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The quest for a "Good read"!


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I know, I know, the call for good reading material goes out quite often on this and other similar boards. But please bear with me.

Here are the conditions:

- Heroic Swords and Sorcery adventure fiction. No namby pamby political/intrigue/"inner journey" type of stuff. Sure, it can contain that, but it must contain lots of ass kicking and rollicking good times.

- A single volume, or a complete series.

- Currently published (I hate scouring through used book stores).

P.S. If anyone mentions George R.R. Martin and a Song of Ice and Fire, I'm going to submit their email address to every spammer I know (j/k) ;) (I have what's published, have read it, and love it... I don't want this to turn into a discussion about its merits)

P.P.S. Game fiction counts, but please avoid it unless it is really good.

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The Black Company series by Glen Cook. I have never found any book in the genre that beats the first book, IMO.



What? Me Worry?
I recommend Paul Kidd's Greyhawk novels. They're the only game books that I read anymore. White Plume Mountain, Descent Into the Depths of the Earth, and Queen of the Demonweb Pits. Yes, there is quite a bit of humorous nonsense, which normally irritates me, but it works in these books, for the most part. Plus, they have some truly hellacious fight scenes.

Claude Raines

First Post
Elizabeth Moon's "Deed of Paksenarrion." It's a trilogy republished as a large omnibus edition. I must have read this trilogy a dozen times and never tire of it.

David Eddings Belgarion series. (5 books, Pawn of Prophecy, Queen of Sorcery, etc.) Highly enjoyable despite a few annoying writing tendancies. The follow up series the Mallorean is also 5 books and somewhat less enjoyable since it is the exact same story as the first five. Avoid all other of his books as they only go downhill from there.

Riechert's (sp?) Renshai series: Last of the Renshai, the Western Wizard, Child of Thunder. Good Norse inspired trilogy. Lots of action.


First Post
Ramond E Fiest's stuff. It's all in the same world at differnt times. A good mix of adventure and a little politics. Start with Magician Apprentice and go from there.

Thieves World: Collection of short stories. Not hard to find in a used book store, and should be reprinted sometime soon as the new novel comes out summer.


First Post
Crothian said:
Ramond E Fiest's stuff. It's all in the same world at differnt times. A good mix of adventure and a little politics. Start with Magician Apprentice and go from there.

Thieves World: Collection of short stories. Not hard to find in a used book store, and should be reprinted sometime soon as the new novel comes out summer.
Let me also put a plug in for the stuff Fiest wrote with Wurts. The first book is Daughter of the Empire and it's one of my all-time favorites.
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First Post
Thanks for the quick responses.

Colonel : I'll deffinately try to remember Paul Kidd when I'm looking at the game fiction section. My problem is that I glance over it, feel dirty for even looking at it, and go back to the general fantasy/sci-fi section. :)

Claude : Have read everything you suggested except for the Paksenarrion. One of those series I haven't seen on shelves in a while but have been meaning to read. Does it lean more towards ass kicking or inner monologue/personal journey of the spirit type of stuff? The more ass kicking the better.

Corey : Sorry man. I've read the first black company novel. Can't get past the style. I'm sure there's a good story in there somewhere because so many people like it, but I'm just not willing to put up with it.

Crothian : Read 'em all. Good examples of what I'm looking for.

Broken Fang

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Glen Cook's Black Company books are great (while his Garret P.I. series is just to darn funny.)

Raymond Feist's Magician series and the books that followed.

I enjoyed the Belgariad by David Eddings much more than the others, except I did like Belgarath and Polgara equally.

The Felix and Gotrek WarHammer books being republished by Black Library are really good. As are thier short story compelations. For a really good vampire book read Drachenfels.

Just saw your response to the others: I assume you have read Moorcocks Elric stuff?
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Claude Raines

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cbatt said:
Thanks for the quick responses.
Claude : Have read everything you suggested except for the Paksenarrion. One of those series I haven't seen on shelves in a while but have been meaning to read. Does it lean more towards ass kicking or inner monologue/personal journey of the spirit type of stuff? The more ass kicking the better.

Hmmm, it's possible that the book is out of print. I haven't looked for it in a while. If in a bookstore, look for the oversized books, as this edition is an oversized paperback. The trilogy is a personal journey of the main character, but much of her character developement is done through adventuring/fighting. The middle book is probably the least action oriented of the three, but I think you'll find more than enough descriptions of fighting and encounters/adventures to keep you entertained. I hope you find it. :)


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cbatt said:

Crothian : Read 'em all. Good examples of what I'm looking for.

Doh!! Okay, something a little different is Mercedas Lackey's Valdamar series. THere's always Lord of the Rings and the Shanarrah series. Obvios choices, but you never know. I have friends who still haven't read them. Currently, I'm going through the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. It starts with Wizards First Rule. It's a good series so far. THose are some of what's currently on my bookshelves.

I've heard good things about the Book of Swords by Fred Saberhagen. Haven't read it yet. The series is currently in my "Need to Read" pile.

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