D&D 5E The new D&D Reading List- WIKI THREAD!

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Someone beat me to my top two choices so I added three authors that maybe not everyone has heard of but well deserve to be read.


It's been a while since I've read them, but man do I love the old Howard Conan and Lieber's Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. That pulp sword and sorcery fantasy is unlike anything else out there. Some of it, particularly some Conan stories, have a bit of a touch of Lovecraft to them too (the horror, not the racism). Great list so far.


Hi, I'm a Mindflayer, but don't let that worry you
If I may make a suggestion:

Add the publication date to each entry. If it's a series, use a date range or the publication date of the first book.

Transcribe and add the reading lists from each edition. I know there was one in 1E and there's one in the 5E Dungeon Master's Guide. Not sure about the other editions.


I added the First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie, which someone had mentioned in the comments but not added to the OP, which is a great trilogy. Love thecharacters and the constant subverting of expectations in the books. And the characters are great, each with a distinctive voice.

I also added the Gentlemen Bastards series by Scott Lynch. Also a great series with vivid characters and a very detailed setting in each book. Lynch's wroting can also be very creative and clever, which suits the tale of conmen and rogues. Great stuff.


I added one of my faves: Weis and Hickman's Death Gate Cycle, as well as Spellfire and the Moonshae Trilogy. I have fond memories of those books.

I loved the deathgate cycle, I bought the entire series with birthday money. Lent them to a friend who also enjoyed them. The way the worlds were set up was really cool from memory, the take on necromancy was interesting. I've been meaning to read them again, just have to find out where my old books are.

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