• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Portal (Army)


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ferretguy said:
Hells man...I'm not much of a scouting type Dorin says while picking the grime from under his thumbnail with the tip of his axe But I'm definitly with ya' on the looksee type of mission...after all one good axe can solve many problems..

"Pleased to have you aboard, its alway nice to have back-up even on a scouting trip. I don't think we've met, I'm Ansila a Monk"

"Tyreus, suggests we have a party of 10. So if you can recruit 5 more fighters and archers, I'll recruit a wizard and a couple of scouts. That's unless Astor & Khavren want to come along."

Ansila waits for every one to reply and says "OK. I'll go find the rest of my section."

Ansila looks round, spots Aelynn and walks over. "A group of us are going to scout ahead, fancy coming?"

After waiting for Aelynn's response, Ansila heads over to where a group of stealthy types are keeping out of the way. "Right, we are organising a scouting expedition, who fancies some exercise?"

OOC: Once I know which PC's are included, I recruit some NPCs so we have myself, a wizard and two rogues / bards.

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At the docks

Khavren replies "I'd be glad to go with the lead scout group, I think the idea of having 10 scout groups and a main group of 100 is excellent. That way we can keep an eye out ahead before the main group and if we run into something too bad we can get support. But I think we should also take charge of our skill groups, and make sure that even if they don't have initiave they obey orders. For instance, I'll organize the divine casters, Ansila can talk to any other monks, Astor, can talk to the other smiling man types, and so on. I really think we need to take a more direct command, maybe we can find 2nd in commands for our groups."


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The Commander nods slowly.

"Well, I wasn't really expecting a miracle, but I DID need to determine the truth of the matter. You see, some of the people in Lindor have gone over to the enemy. I don't know how they think that they'll be spared when the foes come... the whole thing makes about as much sense as the worship of Nerull... which is another of my problems. I've already weeded out a few potential new recruits who turned out to be spies when put to the question. That being said, your group sounds about as sound as any of the militia groups I'm already using... most of them are ex-farmers with poor weaponry and minimal training. Indeed, the fact that your group has decent equipment and a good mix of magic-users, places you above most. For now, the best thing you can do is have your men wear white armbands so my men can tell that they're militia. That's not much, in the opinion of my men, but it'll ease tensions a little, as long as they're not obviously looting the place."

The Commander seems finished for a moment, but then speaks again.

"One more thing. If you're looking for a base of operations, I recommend Red Keep. It's a small castle, built right against the city wall... the old owner met a bad end years back, and it's been more or less vacant ever since. It's just a short distance north of the main gate, you can't miss it. If you want it, I'll have my men unseal the passages leading into it... they're narrow things, but enough to let your forces retreat to the safety of the walls if you get overrun."

Ranger Rick

First Post
Endovior said:
The Commander nods slowly.

"Well, I wasn't really expecting a miracle, but I DID need to determine the truth of the matter. You see, some of the people in Lindor have gone over to the enemy. I don't know how they think that they'll be spared when the foes come... the whole thing makes about as much sense as the worship of Nerull... which is another of my problems. I've already weeded out a few potential new recruits who turned out to be spies when put to the question. That being said, your group sounds about as sound as any of the militia groups I'm already using... most of them are ex-farmers with poor weaponry and minimal training. Indeed, the fact that your group has decent equipment and a good mix of magic-users, places you above most. For now, the best thing you can do is have your men wear white armbands so my men can tell that they're militia. That's not much, in the opinion of my men, but it'll ease tensions a little, as long as they're not obviously looting the place."

The Commander seems finished for a moment, but then speaks again.

"One more thing. If you're looking for a base of operations, I recommend Red Keep. It's a small castle, built right against the city wall... the old owner met a bad end years back, and it's been more or less vacant ever since. It's just a short distance north of the main gate, you can't miss it. If you want it, I'll have my men unseal the passages leading into it... they're narrow things, but enough to let your forces retreat to the safety of the walls if you get overrun."

Johnny stands up rigidly, thanks the commander and accepts the offer, than precisely about faces and marches out the door. He runs back toward the Army. Seeing the group get into order, gives Johnny a warm fuzzy. "Tyreus, please have a squad go together and get white cloth. We are to wear white aarmbands to signify who we are."

When the time is right, Johnny stands on a crate and projects his voice, "Soldiers of Earth, We are starting to look like an army and that is good. We are to wear white armbands. That is to signify we are friendly troops. I shall get more intelligence on other units. We have a location called Red Keep. It's a small castle, built right against the city wall. That shall be our new headquarters. Currently, I am in command and Tyreus is 2nd in command. I want every squad to quickly choose a leader. That leader shall report to me the names and basic skills of everyone in the squad. Tyreus, you may continue your organization."


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ooc: incidentally, exact numbers of the NPCs by class is now up. if you're into the business of assigning bodies to squads, go right ahead. feel free to divide up the NPCs as you will, and, in doing so, you may name them, if you wish. just ensure that no NPCs are allocated twice.


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Khavren comments, "I'm going to try and organize the rest of the clerics and make sure that each scouting group gets at least one."


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Tyreus will get a handful of people (pc's) to help organize the army into two centuries, Alpha and Omega. Alpha has 10 groups of 10 and Omega has 10 groups of 11. Alpha is the advance group and Omega is the core group. Tyreus will explain to the army how the command system works and to interpret orders. Upon placing the soldiers into groups he will write everyones name and position down in a journal. He will have his volunteers make sure everyone in Century Omega has a bow and arrows or goes to a shop and buys them.

OOC: The organization system is detailed in the ooc thread. Let me know if you have any questions.


First Post
Tyreus said:
Tyreus will get a handful of people (pc's) to help organize the army into two centuries, Alpha and Omega.

OK. Ansila will stop trying to organise a scouting expedition and start trying to organise people into the groups outlined by Tyreus.


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"I say we do it by formation, three columns of sqauds seperated enough that one burst effect won't catch more than one squad, but close enough that they can see each other so they don't get lost. We should of course lead the way since you know where this place is."

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