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The Otherworld


Searching around the crowd you don't turn up any more of the liquid. Just outside the entrance to the locker room you find a surveillance camera. It might shed some light on what happened.

Search 22 = 20 + 2[/sblock]

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"Enrico?" Kimberly said, equally surprised. "Yeah, yeah, it's me. I'm putting that police technology degree to good use. I graduated from the academy last week. This is my first day. Didn't expect to find a dead body though. Oh, I better call this in."

Kimberly reached up to the radio on her shoulder. "Dispatch, this is Patrol Officer Bates at Franklin Field Men's Locker Room. Confirming presence of body, requesting 10-35* and 10-79**."

*Backup requested
**Notify coroner


Over the radio you hear your reply. “10-4 Officer Bates, Sergeant Byrd is on his way. We'll let you know when we get a hold of a medical examiner.”

The longer the crowd of people mill about in the locker room, the more details of the crime scene change. Several people are opening and closing lockers, trying to get clothes to put on over their practice gear.

Dr. Henderson's Office, Rm 212 Curtis Hall, 7:30pm
Christian: The latest puzzle to cross your desk was given to you by the anthropologist Dr. Francis Carey. He gave you several pictures of an artifact he acquired in Egypt the week previous. The object itself is a cylinder two feet long with a diameter roughly the size of a dinner plate and looks to be cast out of a single piece of metal. The cylinder is engraved with an angelic and demonic motif, and lines of script are written lengthwise along the body. The characters are Aramaic, but it seems to be written in some sort of code.

Analysis so far suggests that the engravings might be some sort of ancient skull and crossbones, but it's been a hard weeks work and writings are still refusing to unveil their secrets.[sblock=skill checks](take 10)
Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 14 = 10 + 4
Decipher Script 18 = 10 + 8[/sblock]


First Post
Trying to get his mind off from the fact that he was standing over a corpse, Enrico feels the need to change the conversation. Turning to his friend, Enrico says "Well, I think I'll be a here a while Lex. I don't think we'll get to work on the car today either." Realizing how callous that had sounded, Enrico stammers out "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound flip. I just don't know what the appropriate small talk is when standing over a dead body."

Smooth 'Rico, very smooth. Feeling like a fool for speaking out, the aspiring athlete still has the need to blabber on, as if to pretend this was like any ordinary evening. "Lex, have you met Kimberly. ... I mean Officer Bates. She's a policeman... I mean policewoman... or is it policeperson?"

Suddenly realizing just how stupid he was sounding, Enrico turns a bright shade of red. "I think I'm going to shut up now."


First Post
Lex smiles tightly at Enrico's discomfiture, not feeling any more comfortable himself. He claps 'Rico lightly on the shoulder and nods to the cop. "Hi," he says with a weak smile. "Is there anything useful I can do, or do you want me to just get lost?"


Kim smiled. "It's good to see you again, Enrico," then she frowned as she saw the other students messing around. She raised her voice, and shouted. "Everybody who wasn't here when the body was found, get out, and stop contaminating the crime scene!"

She then turned back to Enrico. "I'll need you, your friend and Trey to stay here so I can take your statements."


First Post
Already on his way to the hospital for some volunteer work, Muxin's begun his 15 min walk from the bus stop to the main hospital,
"Uh, yeah sure. I'll be there in 20 min. Is the body going straight to the morgue?" Muxin quickens his step past Franklin Field to the hospital. To himself he thinks "And here I came early to grab a bite before I started."

[sblock=note]Muxin gets off at the University City Station which then takes him past Franklin Field. map link: http://www.facilities.upenn.edu/mapsBldgs/view_map.php3?id=194[/sblock]
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First Post
Trey meanders about the locker room, seemingly oblivious to the crowd and chatter. Nothing remarkable catches his eye. The young female officer suddenly raises her voice to the small gathering as Trey is stepping through the threshold of the locker room door, back into the hall way. As he quickly swings his head around to see what the trouble is, the corner of his eye does catch something of interest. His curiosity yet again grabs ahold of him fiercely and he heads off down the hallway purposefully.

[sblock=For Ion]Trey's intention is to find the room where they keep all the video surveillance tapes. He either knows where it is, or he will begin searching for it (ie - logically, maps posted on hallway walls, etc.) If/when he finds it, he will want to watch the relevant tape immediately. He's not trying to do the police's job for them, he just can't help himself, and follows his curiosities absently.[/sblock]


[imager]http://homepage.usask.ca/~rad764/pbp/serg-byrd.jpg[/imager]Muxin: As you get to the doors of buildings surrounding Franklin Field, a police car pulls into the lot at a break neck speed and parks cockeyed in front of the main doors. You recognise the loud voice before you see the who it belongs to; stepping out of the cruiser is Sergeant Byrd. He is a big man, not exceptionally tall, but he has a large presence. He is talking loudly on his cell phone as he steps out of the car. Holding his hand over the phone he shouts “Hey you!” His eyes seem to measure you up in the short pause. “You know where the men's locker room is round this place?”

Trey:You walk down the hallway purposely, heading away from the locker room. Around a corner you find the door you're looking for. It's marked “Staff Only”, and it only takes a minute to find the right key on the ring that you were given.

The surveillance equipment is all digital and kept on a server which is remotely backed up daily. It takes a few minutes to get a hang of but soon you are able to scan the file, and find the relevant part.

Franklin Field Surveillance Footage, 6:22pm
Professor Francis Carey walks slowly down the empty hall looking as hollow cheeked and sunken eyed alive as he did when you last saw him. He enters the locker room. After eight minutes of blank tape, another person comes into view. He looks to be in late twenties and is walking purposly into the building with a briefcase in hand. As he walks past the hallway leading towards the men's locker room he stops dead in his tracks and turns his head, as if listening to something. He walks towards the locker room at a measured pace. Five minutes later he leaves the locker room at the same measured pace heading towards the exit of the building.

[sblock=skill checks]Computer Use 15 = 13 + 2[/sblock]


First Post
With the large man snapping him from his casual routine walk, Muxin replies "Sir. Yes sir. I, uh, will show you now. And maybe you could tell me why you called. I'm Dr. Yao, a supporting physician at the university's hospital tonight. We were just speaking" Muxin then realizes he hasn't ended the call leaving his phone to beep incessantly at him. He shoves the phone into his pocket and gestures for the good Sgt. to follow along. His only hope now is for a map at the door and well labelled locker rooms to jog his 9 year old memories of early morning Tai Chi classes.

[sblock=Skill check]Muxin will be looking for some sign to the locker room, trying to be discrete. Spot: +5[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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