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The Portal (Army)


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Tyreus makes his way to the group talking up front. "I'm Tyreus. Let me know if you guys need any help with things around here." He smiles at everyone and waits to see what the next plan is.

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At the docks

The bearded man shakes Astor's hand, and takes the three in front of him, waving his hands for emphasis "Nice to meet you, I'm called Khavren Lightlord, I've become a servant of the Great God Boccob here. Pleasure to meet you too Ansila and Tyreus. If this follows from what I knew about magic before, all of the area effect stuff tends to be either trap based or require line of sight, given the terrain I don't expect anyone to have a good view. Also, this close to the city, I would suprised if there was anything really tough, most likely there will be scavengers mostly. If we had a good map and were well co-ordinated we could go for small groups, but if we tried that now, half of us would get lost. Ideally, the scout types will find anyone who looks like they might cause trouble in enough time for us to either detour or to send out a team to clear it out. Once we get based and know the area we can spread out more. I don't have any army training either, but I've been running tactical simulations for this sort of thing for 25 years. Given that we seem to have the most initiave in this crowd it might be a good idea to kind of take charge of others of our skill set, and make sure that whatever we run into get's the right mix to deal with it. Any of you familar with small squad tactics or strategic wargaming?"


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"I know enough to win fights against goblins and such. I recommend we break up a hundred of these people into squads of ten and keep the rest as a larger force. In case real resistance is encountered, we would have the larger group to rally on instead of being scattered. The smaller groups could sweep through the town with the the larger force in tow."

(ooc: I know this might not work out very well game flow wise. We need to make a decision on how we want to go about this. Should each pc lead a small platoon, or should we travel together? I will slightly metagame and try to revolve any tactical suggestions around what the group decides. It would be convenient if one of the npc's stepped up and helped Johnny with the mantle of leadership, so maybe the pc's could form a 'special forces' type group. /ooc)

Ranger Rick

First Post
Tyreus said:
"I know enough to win fights against goblins and such. I recommend we break up a hundred of these people into squads of ten and keep the rest as a larger force. In case real resistance is encountered, we would have the larger group to rally on instead of being scattered. The smaller groups could sweep through the town with the the larger force in tow."

(ooc: I know this might not work out very well game flow wise. We need to make a decision on how we want to go about this. Should each pc lead a small platoon, or should we travel together? I will slightly metagame and try to revolve any tactical suggestions around what the group decides. It would be convenient if one of the npc's stepped up and helped Johnny with the mantle of leadership, so maybe the pc's could form a 'special forces' type group. /ooc)

OOC: I am still not sure how we form up.

Ranger Rick

First Post
Endovior said:

Johnny goes to Prison Keep, while everyone else forms up for a march.

-At Prison Keep-

You arrive at the foreboding gates of Prison Keep. Your arrival seems to have been expected, as you are met at the gates by another officer, who promptly escorts you to a room within the Keep. There, you find a hard-looking man wearing a similar uniform as the rest of the Guards... but his has three stars of rank. He looks you over carefully.

"I hear you wanted to see me. What exactly is it that you want?"

"Sir, I wanted to let you know that an Archmage has grabbed several hundred huminoids from other planes. We hve been recruited to come here and to help defend your city from the enemy hoarde. I have no idea what you have heard or not heard. I do not want you to think we come here as invaders. I also want to know how we can be most usefully deployed?"

"We are going to the only place that seems to be big enough to hold us, a section of town with abdoned buildings."


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"OK so the consensus seems to be that we send out a number of small squads to scout the route and have the main body follow on once the scouts give the all clear."

"I'm up for a spot of scouting, anyone care to join me.?"

OOC:If everyone goes out in the same scout squad, this could form the basis of Tyreus' special forces group. Althugh, this would mean the NPCs would have to take over the 'Army'. Comments!
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ooc: you seem to be misunderstanding the situation. Your group consists of several hundred people. thousands of people have crossed over. your group is merely one of many. that being said, formation is yours to decide. if you want to run around as a team of commanders, that's fine. if you'd rather stick together, that's fine too. do whichever you prefer. of course, I will note that if you pick the first, you'll likely group up again in the future, as your NPCs die off, forcing smaller groups to merge...

The Commander speaks.

"I'm not one to complain about extra forces, but the times are dangerous. Take no offense, but I do need to do this."

He touches an strange medallion depicting a starburst of rubies (you suspect that it is a holy symbol) and mutters an incantation.

"Do you swear that your force is here to defend Lindor, and that, while here, you will not use your forces to cause harm to it's inhabitents, nor attempt to conquer the city?"


First Post
"OK so the consensus seems to be that we send out a number of small squads to scout the route and have the main body follow on once the scouts give the all clear."

Hells man...I'm not much of a scouting type Dorin says while picking the grime from under his thumbnail with the tip of his axe But I'm definitly with ya' on the looksee type of mission...after all one good axe can solve many problems..

Ranger Rick

First Post
Endovior said:
ooc: you seem to be misunderstanding the situation. Your group consists of several hundred people. thousands of people have crossed over. your group is merely one of many. that being said, formation is yours to decide. if you want to run around as a team of commanders, that's fine. if you'd rather stick together, that's fine too. do whichever you prefer. of course, I will note that if you pick the first, you'll likely group up again in the future, as your NPCs die off, forcing smaller groups to merge...

The Commander speaks.

"I'm not one to complain about extra forces, but the times are dangerous. Take no offense, but I do need to do this."

He touches an strange medallion depicting a starburst of rubies (you suspect that it is a holy symbol) and mutters an incantation.

"Do you swear that your force is here to defend Lindor, and that, while here, you will not use your forces to cause harm to it's inhabitents, nor attempt to conquer the city?"

"That is why I came. That is why the majority of others came as well. But I can not swear that I can maintain 100% disipline. I could not get everybody over hear in one group. Why would I come over here to you if that is not my intent? I think you need to change the wordings of 'force" to 'state your name'. I am not swearing at all that those legs out there will become a disiplined army. They are a half a step from a mob. If you could please donate training cadre to whip everyone into shape that would be nice. Also if I could get a tee oh ee (TOE) than we can determine sectors to defend and I can maybe turn that group of wishful defenders into a meaningfull group. Right now I am leading organized chaos, because I am one of the few to realize how disorganized we are."

Listens to the reply.

"If you excuse me sir, I need to get back and try to organize us to even get to the buildings your men have suggested."


First Post
"Lets get these people organized and try that plan out. Make the groups even with fighters and artillery. Make ten groups of ten and make sure every group has a runner and a map. I'll see if I can organize the main body. Then we'll wait for Johnny to get back."

Tyreus will address the remaining soldiers. "Melee types up front, ranged attackers to the rear!" Tyreus will attempt to organize everyone into rows. "When you see an enemy, use ranged attacks until they close. Don't just charge everything down. Stick together and work as a team. We'll send runners to tell you when to advance and where to go."

Voidrunner's Codex

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