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The Origins thread


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Starting this for people to post how Origins is going and how their experiences have been. I imagien some will be likt me and have net access at certain points during the convetion. If not, when the Cons all over I'm sure we will get a good amount of cool stories from the people.

So, today that plan was pick up a friend who is staying with me over during the convention, goto the convention to pick up aour badges and casually walk around seeing things and perhaps getting lucky and finding someone we know. So far the first part of that plan is a bust. My car just is not starting. Been trying for an hour off and on. No idea what it is, it isn't something simple like the battery. It has done this before and it isn't actually my car. My car my parents are borrowing cause its a truck and they needed to move some things this weekend. So, I get my mom's car which always worksd fine for me...except when I'm doing things with this particuliar friend. I had forgotten about that until she reminded me. So, now I'm just trying to get the car started so I can go exchange it for my truck.

So, Origins I'm sure is going great and I'll tell you all aobut it if I ever get there. :heh:

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I love Origins.

I went down at 5pm following work to grab my pre-reg badge, and sign up for some games. There was NO line for the pre-registration, and the event registration line was barely 10 minutes (grand total of about 30 minutes to park, get my badge, sign up for games on Thurs/Fri) and head out.

There were people playing games in the open gaming area. Two sets of DnD, one set of some kind of board game.

The pre-registration bag included a copy of the "Avatar's Handbook". How sweet is that! Regretably, I lost my copy in the line.

This is the 30th anniversary for Origins, so they've got some "30th Anniversary" stuff. The generic tickets are "tokens" that can be kept. Very cool.

Crystal Caste's surprise for the con appears to be dice made of ivory from a wooly mammoth(?). According to an add in the on-site registration book.

Many people were talking about the extensive "Lord of the Rings" miniatures game that was set up by Frank Chadwick and Duke Siefried. If you're going to check out the con, it sounds like this should be on everyone's "must see" list.

Have a great con, everyone!


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Crothian said:
What are you demoing there?

I believe either Jagun Fighters battle game or Knights of the Zodiac CCG. I won't know for sure till I show up tomorrow.

I had to take the cheapskate route this year since I lost my job recently and can't afford to pay reg fees if I want to buy any goodies. :lol:


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ashockney said:
The pre-registration bag included a copy of the "Avatar's Handbook". How sweet is that!

My bag had a copy of "Tales of Freeport." My girlfirend's bag had "Mindshadows," which I hope she'll eventually surrender to me.

She doesn't play RPGs, but is going to compete in the Settlers of Catan world qualifier tournament. She has a knack of always winning when we play, including against the strategists in my gaming group, so I'm hoping she does well.

Today, I'll be taking her 9 year old son to see the spectacle of it all. We'll start out by playing a game of giant robots in the FUDGE system, then off to the Exhibit Hall.

Other than this, I've simply been spending too much money, and having mixed results with the quality of the RPG events. I picked up 3 more boxes of Giants of Legend miniatures, which gave me my 3rd and 4th Nightwalker (sigh!), but also a Huge Red Dragon and a Minotaur! For the RPG events, the first one was pretty good (a murder mystery where the PCs were sent back in time to solve). The second one was way overbooked, and I felt the GM didn't handle it all too well. The third event had an absent GM.

As for new product, WotC was demoing a new Risk game, based on mythical cultures. Don't know if it's new, but looked pretty cool. WizKids apparently has a two foot tall figure for their super hero games. Their booth was always VERY busy (and I'm not into that game), so I'm not really sure what it is all about. Maybe someone else can chime in. They also have a new pirate ship game, with ships you can build from punch out cards. This one looked interesting, but I'll wait until the crowds die down later on.



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Any sight of Iron Kingdoms?

There's word going around that Privateer Press's new Iron Kingdoms Character Guide would be around at Origins. Any sight of this product or the guys from Privateer Press? They might be running some Warmachine games possibly or something like that. Just a devoted fan putting in a question to the attendees. :)

Lucky stiffs. Wish I could afford to fly to Ohio and see what's going on.


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Well, I've arrived in Columbus. I got my badge, wandered around the show, and now I'm up in the room chilling until the Origins Awards. I'll post a more detailed entry tonight, but it's good to finally be here.

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