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The Psion


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I've tentatively finished work on my Psion class. Included is powers from levels 1-30, 4 paragon paths and 3 class-specific feats.

Psion Beta

There are a few formatting and editting errors I've got to go back and fix (I've got a few mixed up keywords here or there) but barring any major revisions this is essentially done. Any feedback and suggestions would be extremely helpful. Thank you!

A note on rituals: I'll probably go through an add a list of recommended psionic rituals, but my gaming groups tend to avoid a lot of the crunch of rituals, so it's doubtful I'll have a complete list (with time and costs) any time soon, unless it's specifically requested.
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First Post
Nice! I only read up to the 2nd level utility powers and gave a quick scan through the rest after that, but I liked what is there. The only thing that stood out as missing is the psion multi-class feat.

I wish I had a player who played psion's, I'd definitely let them play test this and if I wasn't DM'ing I'd give it a crack myself...hmmm, maybe a villain NPC psion...


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I'm probably going to remove the dorje focus requirement and features from the Psychic Killer paragon path, as the only other option right now for the charisma based telepath isn't really telepathy based

Edit: Whipped up the multiclass feat- pretty much analogous with the wizard feat
Wild Talent
[Multiclass Psion]

Prerequisite: Int 13 or Cha 13
Benefit: You gain training in the Psionics skill
Choose a 1st level Psion at-will attack power. You can use that power once per encounter
In addition, you can use a psicrystal, psicrown or dorje as an implement when using a psion power or a psion paragon path power
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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
It would be the equivalent of Arcana- a knowledge skill that applies to psionic abilities, powers and creatures

Here is my feedback so far.

Psion class document said:
Implements: Psicrystals, Dorjes, Psicrowns
So this is a mirror of the Wizard implements. Is it necessary to mirror them in this way? Are you trying to recreate the 3.x psion? I would say that creating a psion from the ground up in 4e would be better. I never really liked the whole crystal fetish thing, but I understand trying to stick to the flavor of the WotC psion.
Psion class document said:
Trained Skills: Psionics. From the class skills list below, choose three more trained skills at 1st level. Arcana (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha), Dungeoneering (Wis), History (Int),
Insight (Wis), Nature (Wis), Psionics (Int)
I have never liked the psionics skill. Why not use the Arcana skill? It seems like it would fit pretty well. Maybe religion? Either way, an undefined new skill that is just there to “do what arcana does for arcane casters, only for psionicists” seems somewhat pointless.
Psion class document said:
Devotions are minor talents you gain at 1st level.
You can use the clairaudience, create object, send
thoughts, and telekinesis
I like the idea of “cantrip”-like powers, but I wonder how much this steps on the toes of the wizard. The Artificer already does this, and since these are mostly to add flavor, I think they are cool. I wonder about the power of these though.
Psion class document said:
Psionic Implement Mastery
You specialize in the use of one kind of implement
to gain additional abilities when you wield it.
Choose one of the following forms of implement
This is a direct rip off of the wizard class. I would rather see a different class than “a wizard with a few different powers and some different flavor”. Giving us new mechanics that are balanced is the goal. If I wanted to use a reflavored wizard, all I would need to do is change the flavor text of the wizard. I would like to see new mechanics for class features instead of cut and paste with a little serial number filing.
Psion documant said:
Psicrystal of Personality
Mechanics are too similar to Staff implement wizards.
Psion class document said:
]Psicrown of Domination
Mechanics are too similar to Orb wizards.
Psion class document said:
Dorje of Might
Mechanics are too similar to Wand wizards. To tell you the truth, I don't really think about implements at all when thinking about psions. I think about matery of the mind and body and self sufficiency, not guys with toys. I think that different class features would be better.
Psion class document said:
Ritual Caster
Again, sounds very much like the wizard. Isn’t this supposed to be a new class?
Psion class document said:
Talent Focus
As a psion you have learned how to divert your
mental focus to reopen the closed areas of your
mind. Once per day as a move action, the may
voluntarily reduce the number of your known at-will
talents to one until the end of the encounter. If you
do so, you regain the use of an expended encounter
attack or encounter utility talent.
Here is a new mechanic. I think that this might be a little unbalanced though. This effectively allows the use of an extra encounter power once a day. All it costs you is an at-will? I think that maintaining the at-will/encounter/daily ratio is necessary for game balance. The only time that I am aware that this is violated is with the Multiclass feats. You gain an at-will as an encounter. Notice that this is basically the opposite direction than you are going with this.
Psion class document said:
Psion Powers
Your psionic powers are called talents. Each talent
is associated with one of the three psionic
disciplines, but you aren't limited to choosing talents
associated with your discipline. In fact, most psions
choose at least a few powers outside of their
discipline to give themselves a wider range of
Is there a reason for this section? Linking the talents to any discipline seems unnecessary. I found no mechanical effect of this in your document. Did I miss something? You could probaby just cut this section.
Psion class document said:
Clairaudience Psion Devotion
You extend the source of your hearing, allow you to listen to a
far-off sound as if you were right there.
At-Will * Psionic
Standard Action Ranged 20
Target: One square
Effect: You treat the target square as the square you occupy
for the purposes of hearing.
Special: You do not need line of sight to perform this
devotion, though if you place Clairaudience in a wall the effect
immediately ends and you become deafened until the end of
your next turn.
This is an amazing power! Talk about scouting potential. It won’t really affect a battle, but this gets back toward the scry and die model that wizards was trying to avoid. The psion will be the scout of the party. This might not be a desired consequence. I think flavor wise it fits, I am just unsure if this is overpowered as a devotion (cantrip).
Psion class document said:
Create Object Psion Devotion
You create a minor tool out of astral ectoplasm.
At-Will * Psionic, Conjuration
Standard Action Ranged 2
Effect: You create a minor tool or small object in your hand or
in any square within range. The tool cannot be more than 5 feet
long, but can otherwise be any mundane tool that would fit
within a single square (exception: you can create a 10 foot coil
of rope.) You cannot create any object with effect in combat
(such as weapons, shields, armor, implements, traps, caltrops,
etc.) and the object dissipates as soon as an attack is made with
it. Otherwise the object lasts for one hour.
Who needs equipment? I think that this is pretty powerful. Maybe too powerful.
Psion class document said:
Send Thoughts Psion Devotion
You send a quick telepathic message to another person,
speaking without needing to speak..
At-Will * Psionic
Minor Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Effect: You send a short message, no longer than a single
sentence, which only the target can hear.
Special: You can use Send Thoughts multiple times in a
round. You can spend a full round, for instance, sending a
three-sentence long message.
Can the target resist this?
Psion documant said:
Telekinesis Psion Devotion
Using the power of your mind, you are able to grab objects
you could otherwise could not reach, and bring them to you.
At-will * Psionic, Force
Minor Action Ranged 10
Effect: You are able to pick up, move or manipulate any object
within range. Your telekinetic force has a Strength score equal
to your Intelligence modifier. As a move action you may move
any object you are holding with your telekinetic force up to
five squares, so long as it remains within the range of this
power. As a free action, you can drop an object it is holding,
and as a minor action, you can pick up or manipulate a
different object.
Sustain Minor: You can sustain the telekinetic force
This is strictly better than the wizard power Mage Hand. Can this be used on creatures? This should be explicitly described. I would basically just cut and past the Mage Hand power text here because it seems like you are trying copy it. If you are trying for a power up, I would ask why you are giving a power up to an essentially free power that is for flavor effects anyway. Probably too powerful, even if you clear up the creatures thing.
Psion class document said:
Attracting Strike Psion Attack 1
You pull your enemy's mind closer to you, violently forcing its
body to follow suit.
At-Will * Psionic, Implement, Psychic, Charm
Standard Action Area burst 3 within 10
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma psychic damage, and you pull the target 1
Increase damage to 2d6 + Charisma modifier at 21st level.
I am basically going to compare this to Thunderwave and Scorching Burst, because they are the closest things. For Thunderwave, the damage is right in line, the attack vs.Wil is better than vs. Fort, Range 10 burst 3 is MUCH better than close blast 3, while pull 1 is almost worthless compared to push wis bonus. Comparing it to Scorching Burst because it is ranged area damage, the damage is right in line, vs. Wil is better than vs. reflex, area burst 3 is MUCH better than burst 1, and you get a pull 1 on top of it all. Since these are the two best at-wills of the wizard, I would say that this one power alone outclasses the wizard at-wills. Way too powerful.
Psion class document said:
Cloud Mind Psion Attack 1
You cast a haze over the target’s senses, making it hard for
them to perceive their enemies.
At-Will * Psionic, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the target
takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next
Increase damage to 2d6 + Charisma modifier at 21st level
This one compares pretty well with Ray of Frost. Different status effect, better Attack. This might be just a little better than Ray of Frost, but it compares pretty well.
Psion class document said:
Kinetic Hammer Psion Attack 1
You send a single, concentrated ball of force at an opponent,
knocking him back.
At-Will * Psionic, Implement, Force
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and you push
the target a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Increase damage to 2d6 + Intelligence modifier at 21st level.
Special: This power counts as a ranged basic attack. When a
power allows you to make a ranged basic attack, you can use
this power.
Single target ranged Thunderwave that is a basic attack. This is better than Thunderwave in my opinion. Probably too powerful.
Psion class document said:
Mind Thrust Psion Attack 1
You reach out with your thoughts to make a single quick strike.
At-Will * Psionic, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d4 + Charisma psychic damage, and the target is
deafened until the end of your next turn.
Increase damage to 4d4 + Charisma modifier at 21st level.
Special: This power counts as a ranged basic attack. When a
power allows you to make a ranged basic attack, you can use
this power.
Like Magic Missile, only closer and gives a status effect. The status effect is weak, so they are basically equal. I would probably take Magic Missile. The biggest difference is that it targets Will. This makes it close to +2 to attack. Hard to tell. Probably about right.
Psion class document said:
Psychokinetic Burst Psion Attack 1
You hurl a wave of force at a group of enemies.
At-Will * Psionic, Implement, Force
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage.
Increase damage to 2d6 + Intelligence modifier at 21st level.
This is better than Scorching Burst in every way except that it targets Fort instead of Reflex. It can hit almost three times as many enemies and is force instead of fire damage. Except for damage and range, this is as good as the wizard level 7 attack power Fire Burst, which is an encounter power. Too powerful.
Psion class document said:
Control Winds Psion Attack 1
You whip up a series of winds, buffeting an area of battlefield.
Encounter * Psionic, Implement, Force
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the target
is pushed 2 squares from the center of the burst.
Effect: The power’s area is difficult terrain until the end of
your next turn. Any creature that enters the area takes force
damage equal to your Wisdom modifier, and must make a save
or be pushed 1 square from the center of the burst. You can
end this effect as a minor action.
Close to Icy Terrain. Better damage, push instead of prone, and an ongoing damage causing effect. I would say that this needs to be toned down.
Psion class document said:
Demoralize Psion Attack 1
You fill your foe's heads with doubts, breaking its will.
Encounter * Psionic, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the target
is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Better attack than Chill Strike, but damage and effect are the same. Basically Chill Strike with a different damage keyword and a +2 to hit. Slightly over powered.
Psion class document said:
Imaginary Swarms Psion Attack 1
Your enemies’ movements bog down as they swat away at
imaginary insects.
Encounter * Psionic, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Area burst 3 within 10
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the target
is slowed until the end of your next turn.
This is a huge burst. Better area than anything that a wizard can do for many levels. Low damage but status effect. For minions, this outclasses anything that a wizard can do. Too powerful.
Psion class document said:
Psychic Push Psion Attack 1
With a strong gust of wind you push your foes away from you.
Encounter * Psionic, Implement, Force
Standard Action Close burst 4
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and target is
pushed 1 square.
Huge area. 81 squares! good damage for an encounter, and a minor perk in the push. Too powerful.
Psion class document said:
Astral Ram Psion Attack 1
You craft a rudimentary creature out of astral ectoplasm,
directing it against your foes.
Daily * Psionic, Conjuration, Implement, Force
Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You craft a construct that occupies 1 square within
range. Every round, you can move the construct 3 squares as a
move action. The construct lasts until the end of the encounter.
Any creature that ends its turn next to the construct is subject
to a Charisma vs. Fortitude attack. On a hit, the attack deals
1d8 + Charisma force damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Interesting. I will have to think on this.
Psion class document said:
Energy Ray Psion Attack 1
You create a single beam of astral energy, firing it at your
Daily * Psionic, Implement; Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning or
Standard Action Ranged 15
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + Intelligence modifier damage of a particular
damage type, chosen by you from the following list: acid, cold,
fire, lightning or poison.
Miss: Half damage.
Higher damage than the wizard can do at this level, but comparing it to Acid Arrow, I am not sure this is overpowered. The continuing damage of Acid Arrow puts it over the top of this one, and the only thing that Energy Ray has to compete is the choice of damage keyword. Not Bad.
Psion class document said:
Id Insinuation Psion Attack 1
By exciting your enemies’ baser instincts you lead them to self-
destructive tendencies.
Daily * Psionic, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Close blast 4
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d10 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, ongoing 5
psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save
16 squares of area damage that is close, for small initial damage but medium ongoing damage. The vs. Will attack makes this a good one, and the area is large but not huge. I think that this may be OK, but I will think about it more later.
Psion class document said:
Trip Up Psion Attack 1
You send a swirl of energy at the foe’s feet, toppling him over.
Daily * Psionic, Implement, Force
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the
target is knocked prone and immobilized (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is not knocked prone.
Big damage with two status effects. Good, but not likely great. Probably balanced.

So there is my review of the Psion through first level. I hope that I didn't come off as too negative. I like psionics, so I was giving you what was meant to be constructive criticism. Let me know it this helps. I could do more.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Thanks for the extremely useful feedback. I've already swapped the Psionics skill out and have been debating back and forth between a few existing knowledge skills to use instead.

As I hadn't played a Wizard until I had finished the first few levels I had a hard time conceptualizing a few things, in particular area range. I need to go back and shrink down a number of the early powers. I also had issues with damage, as I oscillated several times between wanting the Psion to better at damage but worse at control and vica-versa, and in the end left the class a little overpowered. These things can be easily tweaked.

While I don't like the idea of "rituals" per se, there are simply a ton of great, classic psionic powers that fit the ritual mechanic to a tee. I thought about renaming them but wondered if it was necessary to create a mechanic that were essentially rituals in name only but only available to psionic characters. Similar to the "psionics vs arcana skill" debate. Haven't quite figured out what I wanted to do with it yet.

I've debated talent focus a great deal, and I will likely change it entirely or at least make the costs greater (make it a stanrdard action cost an action point, for instance). While at early levels I didn't see it as being too unbalancing I can easily see at higher levels how much of an impact it can have. I will definitely mull over it.

Clairaudience and probably Create Object are likely to become a ritual (or whatever it ends up being called). I did want Telekinesis to be better than Mage Hand, as it's one of the psion's most basic abilities. Added "willing creature" to Send Thoughts, and some more clarifyng text to Telekinesis.

The problem with making a controller is there's no way of being certain what the "controller feature" is. Defenders mark, leaders heal and strikers hurt, but what defines the controller? I ultimately decided to go with implement mastery. The flavor doesn't really feel off for me, though I am definitely considering going back and changing up some the benefits they confer. Mechanically however, the psion will simply lag behind if they can't gain the benefits to hit and damage from some form of magic equipment that every other class on the block gets, so I can't really think of a reason to not give them implements.

The text on disciplines came from an earlier version in which there were disciplines with a mechanical effect similar to the Warlock's pact boons but which I ultimately decided I didn't want to go with. I forgot to remove that text and have since done so.

As far as other major changes, I've removed the dorje focus requirement for the Psychic Killer paragon path and given it benefits that apply to any implement, so psicrown telepaths aren't forced to start tinkering with ectoplasm when they hit 11th level if they don't want to. Beyond that it's just tweaking powers to make them better balanced.


First Post
Very Interisting. I have been looking for someone to create a Psion Class for my Campaign Setting Handbook, and with a few modifications, and an epic destiny, this might just become official. I'd like to keep in touch so please contact me through 521ved@gmail.com

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