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The One True Game: According to Hoyle, and Others


“TO ARMS! TO ARMS!” Dram yelled. As he was yelled the blob moved up and engulfed Dram’s legs. He could hear the hissing coming from his leather boots as he tried to pull free from the thick goo. Fortunately for the others, no one had fallen asleep or removed their armor yet. Ormand the Redd backpedaled firing his bow at the thing, but the wooden arrows dissolved on contact. Dalin ran forward pulling his sword out. Swinging at the blob he missed and tripped to his knees inside the creature. The bull-like Pax moved up and grabbed both Dram and Dalin. Pulling as hard as he could he could only pop Dram out. Dalin was mired in the mass as it tried to suck him in. Dram looked down at his skinless toes in the grass. His leather boots were completely ruined. There were streaks on Dalin’s fanciful steel armor gleaming from where the goo had touched it.

Kayla maneuvered around to one side trying to stay far away from the blob. With everyone in the way she could not get a spell off. Diedre shadowed Kayla and tried to charm the thing, but her soft words had no effect. Rose backed up behind the fire and looked for a free weapon to use. Darius pulled out a flask of oil, lit it from the fire pit, and tossed at the monster. “Watch out!” yelled Dalin who ducked as the flask just missed him. The flames caused the blob to sizzle and Dalin was seared as well. Dram’s father Gil stood up and started running back along the road toward Hommlet as fast as he could.

Dalin contorted in his armor trying to pull free. Pax moved up again to help him and with two massive arms pulled out the fighter. Dram danced back behind the fire, pulled out his bow, and drinking his a healing potion. Kayla released her magic now that she had a clear shot, but the sleep spell had no effect. As the magic bounced away she recognized the blob as having an elemental nature, but she knew not which. Kayla grabbed Diedre moved farther away towards the road. Rose started tossing stones from the fire pit at the blob. As she hit they were instantly engulfed. Darius moved back to the fireside to light another oil flask, but the blob slid forward and wrapped up his legs. Somehow sensing the fire, the blob tried dragging him back towards the forest. Dalin was gasping for air and drank a healing potion as he scrambled farther away.

Rose pulled open a backpack and started handing out torches to those nearby. Kayla, Dram, and Dalin each lit one and started waving around them to ward off the creature. Pax lunged forward a third time hoping to pull Darius out. Straining with all his might, he tore the stout dwarf free. Dram threw his torch at the blob, but it split itself and it dodged the flame. Holding torches the rest of the team grew bolder and approached with the shifting ochre mass. Sensing a unified front, it shifted backwards and slid like lightening in a straight line over the fields to the south. In a second it was out of sight. A path of destruction was left as it fled. Rose examined it noticing all but stone and mud was dissolved by the blob’s touch. “Father!” Dram called out into the night. Gill came running back moments later with a look of dread on his face. It turned to relief when he saw his son alive.

Everyone was inspected after the battle. Dram would need new boots. Dalin’s and Darius’s armor on the other hand looked as bright as new in the spots where the blob had covered them. The difference was more evident on Cyrus’s old dirty armor. Dalin wondered if they could catch the creature just for cleaning purposes. Few had sustained wounds and the healing potions had done their job. Only Dalin was still a little worse for wear. Kayla mentioned that the blob had looked to her like something she had read in her books; she believed it might be something Zelligar had worshiped. “The eater of men perhaps from the Chaos Caves?” proposed Dram. Kayla did not know. Rose and Ormand were already out scouting around for any further evidence of the creature. Rose discovered the cleared path by which it had come out of the Greenwillow. “Do you think it might have any treasure in its lair?” Dram asked with a smile.
“Only one way to find out” replied Dalin.

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Ormand, Pax, and Dram’s father were left with the horses back at the campsite. They had been given specific instructions to ride back to town if they heard the monstrous hissing come back. Everyone else trudged into the forest hoping for an easy find. After a few hundred yards the blob’s path opened into a clearing. Within was an old ruined estate with a muddy moat around it. It was covered in ivy and had no windows. Moreover, its only door was closed, but there was a rotted bridge that lead across the moat. Four towers had originally cornered the curtain wall, but all had fallen but one. Much of the outer wall looked ready to collapse too. The inner roofs poking up around the wall had many caved in portions as well. “It must have come from inside there,” said Pax pointing along the dirt path. Rose walked forward and saw how it ended at the edge of the muddy moat. Dram, Dalin, and Pax moved up to its edge with her. The thick, runny mud inside gave off the scent of death. The rest of the team hung back and looked at the small estate. It gave off an eerie, forbidding sense of doom.

As Rose inspected along the side of the moat she saw a kite shield trapped inside the muck. She asked the others to hold her as she tried to lean over and fish it out. The forward team heard the guttural ‘ribbit’ of some strange frog. The rear team was still staring at the empty edifice when they abruptly heard a strange whooshing noise. Ormand the Redd pointed out several arrows freshly stuck in the ground before them. Darius could see they were black with white fletchings. He was about to call everyone back when several dozen bizarre, humanoid faces peered over the walls of the estate. They were difficult to see in the moonlight, but Darius was within range to look through the shadows. Every one of the silent faces resembled Rose. Only the Fey behind the walls had very different coloring and clothing. Their skin and hair were alternating black and white. The clothes they wore were all black and pointed in a strange fashion. Many of them had what looked like miniature crossbows in hand.


Sensing something was amiss, Rose looked up. Very slowly she backed away from the moatside. Gesturing to Dram, Dalin, and Pax who were with her she whispered, “there is no treasure for us here. Quietly now, we must leave.” One by one Dram, Dalin, and Pax retreated. The rear team was already backing up into the surrounding woods upon Darius’s vehement urging. “This is not a spot for us to linger,” warned Rose when the team regrouped. In a strange language Rose called out to the black and white Fey. She apologized for her and her friend’s intrusion. Turning to the others, she asked them to pull out meat and leave it beside the path. They had to leave an offering or they would be hunted for sure. After this was done, they silently pressed back down path towards the campsite. Less than half way back, they broke into a run. While everyone caught their breaths at the campsite, Rose explained that her brothers and sisters did not appreciate being bothered. “Where are we going to go now?” asked Dram. “We can’t go back into town.”

Rose guessed that with the offering they should be safe for the night. What she did not mention was her wonder at what the blob could have been doing with her brethren. Gathering their belongings and the horses in close, the team built the fire high and set watch again. It was a long night for those on guard duty. They all expected another attack, but fortunately none came. When the sun rose the next morning, the team saddled up and took off at a brisk pace through the forest and towards the Keep.


[DAY 86 – Weddingday, Azer 18th, CY 81]

“Ho! On the road!” called out the watchguard.
“Hail to the Keep!” called back Darius and the gate was raised. The small band felt good to be back inside Keep Margrave. After the attack and now their long absence it had begun to feel a little like home to them all. It would be hard to leave it. Once inside, a soldier ordered them to relinquish their weapons. “What?” cried Dalin. “I’m not giving up my sword. We’re under a constant thread of attack, don’t you know?” The guard explained he was acting under orders from Lord Ratcliffe himself. Everyone had to surrender their weapons before entering the keep. Reluctantly the team agreed to the terms, but chose to spend the night in the barracks instead of the inn. As they unloaded their horses word was sent for Father Ben. He looked rather tired, but obviously pleased with their arrival. “Any word of a replacement?” he asked. Darius admitted to not having met any such person. They had never even reached a temple inside of Harling.

Moving towards the door, Darius said he needed to meet with Lord Ratcliff immediately. Before he could leave the barracks, however, he overheard Ben telling Dram how eleven refugees from Hamfast had arrived a few days ago. Darius stopped in his tracks. Father Ben explained how he had received their letter and was still fighting stop the guard from hauling the men to jail. Dram and his father became livid. Pushing Darius out of the doorway, they marched all the way to the gate of the inner bailey with the rest of the team in tow. Dram kicked and pounded on the door demanding an audience with the castellan. After a short wait the whole team was let inside. Sitting inside his quarters, Lord Radcliffe swung wide his arms and welcomed them back. Dram smashed his fist on the Lord’s table. “I DEMAND ANSWERS! (smash) Why have you put a price on my father’s head?! (smash) And why are you trying to arrest his friends? (smash) I won’t stand for this!”
“Then you’d better sit down,” replied Radcliffe.

Gil caught his son’s fist just as he pulled back to pummel the Lord. Darius leapt forward between the two.
“We have many questions for you, my lord.” He said. “There were many difficulties during the journey south and we have learned that there are more problems in County Margrave than simply those affecting the Keep.”
”Then let us by all means sit and discuss them,” suggested Radcliffe. He genuinely appeared to have no idea why they were all so mad. A circle of chairs was set up. For privacy’s sake, Rose, Diedre, and Gil were escorted from the room. Having not been privy to every discussion, the newcomers still needed to prove themselves. Inside the room, Darius first asked why Dram’s father was a wanted criminal. Radcliffe answered nonchalantly. It turned out Lady Harling had sent several orders to him. Pigeons were arriving almost every day. Upon hearing this news, Father Ben’s jaw fell open. “Just what is going on here?” he thought.

Many of the messages concerned the need of making weapons for the war. Right now the Keep’s own smith was hard at work with four new recruits forging arms and armaments day and night. Other messages detailed the crimes of several enemies of the County. One of these criminals was Dram’s Father, Gil Hammersmith. Apparently, word had been sent from Harling stating Gil was an escaped prisoner loose in the area. He was to be escorted back to Hamfast in chains when found. Darius pressed on. Radcliffe said Father Benedict reported contradictory evidence about the criminals from Hamfast. Moreover, the Father currently locked them inside the temple under rule of sanctuary. Radcliffe was not pleased about this turn of events, but he had ordered Sergeant Keenan to take ten men into Hamfast to learn more. Keenan had been gone for four days now and was expected back at any time.

During another round of questions, Radcliffe exclaimed Father Ben had said nothing whatsoever about a Mr. Hammersmith. Dram looked over to Ben, but the priest just shrugged in response. “I didn’t know,” he said. Lord Radclift recounted his understanding of events. According to Lady Margrave, Hamfast was an important supplier of weapons to the Front. It was absolutely imperative that the weapon production continued. The success of the war demanded it. “But if the story of Hamfast being run by goblins is true,” Radcliffe threw up his hands in frustration, “what am I to do?” The whole team pondered the question as the truth about Hamfast slowly sunk in.
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Ratcliffe also said he had received complaints from Harling. Several rumors had spread claiming Captain Darius had taken over the Keep. Radcliffe had sent back word clarifying Darius was no longer even at the Keep, but the messages of warning still came. Also, replacements for Darius, Kayla, and Father Ben were being sent by order of Lady Margrave. The last message he had received placed the contingent from Harling currently in Hommlet; a day’s ride from the Keep.
“There was also a message about a wild, drunken dwarf running nude through the streets of Harling claiming to be the ‘Devious Darius’.” Ratcliffe said no one afforded the talk any credence. “Everyone knows a Dwarf cannot get drunk.”

Darius reported that their “Guardian” Cyrus had turned out to be a fool in disguise. He felt sure Cyrus was the source of the rumor. Radcliffe looked concerned. He asked for a description of Cyrus so a reward could be posted for his capture. “Well he’s a dwarf like me about this tall,” said Darius hold his hand up. “And he has a thick red beard.”
“Like yours?” asked Radcliffe.
“Yes…” He paused. “On second thought, let’s not send out any sketched posters of Cyrus.”

After they were satisfied with Lord Ratcliffe’s answers the group adjourned. They regrouped with Diedre, Rose, and Gil outside and headed over to the temple and the refugees within. There Dram’s father reunited with his fellows townsmen. “What about all the rest of you?” questioned Dalin. “We must have sent three times your number back here.” The refugees related the story of how they had run, and kept on running, all the way to Outpost Bayer. Some of the older men could not keep up, and not all of them had made it to the outpost by evening. During the night several others left of their own accord, while only a few of the stragglers turned up. No one could say what happened to everyone. When the eleven before them finally arrived at the keep the watchguard attempted to arrest them. They had to beg for sanctuary from Father Ben to escape the stockade. In payment, it came out that they believed the Father was forcing them to rebuild the temple and Inn.

Father Ben was shocked denied any such treachery. “I only politely asked them to help improve the town” he declared. “So much work was is still needed by any who can give it. And it gives them a chance to prove their loyalty, right?” The others seemed dismayed at his actions. “In retrospect, I must admit the men left their job posts whenever I wasn’t’ directly overseeing them” said Ben.
Darius put his arm on his shoulder. “Many thanks for giving these men asylum. I think we can take over from here on.” The team left Rose, Diedre, and Gil with the Hamfastites as before so they could plan in private their next steps. Father Ben led them to the newly refurbished Head Priest’s quarters. Outside, Ormand the Redd and Pax were stationed to keep guard.

Everyone related the events of their trip together, while Ben sat pondering many of their major discoveries. The rat he had believed to be Elion was actually something called a “shapechanger”. Upon hearing of its nature, he was glad the team had destroyed it. Furthermore, Goodman Barth was not only a master assassin, but was also suspected to be a shapechanger. The mark Barth had on his hand was of an assassin’s guild. “But who hired him?” questioned Ben.
“I believe he may be a creation from Zelligar’s workshop” revealed Kayla. Ben gasped. Kayla believed evidence pointed to the wizard somehow being still alive. She had also read in his books that Zelligar had worshiped strange gods, including one that was made of fire. When they fought the blob near Hommlet she had observed its elemental nature. “Perhaps, it was made out of fire?” she guessed. “Fire destroys, doesn’t it?” Then she went on to explain how her mentor Balorn had told her of the danger of handling the red poweder from Quesquaton. “The Godnail?” exclaimed Ben. Kayla nodded. She related how each and every one of them had scrubbed down in Harling with acid-water to remove the taint. “Igor even chose to shave off all his hair.”

Ben swooned in his chair. He excused himself from the others claming he needed to wash and rest. He was all of a sudden feeling very tired and was visibly shaking. As everyone else filed out of his new office, Kayla set down the acid Igor had given her next to Ben so he could bathe. The next three hours were sort of a controlled terror in Ben’s mind. He locked the door to his chambers and scrubbed his skin raw. He also shaved every single hair from his body. His muscles were tense with exhaustion as he lied down to sleep for the night. The horror of infection still pervaded his mind. Sometime later during the dark hours of evening he finally dozed off. Nightmares filled his mind and his body shuddered. At one point he awoke panting. The nightmare had been too intense and he was soaked in sweat. He noticed he had pushed off his covers and was sleeping above them. Looking to his left he realized he was sleeping three feet above them.


[DAY 87 – Thunderday, Azer 19th, CY 81]

In the morning Dram noticed Mouse’s old store was open. He wondered if the little guy had come back, or even better whether Igor had arrived finally. He was disappointed to find only a new small man at the desk after entering. The new storekeeper introduced himself as “Trifle”. Mouse had authorized him to run his shop in his absence. Dram wanted to lighten his load of coin and asked to see any available gems he might buy. Trifle went in the back room and returned with a large pouch. He poured out the contents on the counter. Dram’s eyes glittered. Literally hundreds of gems of every imaginable color were displayed before him. Pulling out his coinpouch he pointed to a small blue gem and asked if it was worth fifty gold or not. “Um… hold on,” said Trifle. The little man turned to go, but then wisely asked Dram to take a few steps back before leaving the counter.

Retrieving a long list from the other side of the shop, Trifle waved Dram forward again. He paged through the list with a confused look on his face. “That one there is… 100gp,” he said.
“Well what about this red one then?” Dram asked. Trifle search again. “Fifty?”
“How much for this big green one?” Dram asked pointing to a medium-sized gem.
“Uh….that one is also fifty.” Trifle admitted he was still getting used to Mouse’s pricing system. Dram looked through all the gems. Many of them looked like they had been pried up from somewhere. “Perhaps from a crown?” thought Dram. “Or a king’s throne?”

For the next hour he poked through the gems. He purchased all he could of the largest gems for the lowest prices. One of the gems for sale had even glowed red. But Dram was short on funds and Trifle was loath to part with it “in case it’s somehow faulty”. Kayla entered just as Dram was leaving. She browsed around and noticed something she had not before: a bookcase for traveling. She snatched it up quickly. Outside, Dram walked to the armory and smithy where he saw Dalin inside. He was buying new greaves as his old ones had been significantly weakened by the blob. Dram purchased some of his own footwear to replace the boots he had lost. The two returned together to the temple to talk with Dram’s father and the other Hamfastites. Dalin was laughing to himself. He wanted to know when they celebrated their “Festival of Ham”. He seemed to believe they had a lot of pigs in the town too.

The rest of the team kept to themselves. Father Ben had yet to come out of his chambers. Kayla read and explored what she could of Elion’s room with Diedre’s help before moving out. Just in case she might have missed something. Darius spent time with Lord Radcliffe in anticipation to the coming ceremony. Rose simply walked about town smiling at the children with her fangs. When the contingent of soldiers escorting their replacement arrived, all but Father Ben were waiting anxiously at the gate. Forty soldiers marched in flying a banner of the Keep (a winged hawk for Lady Devereaux) on one side and a banner of a large badger on the other. In their center were three young men: one a priest in brown robes and with thick gold rings, another in polished, heavy armor, and the last in rather frivolous gown. When formation, all in heavy armor, reached the town square their captain declare the arrival of “The Badgers” and bowed deeply to Lord Radcliffe.

Father Ben hurried outside into the square from the temple, while trying to hold an absurdly large, funny-shaped hat on his head. He had been asked to say a prayer at the invocation of the Keep’s new Captain and Advisor. When he bowed to the group many of them noticed he had no hair or eyebrows. He lined up next to the other priest closer to the audience. Lord Radcliffe stood in front center dressed in yellow with a yellow cape; to his right stood Darius and Kayla, on his left the two newcomers. All were dressed in either fine clothes or armor. The young man in platemail approached Darius and bowed deeply. He handed the dwarf an ornamental rod and stepped back. Darius bowed in return. The other young man in the colorful robes bowed to Kayla and handed her a rolled parchment. She also bowed in return. Darius declared Captain Rufus and Advisor Burné officially appointed to Keep Margrave.


Then Lord Radcliffe gestured Ben to come forward. He was not sure what he was supposed to do, so he gave a sermon on the need for protecting the Keep, to protect all the buildings within, and every body and soul inside as well. Afterwards he led a prayer to bless the new leaders and the audience in the square. Instead of a calling on the divine power to bless however, he called on the power to see within people’s hearts. Auras emanated out of every man, woman, and child in the Keep, shining brightly in Ben’s eyes. His eyes scanned over everyone. Darius shined a bright white. Kayla shined white as well, which surprised him a little. Darius, Rufus, Burné, and nearly all their soldiers shined with white light. Some had different tints of color in their auras. Dalin’s had a tinge of green, for instance. Besides the white auras several shined blue as well. Father Ben was not shocked to see both Dram and his father were blue in spirit. He searched the crowd for any unusual colors spotting one young man whose aura was a deep purple.

After Ben had stood silently staring wide-eyed into the audience for a minute, Lord Ratcliffe tapped him on the shoulder. Father Ben quickly finished and gave a bow. The other young cleric stepped forward and was handed a scroll by Lord Radcliffe. Not quite sure of what to do, as there was no special ceremony for his exchange of position, Ben solemnly crowned the new priest with his large blue hat. It seemed a fitting tribute to Ben as the clothes he wore would soon belong to the new priest anyways. The other cleric unrolled the parchment and began to speak. “The church gives its blessing to this ceremony today. And… We accept the responsibilities to that we have each been charged. These trials will be difficult, but I’m sure we can overcome… And… We will end in prayer.” Raising his arms above his head, the priest sung in a high pitched voice a prayer Ben had never heard before.

When everyone had finished, Lord Radcliffe called out. “I declare this ceremony complete!” Everyone in the audience cheered. Father Ben, his friends, and the traveling dignitaries mingled while the audience slowly dispersed. Ben learned his replacement was named Father John. Kayla opened the parchment Berné had given her. It was the scroll she had requested during her visit to his tower. She made a mental note to give Berné his own pinch of dust before leaving. Darius inspected his new rod. It looked rather long for a rod. He considered it too ornamental compared to dwarven-made ones.

Rose approached the newly appointed Captain Rufus. Father John and Lord Radcliffe were conversing by his side. Rose kneeled down on one knee in front of them. “Sir, I come from the Front. I was ordered to return here and report to all who would listen. The news is bad. The war is going poorly and our forces are greatly hampered in the battle. There is a great need for more supplies. Foremost of these are weapons, so our soldiers might all join the combat. But anything you could send to aid in the fight would be prized. I have been commanded by my cousin Elves in alliance with Lord Margrave’s forces to search for weapons of any kind. I beseech thee to aid the Front in all manner you are able.”

Rufus extended his hand and helped Rose to her feet. All three men were intrigued by her exotic nature and began asking questions. Rose begged off saying her heritage was not nearly as important as aiding the forces at the Front. “Our smithy is already forging weapons within the Keep for the war effort” said Lord Ratcliffe. “Come. Let me introduce you to some heroes who are fighting the battle at home. They might be able to help you in your quest.” Radcliff began naming off Rose’s newfound companions. “Darius, Dalin, Dram, Ka…”
“We bring important news” said Darius cutting of the introductions. He explained the team’s intent to travel south and leave Margrave, possibly forever. Radcliffe looked deeply saddened. He promised to relay the news to Lady Margrave. “I accept the invitation!” Rose called out with a cheer. As she began hugging Kayla, Dram, Ormand, and anyone else standing nearby, it was apparent to Ben the little Fey was coming along.


The hedgehog military squadron marched Captain Rufus and Advisor Burné through the open gates of the Inner Bailey. Rose was still hoping up and down when Sergeant Keenan entered the square through the main Keep’s gates along with ten other soldiers. Lord Radcliffe rushed forward and escorted the worn looking Keenan back inside the Inner Bailey as well. It was only after listening to hours of soldier gossip that the team eventually learned what had happened. Keenan had confirmed that goblins’ truly controlled Hamfast. Dram became irate and demanded the Keep militia invade Hamfast immediately. Ben observed Dram’s attitude was mercurial when regarding his hometown. Dalin and Ormand the Redd voiced their agreement with Dram, but Darius brought the point home quickly. “We have lost our influence here. The decision to invade is no longer in our hands. The fate of Hamfast is now up to Lord Radcliffe and his new commanders. We have more to worry about. We are still being hunted. Our only hope is to escape County Margrave. Any waiting could spell our deaths. Aiding the war effort will have to wait.”

Realizing the truth of the dwarf’s words, the team began packing for another early morning’s departure. Dram met with his father and the other refugees. He explained his plight and asked if is father would be willing to travel with him south. “Nay,” said Gil Hammersmith after a thought. “My place is with me fellow villagers. And if those short-sighted, noble pretenders don’t go to free Hamfast, we will! We can make our way home and attack. The news would shame the fools into helping us!” As Dram tried to say goodbye to his father, the rest of the team bid farewell to Mirel. The one-time “Lady-for-a-Day” had decided to stay with her parents and the keepfolk she knew so well. Since she had not traveled to Harling, it was a good bet she might be able to hide from their attackers. Words of caution and watchfulness mixed with ones of good luck, but all knew if any of their number could evade the suspicions of the killers, it was Mirel.

In the evening Lord Radcliffe found a drunken Dram wrapped in a large fur at the Inn. The rest of the team sat within as well looking bleary-eyed. “Never fear. I come with good news!” said Ratcliff. “Ldy Margrave had responded to my missive. The refugees of Hamfast are no longer to stand trial for their crimes and are hereby declared free!” The common room erupted into cheers and Dram let out a loud “Hoot!” He and Dalin immediately started a party. Everyone was running around gathering up friends and relatives for the celebration. Uninvited townsfolk began arriving too, but none were turned away. Father Ben thought to himself in one corner. He was secretly thankful for the old mens’ release. He had not heard whether or not Father John’s would maintain his pledge of asylum. Relieved, Ben stood up and announced his intentions to travel south too. Dram called out for another round of ale. The others look at like he was drunk as most had already assumed he would come. When some out-of-towners showed up at the Inn, they were treated to a free drink and asked of news from the outside. “Twas a large group of dogmen been seen by da’ outpost we left” said one man. “They were fleein’ deeper into the forest.”
“Huzzah!” sang out Dram and several others joined in. The newcomers warned about how banditry along the roads had increased. They were glad to be inside after their trip. Darius took note. To Ben, it appeared as if adventure beckoned from all around the Keep. Who knew what would lie in the southern lands?

[DAY 88 – Fastday, Azer 20th, CY 81]
– [DAY 89 – Holyday, Azer 21st, CY 81]

Early the next morning many of the members were still fuzzy headed from the night before. A drink or two cleared it right up. They team said their final goodbyes and bid so long to Keep Margrave. They chose the west road, which led through Hommlet. It was a long ride, but fortunately no bandits were seen along the way. The Welcome Wench Inn was crowded when they arrived. Exhausted from lack of sleep and riding, Dram, Dalin, and several others went to sleep early in the common room. Kayla stayed up and learned several rumors from some of the friendly commonfolk. Apparently, a mad hermit was said to be active in the woods north of Keep Margrave. He had several unusual things for trade, but was known to attack visitors as often as he traded with them. Kayla wondered if it was perhaps the dryad they had met long ago, or another forest creature working for Greenwillow the Ent.

She had to laugh when one of the men named Elmo gave a dire warning to all in the pub about a fire creature seen loose in the woods nearby. “I have seen the creature’s tracks with my own eyes” said Elmo. “And not a single living plant survived its touch.” Several women “oohed” appreciatively. Rose asked openly about the old manor outside of town. When no one spoke up, she warned them it was full of “Drae” and to be avoided at all costs. Elmo told her it had belonged to a noble long ago, but had fallen into a state of disrepair since his demise. “Only a few days ago a strange man named Spugnoir, a dwarf, and another man went to find treasure within. No one has seen them since.”
“A red-bearded dwarf?” asked Rose.
“That’s right, do you know him?” asked Elmo. Rose did not respond. She and Kayla agreed later it was almost certainly Cyrus the Black.

In the morning the team left Hommlet and traveled onward to Holmfaust. They kept a sharp watch out and traveled on horseback two abreast, but no bandits were seen. Darius surmised the team was probably being avoided as they were far too dangerous a target. Looking at the map Dram had drawn, Darius decided they would skirt the edge of the Greenwillow Forest during the journey south as long as possible. This left them and option to run and hide in case there was trouble. “But after we’ve left the County”, he thought, “there will be no certainty of safety. Who knows how far the killers will follow?” He spurred his horse again. As long as he was moving he felt the attackers were at the disadvantage. When the lonely wizard tower came into view just at the outskirts of Holmfaust, Kayla rode up and rapped on the door. It would be her last visit to Balorn for quite some time. Father Ben stood scratching his underarms as he had done for most the day. Balorn looked indifferent to their arrival, but led Kayla and Darius alone up the stairs to his library. The rest of the team either sat in his sitting room or walked around outside.


“This is the magic of an enslaved creature,” said Balorn handing Darius back the ornamental dagger he had been loaned. Looking at it again it still reminded Ben of a miniature sword. “It is fueled by elemental fire” said Balorn. “There is a means to release the fire, but no one in their right mind would use such a weapon as this.” Darius asked how the blade worked; what fire it called forth. “A flame along the blade is formed when activated properly. But to do so one must bathe it in the blood of innocents and then call upon the fire,” explained Balorn.
“Should I destroy it?” asked Darius
“It is a vicious blade. You may do with it as you wish.” Taking the small steel weapon in both his gauntleted hands, Darius the paladin attempted to snap the blade in two. He strained with all his might and the blade began to bend. Its edge cut into the steel of Darius’s gauntlets and his blood poured over the dagger. As it snapped in his hands a thunderous rush of flame erupted from the break.

The flash of light seen downstairs and outside the tower looked as if a ball of flame had engulfed the entire interior of the top of Balorn’s tower. The wizard could be heard screaming, “NOOOOOO!!” Inside a ten foot tall creature of pure flame burst out from the weapon. Frantically Darius tried to push the dagger back together again. It did not work. The massive fiery form landed on the wooden floor. The books in the wall cases behind the creature combusted and the flames spread. The fire-beast grew in size as it fed from the dry paper. Darius felt a hand touch him from behind and his whole world shifted. The next thing he knew he was standing outside in the grass with Balorn holding both he and Kayla. Looking up from their dicing game, Dalin, Dram, and Ormand the Redd stared at the three in disbelief.

“Save the tower!” shouted Pax as he ran up the stairs with his sword in hand. At the top he saw the star field which had been in place on their previous visit. He charged into it and was shocked backwards. In return Pax spit at the star field perhaps hoping some bit of him might get through. Diedre ran outside towards Kayla looking expectantly for what to do. Rose grabbed a bucket of water and ran from the waiting room all the way upstairs to Pax’s side. “Be prepared,” warned Balorn. Then the wizard, Kayla, and Darius disappeared once again. Kayla felt the heat blaze across her face. Chanting the arcane words she had previously memorized a gush of water spouted from her clasped hands. Spraying it all over the fire creature it started to shrink. Kayla tried to stop the library from burning by using some of the spray to douse the flaming books. She succeeded by soaking every wall. Unfortunately the creature still lived, though barely three feet in size.

Down in the study Ben waffled on what to do. He ran half way up the stairs before realizing he was running towards an angry warlock. Turning quickly he ran out the bottom of the tower. Balorn dismissed the star field and Pax and Rose rushed inside the library. Pax swung his sword into the flaming creature to no effect. Rose tossed her bucket of water, but missed. Darius tried pounding the flaming creature with his hammer, but was burned for his efforts. Dalin, Dram, and Ormand decided it was time to quit the dice game and started running towards town. Dram looked back over his shoulder, “we’ll get some water!” But the town was several minutes away. Diedre walked towards the tower door just as Father Ben sprinted out. “I sense something is wrong” she said, but Ben did not respond.

Up in the library Balorn shouted for more water to be brought up from the laboratory downstairs. Pax took off running forgetting about Rose’s bucket. Kayla waved her hands again and whispered like the wind. A strong breeze began blowing from her form. Her clothes flapped wildly as its intensity increased. The little fire creature was pushed backwards along the floor as it sputtered in the wind. When the gust finally subsided the flame was but a foot tall. Rose started hissing in what sounded like a bizarre crackling language. Darius grabbed the bucket from Rose and jumped at the creature. His plan worked. The metal bucket covered the fire even as small daggers of flame managed to lash out along the seams of the floor. After a minute, Pax ran back upstairs looking for a bucket. Upon Darius’s command he smashed the bucket with his massive foot. There was nothing left, but smoke.

Balorn stood back silently surveying the damage to his library. Half the books were burned and the other half waterlogged. Darius began apologizing for the accident of releasing the evil creature. Kayla cut him off, “It has been a terribly long day. Time to leave.” She prodded her teammates towards the stairwell. Outside Ben had already run a good hundred yards away. As he looked back he saw Darius and the rest of the team exit the tower without the warlock. In the other direction, he could see Dalin, Dram, and his hireling casually walking towards Holmfaust. “I guess we won’t be coming back here” thought Ben and he turned to catch up with the other three. Standing outside the tower Kayla explained it would be best not to disturb Balorn any more. He needed time to cool off himself. When everyone was at last inside the Red Lion Inn in Holmfaust the team reserved one large room. Holmfaust had been safe before, but it was still a town they had been seen in. A single room would provide protection. Double watches were kept through the night.
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Chapter 2: The Journey South

[Session 12]

[DAY 90 – Sunday, Azer 22th, CY 81]

The team awoke to find a steamy, rainy morning. The once dusty roads were now drenched and sodden. Thick mud ran in furrows along the ground. The long night had passed unbroken, but the thoughts of their would be pursuers still weighed heavily on the travelers’ minds. Father Ben rubbed at his chest praying the quiet was an omen for their journey south. Beyond Holmfaust the land smoothed to empty fields of grass and upon Darius’s orders the team arranged itself into a circular formation for better protection.

After the morning mist had cleared Rose saw several birds flying quickly north in the sky. Larger predators soared above and behind. Whistling softly she managed to coax a small yellow bird to her hand. They tweeted to each other in some common understanding. “She says she and her friends are being hunted. Those that follow are vultures uncommon to the area.” Rose sighed. “Mother will have her will”.
“What do you mean? Mother?” asked Father Ben intrigued.
“You pray to the sun. I pray to Mother.” Rose explained. “I am Mother’s, but Father commands other Faerie. Sometimes they even work together.” To Ben it sounded as if Mother and Father were the King and Queen of the Faeries. He had heard Faery stories before as a child, but none had creatures like Rose in them. Few tales ended well too. Queen Titania and King Oberon were just mythical figures and not rightly worshipped by goodly men or women. Ben had spent no time studying such nonsense.

“Perhaps it would be wise to pray to a higher power? A divine source which could surely guide your path?” suggested Ben. “You see, I do not actually pray to the sun, but to the Goodly Gods above to let the sun shine on our travels.”
Rose took this in. “I don’t think Mother would like that. She is very protective of her sons and daughters. She sees and knows all they do.”
“Only the Gods see and know all,” declared Ben. “But do you mean you are actually a daughter of the Fairy Queen?”
“Hey, yeah! It sounds a bit like… well, a fairy tale” said Dalin. “Not really true, right?”
Rose leaned back in her saddle. Taking her time she began to tell the group the story of her life.

A Summary of Rose’s Story

Her early memories were foggy, the earliest memories she had were of waking up on a cold stone floor to the words "Awaken princess, breakfast is here". She was told the story of her birth once. She was never sure how true it was given the nature of the tellers. But it was simple enough. One of the Queen's dalliances was with a merchant from Elven lands. That supposedly made her a princess. In the same way all of the Queen's children were princesses at least the ones that she ever knew of. Much like the King’s princes supposedly, though for some reason the two were never allowed to intermingle. She never saw her mother. The only caretakers she ever knew were the ladies who brought food and clothes everyday and set up the rules. The rules, such as they were, were simple. The eldest sister would be allowed to be heir to the throne. All others would be cast out. Of course SHE would never be allowed to ascend to the throne, her blood was impure. She and those like her were mixed with those who mixed with the low races. She was kept alive as a toy for her sisters to play with. Perhaps the gods grant mercy to the bastard children of the world though. While she was beaten regularly for the slightest transgression, she was never considered important enough to spend effort killing. And so she grew up. In a room that was more a battle arena than a dormitory, with all the siblings of the queen's children. She was rarely unhappy for how does one mourn the lack of light if they have only ever lived in utter darkness. She simply was. Eventually though the call of her Fae blood became too strong. She grew bored with the beatings and wanted something different. So she left. No one stopped her, why would they, she simply left at a time when they had again lost interest in her. Had she any way to keep time, or been cared about by anyone who could, she might have noticed that approximately 50 or so years had passed since her birth. She wondered what to do with herself and decided to track down her father it seemed simple enough after all; surely someone outside the bedroom would know the way.

But no one was there. So she simply started walking until she found something interesting. The new walls were nothing interesting. Fabrics and stone the same inside the room. She wandered for a while. The universe outside the bedroom, as far as she knew it, was fairly empty and there didn't appear to be anyone except her brothers and sisters. She might have wondered where the caretakers were. So she walked on, for whatever reason. Eventually she came across something entirely new to her. It was different. There is no other way to describe it and no words can adequately express what her first view of light was like. For fifty years she had grown up in a world of utter darkness. Neither her sisters, nor nannies, nor anyone else of note had need for it, so what was the point. One could go on about what was behind the door. How strange the feel of straw is on one who has only ever felt stone, fabric, flesh, and blood. But those experiences are best left to the imagination of the reader.
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The story continues…
And so the first world ended, with a Fae princess fainting out of a shuttered window she had just opened onto a traveling merchant's hay cart as it was leaving the castle. Now in most stories the cart would be driven by the same father who sired her all those years ago and we would have a happy ending with her finally finding acceptance among the ones she would come to know as Elves. And anyone who knows the elves would probably laugh themselves onto the floor at the prospect of that image. Neither of these ended up being the case. The merchant who found her at least had the pity to give her to an orphanage.

Now one might think that a girl who had been raised blind in a formless darkness constantly being beaten by faceless voices might have some trouble adapting to a daylit world with creatures who had long ago mastered the art of sight as a way of navigation. They would be correct. And so she began life once again as if from the womb. No way to communicate, no way to understand this new world. All these strange new rules in a game you have no idea how to play. Even though the world was new there was so much to incorporate she had no idea how to start. And so once again she was as a child. And as a half breed from the Fae lands she was less common than even the half humans, so again she was at the bottom of the pecking order. But slowly she evolved. It only took her about a hundred more years to relearn everything she thought she knew.

Eventually she learned of the Fae and their nature and the elves and their nature until again she became bored and left. This time though she had learned about these things called RULES. Apparently in the world of the elves you didn't simply murder your siblings to advance in the world. You had to do something to live other than simply being too much effort to kill. So before she was allowed to leave she was examined to see what she was good at. Her childhood had left her body too broken to be an archer and the mages feared what her Fae blood might do to their magics. The priests would not accept her since they did not recognize her blood as that of a noble house. Thankfully however the woods folk would, though many feared such "nobility", they agreed her talents would be wasted otherwise. So she left to be with the folk of the woods. Strange tall creatures with rounded and semi-tipped ears and eyes called "humans" and "half-humans". Calling them half-elves in her presence one seemed to confuse everyone. Oddly enough it wasn't the Elven blood made her trainers feel a kinship to her. It was the lack of its purity. So they trained her, and showed her how to use her natural talents to enhance those she learned. She began to feel strange things among these semi-tipped ears. But before she could investigate her feelings the war came. Warriors were asked for, and she was sent. Feelings were strange things to her; she needed time to ponder what they were. This "war" sounded like she might have a chance to think. It sounded like a lot of people training at once.

Again, words are inadequate to describe the situations as alien as they were to her, as alien to us as she is. Picture, one who grew up around death and carnage, was then shown it in senses she had never used to understand it before; reevaluated with a mind that had been unable to comprehend the actions taken around her before. And in the blink of an eye (less than a year), she was sent away. She wasn't sure why she was chosen, but wondered if it might be due to her nature. It tended to make the non-elves uncomfortable, at least the ones who did not know her. She was told to get weapons, get reinforcements, GET HELP! Go to the West, help was in the lands to the west.

So she rode. Not soon afterwards she was pursued. But a pack of the green things*but bigger and orange*and on wolves*only those were bigger too. And she rode. They captured her. They tortured her. Foolishly they thought this would break her, rather than calm her down and clear her mind. Childhood memories often have that effect. And she escaped. They pursued and they fell behind. Eventually she felt she had lost them. She crossed the mountains and lost the last of her water in the process. And still she rode on. Word must get out. These armies could not be allowed to continue. All they sought was to destroy. She knew now this was wrong and some things were different than herself. Some things were worth something. And so she rode on, over hill and dale, her horse becoming as exhausted as she. Perhaps it was luck that her angle of entry brought her a few miles outside of a goblin occupied town instead of through it. And still she rode. Even as delirium of days without water set in. She rode on until she saw a campfire. It must be a good sign. All of the enemies could see in the dark. She placed her horse a distance away to give the poor creature a chance to rest and stumbled toward the light. In the light she saw only despair, there was an orc, silhouetted against the firelight. It called out to her in a gruffly accented common. She asked those who she had failed for forgiveness. She was wrong and she had not the strength to continue, only the hope of help had gotten her this far. And so she collapsed, despair at last claiming victory over her fatigue wracked body. As she lay unconscious a voice told her "Be well for you are restored" and she awoke to a face full of long kinky red hair.

And so she brought news

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