too many purpel tongues! Kobolds vampires Yuk and Sappok and Rassis attacks. Meepo kills vampire kobolds for no saves Calcryx. Well Meepo hits Yuk once but Big Orc and Man-elf kills. Well Meepo swing sword and miss but Meepo try hits. Magic Elf find magic stick say makes door open so gos way back to door Sneaky Lady no can open.

Magic Elf uses magic stick to open lock door. Sees pedstal with key. Sneaky Lady takes key but pedstal attaks. Kills pedstal and now have three peeces of key. Magic Elf makes magic house for sleeps in. Gos back to where fights kobolds and fights again. Forgets to finds cofins afore so kobolds no bes dead again. Kills kobolds again and Meepo cuts off heads in cofins.

Finds big big room with wall fall in. Room has big big big black Nodead Thing. Nodead Thing be very tall. Meepo think nodead Thing steps on Meepo and squish. Nodead Thing takes Big Orc ax and break. Nodead Thing smash Big Orc and kills. Meepo very ascard now Nodead Things kills all friends and Meepo. Meepo no want die afore kills Gulthias. Man-Elf almost dies but kills Nodead Thing just afore.

Find last peece of dragon key. Now can go to coor and kills Gulthias. Also Yusdrayl must be somewhere. Meepo want kills Yusdrayl too. Meepo try new dragon song next time. New Dragon song makes friends be more strong. Meepo thinks of Calcryx when sings dragon song. Meepo use dragon song for help kill Gulthias.


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Meepo has taken a level in Dragonsong Lyrist (Draconomicon), as noted in his closing paragraph. His updated stat block is here


Prodigal Member
I love the picture. :)

I can't help feeling sorry for the little guy though. Meepo, go find some nice kobold village somewhere and settle down!


First Post
Len said:
I love the picture. :)

I can't help feeling sorry for the little guy though. Meepo, go find some nice kobold village somewhere and settle down!

Thanks. I usually have to draw Meepo's pictures twice, the first time comes out too good for Meepo's skills (my background is in art).

I think given the right opportunity Meepo would love to settle down and fertilize many, many eggs. ;)

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