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The Powers That Be: Characters


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Well here we go my first huge post to ENworld.

The Powers That Be: a motley collection of heroes that left Baldurs Gate searching for a bounty and may possibly end up running Scornubel!

I plan on following this up with a Story Hour in the next couple of days.

Our Heroes (In alphabetical order) [Stat blocks to follow]

Beregast - A charasmatic and cautious Rogue. Big strong fellow with a misplaced sense of good. Native of Baldurs Gate left to chase after Igbans bounty. (Note: One of the two remaining originals.)

Cassandra Nye - A beauty in shining armor. Olive skinned, green eyes, and raven haired Cassandra is a captain in a guild of Fighters. Her Mithral Full Plate armour is polished to perfection. When she swings that Bastard Sword get out of the way.

Gnash Firewalker - A large smelly Half-Orc, as a Cleric of Kossuth he has forsaken bathing much to his campanions regret. Not too swift but seems to be the action man of the crew charging anything that looks dangerous to gain glory in Kossuth's name.

Johnny "Danger" Peregrin (Missing and presumed gone on) - Johnny was a little Wizard with a James Bond complex. However more often than not he blinded us with his glitterdust and ran. Lover of food and women this halfling went missing in Purgatory

Ketarmina (Deceased) - I've saved you the pleasure of his full name (its over 27 syllables). This Gnomish Bard was on stage the night the Fox Hole was torched by the crazy wizard Vlint. And didn't stop talking and spouting off his spoken word proformances until he was mecifully consumed by a Gibbering Mouther.

Ransom Torrence (Last seen heading back to the Abbey Inn) -Confident and quiet Ransom is on a quest to attain perfection is his prefession. As a bounty hunter he sees all his bounties as prey and relishes in the challange of finding them. Unfortunately drank an "Evil Mind Control Beer" and was last seen heading back to the Abbey Inn.

Sanxiao - This old man was picking through garabage behind the Reality Wrinkle and decided to become an arbitrator in our dispute with The Blessed. Sanxiao is 72 years old and has become the nagging concience of the group.

Seknar - Standing 6'4" bald with bluish skin, he stands out in a crowd. The feathers really start to fly when he unleashes his 6' wingspan and blast his trumpet! This half-celestial came to save the crew from an untimely death at the hands of Carrion Moths the fully developed form of the Carrion Crawler. Unfortunately we still died.

Selvar Chivera - You've never seen a shiftier elf than Selvar. In fact you've probably never seen him ever! This guy can stand in front a white wall with a black cloak and you'd never know he was there. That is until you got home and found your were missing your money pouch, jewelry and most likely your left shoe! (The only other original)

Tia (Deceased) - Short name, short half-elf, BIG attitude. Tia was always at odds with Johnny, a glitterdust got her turned to stone by a cocatrice on their first outing. Never gaining the recognition worthy of her talents, even when she helped the heroes survive an attack by a pair of Trolls. Sadly Tia was blasted into chunky bits by the club of a blind Athach.

Vincent Whiteleaf - Yes, of those Whiteleafs. A Necromancer with a large collection of "specimens" as he calls them. His Raven, Allen, convinced Vincent is his familiar is constantly remeinding him to check guests for reflections and pulses. Due to an interesting side effect of a spell he found in his Grandmothers spell book Vincent came across our heroes in the most unlikely of places.

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Beregast (Actually 6th level, if Jared ever gives me his character sheet I'll update him)

Beregast; Human Rog4: CR 4; ECL 4; Size M; HD 4; hp 23; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; AC 15, touch 11, FF 14; BAB +3; Atk: +6 melee (1d3 + 3, Unarmed), +7 melee (1d8 + 3, Morningstar MW), +4 ranged (1d4/crit 19-20, Crossbow, hand); AL LG; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14.
Languages spoken: Common
Skills and Feats: Appraise +5, Balance +7, Bluff +4, Climb +16, Disable Device +6, Escape Artist +5, Gather Information +3, Hide +7, Sleight of Hand +3, Intimidate +9, Jump +10, Knowledge (Local) +3, Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Open Lock +5, Ride +2, Search +4, Spot +5, Swim +5, Tumble +10, Use Magic Device +3, Use Rope +9; Armor Proficiency (Light), Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility.
Possessions: 108 gp, 8 sp, Mithral shirt, Morningstar mw, Hand crossbow, 2 Sap, Dagger, Climber's kit, 2 Smokestick, Thunderstone, Tanglefoot bag, 5 Antitoxin (vial), Alchemist's fire (flask), Acid (flask), Waterskin, Torch, Blackened silk rope (100 ft.), Grappling hook, Small steel mirror, 5 Piton, One piece charcoal, One piece chalk, 2 Parchment (sheet), 2 Caltrops, Backpack (empty), Belt pouch (empty), 2 Sack (empty), Masterwork thieves' tools, Everburning torch, Bolts, Gems and valuables, Heavy h warhorse (pucha), H-bolts (10), H-sap, 2 H-torch, 7 Trail h-rations (per day), H-acid (flask), H-alchemist's fire (flask), H-smokestick, H-thunderstone, H-tanglefoot bag, H-bedroll, H-saddlebags, Riding h-saddle, 7 H-feed (per day), H-tent, C-antitoxin, 3 Torch, C-white silk rope (100 ft), C-grappling hook, C-hooded lamp & 2 oil, C-backpack, C-hand x-bow, 2 C-morningstars, 5 Saps.

Beregast likes to traverse rooftops to follow foes or scout out new alleyways. Tends to avoid combat but deadly with his sneak attacks. He's also broken his hand crossbow half a dozen times.


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Cassandra Nye; Human Ftr5/Pal1: CR 6; ECL 6; Size M; HD 6; hp 41; Init +2; Spd 20 ft (base 30 ft); AC 22, touch 12, FF 20; BAB +6/+1; Atk: +9/+4 melee (1d3 + 3, Unarmed), +11/+6 melee (1d10 + 5/crit 19-20, Sword, bastard MW), +8/+3 ranged (1d8 + 3/crit x3, Longbow, mighty (+3 Str) composite); AL LG; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +0; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 9, Cha 14.

Languages spoken: Common

Skills and Feats: Climb +3, Diplomacy +4, Handle Animal +3, Intimidate +4, Jump +3, Ride +3, Swim +7; Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Cleave, Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Great Cleave, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization.

Possessions: 171 gp, -11 cp, Mithral full plate, Bastard sword (two handed) mw, Bedroll, Winter blanket, Caltrops, Flint and steel, Belt pouch (empty), Silk rope (100 ft.), Tent, Torch, Light horse, Riding saddle, Saddlebags, Heavy steel mw shield, Mighty longbow (+1 str) composite, 3 Trail rations (per day), Helm of underwater action.

Note the Helm she has! 57 000 GP!


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Gnash Firewalker; Half-orc Clr6: CR 6; ECL 6; Size M; HD 6; hp 50; Init +0; Spd 20 ft (base 30 ft); AC 18, touch 10, FF 18; BAB +4; Atk: +8 melee (1d3 + 4, Unarmed), +9 melee (1d8 + 4, Morningstar, MW), +8 melee (1d3 + 4, Gauntlet), +8 melee touch (1d6 + 4, Spiked Banded Mail), -2 melee (1d6 + 2, Spiked shield, heavy steel), +4 ranged (1d10/crit 19-20, Crossbow, heavy);
SA Smite: Single Melee Attack with +4 to attack rolls and + (Clr Level) to damage. Once per day.Turn or Destroy water creatures as undead. Bolster or command fire creatures as an evil priest controls undead.; SQ Darkvision 60 ft, Orc Blood; AL LN; SV Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +8; Str 18, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 17, Cha 9.

Languages spoken: Common and Orc

Skills and Feats: Concentration +6, Heal +8, Knowledge (Religion) -1; Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Cleave, Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Leadership.

Deity: Kossuth
Domains: Fire and Destruction
Clr Spells Per Day: 5/5/5/4.

Spells Prepared: Varies day to day but always includes Spritual Weapon, Burning Hands, Produce Flame, Pyrotechnic.

Possessions: 244 gp, Gauntlets of ogre power, Wand of cure light wounds, Spiked banded mail, Heavy steel spiked shield, Silver holy symbol, Mw morningstar (betsy), Heavy crossbow, Bolts (20), 3 Arrows +1, 2 Alchemist's fire (flask), Potion bandolier, Extraplanar fig.


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Sanxiao; Human Mnk5: CR 5; ECL 5; Size M; HD 5; hp 22; Init +0; Spd 40 ft (base 30 ft); AC 26 (10 + 7 Exalted + 2 Natural + 2 Deflection + 5 Monk Bonus), touch 17, FF 26; BAB +3; Atk: +8 melee (1d8 - 2, Unarmed), +7/+7 melee (1d8 - 2, Flurry of Blows); AL LN; SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +8; Str 4, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 15, Wis 18, Cha 13.

Languages spoken: Common

Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Diplomacy +11, Escape Artist +8, Listen +12, Sense Motive +12, Spot +12, Tumble +8; Sacred Vow
Vow of Poverty, Stunning Fist (DC 21), Flurry of Blows, Improved Unarmed Strike, Deflect Arrows, Evasion, Still Mind, Ki Strike (Magic), Slow Fall (20ft), Purity of Body, Vow of Non-Violence, Vow of Peace, Intuitive Attack, Sanctify Ki Strike, Sustenance (VOP), Endure elements (VOP)

Sanxiao is the product of the BoED, and our friend Ivica's crazy ideas of making him 72.
This is just the craziest character build myself and our DM have ever seen. Though Ivica plays him quite well! He speaks in an asian accent.
"Where are the Bodies!" for 20 minutes (2 days in game) in Beregast's ear!


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Seknar is going through some template changes right now. So I'm not sure how accurate this is.

Seknar; Trumpet Archon: CR 0; Size M; HD 5; hp 23; Init +2; Spd 40 ft, 40 fly average; AC 21, touch 12, FF 19; BAB +5; Atk: +9 melee (1d3 + 4, Unarmed), +10 melee (2d6 + 5/crit 19-20, Greatsword +1); AL CG; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6; Str 18, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 12.

Languages spoken: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, "Tongues"

Skills and Feats: Concentration +9, Craft (Other) +7, Escape Artist +9, Hide +9, Knowledge (History) +2, Knowledge (Planes) +7, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Listen +9, Move Silently +9, Sense Motive +9, Spot +9; Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack.

Possessions: 100 gp, Mithral shirt, Mithral buckler, Greatsword +1,

Look at this thread "Cheiromancers Classes" for the template Seknar is now using: http://www.enworld.org/forums/showthread.php?t=61693


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Selvar Chivera; Elf Rog6: CR 6; ECL 6; Size M; HD 6; hp 29; Init +3; Spd 20 ft (base 30 ft); AC 18, touch 13, FF 15; BAB +4; Atk: +5 melee (1d3 + 1, Unarmed), +7 ranged (1d8/crit x3, Arrows (20) Silver), +6 melee (1d6 + 1/crit 19-20, Sword, short MW Adamantine), +6 melee (1d6 + 1/crit 18-20, Rapier MW Cold Iron), +5 melee (1d6 + 1, Sap), +8 ranged (1d8 + 2/crit x3, Arrow +1), +7 ranged (1d8 + 1/crit x3, Arrows (20)); SQ Low-light Vision, +2 to saves vs enchantment, immune to sleep effects; AL CN; SV Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +2; Str 13, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 7.

Languages spoken: Common and Elven

Skills and Feats: Appraise +5, Climb +2, Craft (Trapmaking) +3, Disable Device +6, Gather Information +3, Handle Animal +2, Hide +11, Sleight of Hand +8, Listen +6, Move Silently +11, Open Lock +12, Ride +3.5, Search +8, Spot +10, Use Magic Device +7; Alertness, Armor Proficiency (Light), Point Blank Shot, Stealthy.

Possessions: 60 pp, 329 gp, 9 sp, Minor ring of energy resistance (fire), Circlet of persuasion, Short mw adamantine sword, Amulet of natural armor +1, Wand of magic missile (5th), Mithral chain shirt, Small mithral chain shirt, Mithral small rapier, Composite mw darkwood longbow, Rapier mw cold iron, Dust of tracelessness, Mighty longbow (+1 str) composite, 4 Arrow +1, Extraplanar fig, Masterwork thieves' tools, Masterwork lute, Everburning torch, Light horse, 10 Adamantine bullet, Masterwork trapmaker's tools, Potion of cure light wounds (lv 3), Vial of perfume, Arrows (20) silver, Scroll of color spray (arc), Scroll of sleep (arc), Riding saddle, Tent, Wolfsbane, Backpack (empty), Waterskin, Traveler's outfit, Flint and steel, Arrows (20), Grappling hook, Sap, Hemp rope (50 ft.), Bedroll, 3 Torch.

Remember what I said about losing your left shoe! I still don't know where he got all this stuff!
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Vincent Whiteleaf; Elf Wiz5: CR 5; ECL 5; Size M; HD 5; hp 17; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; AC 12, touch 12, FF 10; BAB +2; Atk: +4 melee (1d3 + 2, Unarmed), +6 ranged (1d8 + 3/crit x3, Longbow, composite MW (Bane)), +4 melee (1d6 + 2/crit 18-20, Rapier), +5 ranged (1d4 + 1/crit 19-20, Dagger); SQ Low-light Vision, +2 to saves vs enchantment, immune to sleep effects; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 10.

Languages spoken: Common, Elven, Celestial, Infernal, Draconic

Skills and Feats: Concentration +8, Decipher Script +7, Knowledge (Arcana) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +3, Knowledge (Religion) +9, Move Silently +4, Speak Language +2; Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus.

Wiz Spells Per Day: 4/4/3/1.

Spells Known: Acid splash, Arcane mark, Blindness/deafness, Cause fear, Charm person, Daze, Detect magic, Detect poison, Detect undead, Dimensional anchor, Dispel magic, Disrupt undead, Ray of palsy, Ta's hideous laughter, Mage armor, Mage hand, Magic weapon, Mending, Message, Open/close, Prestidigitation, Protection from arrows, Ray of enfeeblement, Read magic, Resistance, Sleep, Sanguinary deception, True strike, Web, False life, Ray of exhaustion, Touch of fatigue, Weeping wounds, Skeletal cohort.

Possessions: Bedroll, Silk rope (50 ft.), Tanglefoot bag, Waterskin, Wizard's spellbook (blank), Spell component pouch (empty), Composite mw longbow (bane), Bullseye lantern, Caltrops, Backpack (empty), 2 Manacles, Rapier, 3 Holy water (flask), 5 Trail rations (per day), Everburning torch, 2 Oil (1-pt. flask), Dagger, Map or scroll case, 2 Sack (empty), Signal whistle, Riding saddle, Tent, Spade or shovel, Light horse, Flint and steel, 5 Parchment (sheet), Raven familiar, Ink (1 oz. vial), One piece chalk.
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Alas, while exploring the Banewarrens, the party encountered a Troll with Phasing abilities (like a phase spider). After trying twice (and unsuccessfully) to get the vulnerable looking monk, it decided to pick on Selvar, who was lurking at the back. Two claw hits and a rend later... bye-bye Selvar.

Shortly thereafter they explored the lair of an Umber Hulk, whose tunnel they were using to gain access to the Banewarrens. Without their rogue, they missed the pit trap, and the party was split. While they were figuring out how to get Gnash and his cohort out (the cohort is an orcish cleric named Kurik), the Umber Hulk came to investigate. With confused characters fighting one another, and slightly less than optimal use of the Archon's Trumpet, the topside characters (Cassie, San Xaio and Seknar) were defeated by the gravely wounded Umber Hulk.

The curtain closes with the orcs at the bottom of a 30 ft. pit, and the Umber Hulk dragging his kills off to his larder...


But that's not why I am posting. This is a convenient spot to post a few character designs- perhaps a future NPC, perhaps as inspiration for players in this campaign.

The characters are built with a 32 standard point buy, generally 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 10. The 10 moves around.

The Armored Monk (Human)

Wisdom = 10

1. Rgr 1 - Track*, favored enemy, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
2. Ftr 1 - Quickdraw*
3. Mnk 1 - Improved Grapple*, Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike
4. Mnk 2 - Combat Reflexes*, evasion
5. Mnk 3 - still mind
6. Mnk 4 - ki strike (magic), slow fall 20, Rapid Shot
7. Rgr 2 - TWF*
8. Ftr 2 - Power Attack*
9. Ftr 3 - Improved Bull Rush
10. Rgr 3 - Endurance*
11. Fighter 4 - Weapon Specialization: Unarmed Strike*

Note: class abilities are in lower case and feats are Capitalized. Class bonus feats marked with an asterisk (*).

Development: At first level he functions as an archer in studded leather. At second level he adds a bandolier of daggers and adopts heavier armor. At 3rd level he becomes adept at unarmed combat. At 4th level he uses a glaive as a reach weapon, and reverting to light armor becomes very tempting. At 6th level his unarmed attack damage improves to d8, and he becomes faster with bow and dagger.

At 7th level he definitely uses light armor, as TWF allows an additional unarmed attack; essentially he has flurry of blows while in armor. At 8th level he picks up power attack- although power attack normally does not benefit a light weapon, there is a specific exemption for unarmed attacks. 9th level improves his tactical options by allowing him to bullrush opponents more easily. At 10th level he gains endurance (not a bad feat- now he can sleep in armor), and at 11th level he improves the damage he deals with his unarmed strike- he is roughly equivalent to a monk of the same level.

As a Rgr3/Mnk4/Ftr4 his saves are 3/3/1 + 4/4/4 + 4/1/1 = 11/8/6. His will saves against enchantment effects are further enhanced by his still mind ability. He averages more than 4 + int mod + human bonus skill points per level, many of them very useful (including Spot, Listen, Hide and Move Silently).

Tactically he is good at close quarters (grappling and bullrushing abilities, and d8+2+str unarmed damage), and can use reach and ranged weapons effectively. He is not an uber-specialist in anything, but has a broad array of talents.

Wearing armor denies him the Wisdom bonus to AC (no loss!), the flurry of blows ability (made up for by TWF) and a +10 ft. bonus to his base speed.
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