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The REAL Race Elimination ROUND 3!!!

What is your Least Favourite Race?

  • Dwarf

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Eladrin

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Elf

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • Half-elf

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • Halfling

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Human

    Votes: 5 4.2%
  • Tiefling

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Deva

    Votes: 7 5.9%
  • Gnome

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • Goliath

    Votes: 6 5.0%
  • Half-orc

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • Longtooth Shifter

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • Razorclaw Shifter

    Votes: 9 7.6%
  • Changeling

    Votes: 11 9.2%
  • Genasi

    Votes: 7 5.9%
  • Githyanki

    Votes: 15 12.6%
  • Githzerai

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Gnoll

    Votes: 6 5.0%
  • Hobgoblin

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • Goblin

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • Kobold

    Votes: 5 4.2%
  • Minotaur

    Votes: 13 10.9%
  • Orc

    Votes: 5 4.2%

  • Poll closed .


First Post
I like them as mysterious people from beyond, but I guess they are the new drow.

Drow used to be a race that didn't even have a write-up, just a brief mention in the elf entry in the Monster Manual that described them as "rumored" and "legendary".

Then they showed up in the D module series. That was cool; a refreshing change from more orcs and goblins, and hooray, we're finally battling this sinister, secret, legendary evil.

Then they became the most popular villain... it seemed that every dungeon had an enclave of drow that were pulling the strings. Dragon lair? Surprise, the dragon is enchanted by the drow. Orc bandits? Surprise, the orcs are working for the drow. River Rat thieves' guild? Run by drow. Door-to-door hairbrush sales? Run by the drow.

Then, as we all know, Driz'zt happened (or is it Drizz't? D'r'i'z'z't?), and they became a popular PC race.

The same thing is happening with the gith. Were I wiser, I would realize that one cannot fight the forces of popularity, but In My Campaign they are true to their roots: remote and legendary, not tavern-hopping PCs.

Mysterious race from beyond is a very good choice when a player wishes to stand out from the others. A 'standard' race is 'common' and therefore not 'unique' so the 'mysterious outsider' type races become popular for the players who wish to stand out against the backdrop(or stand out amongst their peers).

I like the way Drow look. I also like that they are not nature-oriented yet long lived like the elves. I dislike emo-fluff and the 'you must be evil!' portions as a PC, so I usually come up with a rebellious Underdark Drow who hated the matriarchy and tends to do what he feels is 'right'. Not as goody as Drizz't.

Granted, I don't play Drow that often either, since in 3.5 they had a con penalty and +2 LA, and in 4th I do not have the required books.

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First Post
It was either the Genasi or Eladrin.

Genasi has some awesome Wizard-options now, so I went for the kill on the Eladrin.

Int and Dex stat boost? Gaaaah... I really hate that. I have tried to make a couple of characters with the Eladrin, but I have always thought: too squishy.


First Post
Mysterious race from beyond is a very good choice when a player wishes to stand out from the others. A 'standard' race is 'common' and therefore not 'unique' so the 'mysterious outsider' type races become popular for the players who wish to stand out against the backdrop(or stand out amongst their peers).

Yeah, I know... and then it turns out that all the players are mysterious outsiders (which, I admit, is a fun premise for a PC party... sorta like the X-men, including the power creep).

And I am a bit of a blow-hard. I make pronouncements like "I forbid non-standard races at my game!" and as soon as a player comes to me and says "I want to play a githzerai monk who was sent by his order to explore and then his order got attacked by enemies and now he's cut off from home..." I'd probably say, "sure, go for it."

So really the only strict objections I have with certain races is mechanical (e.g. drow darkvision or bugbear oversized weapons).


First Post
"I forbid non-standard races at my game!"

For that flip-side effect, I am developing a campaign in which the characters may only play traditionally "monster" races. Drow, goblins, orcs, kobolds, minotaurs, etc. It's gonna be one of those "other side of the coin" deals where they have to defend themselves from constantly roaming groups of "heroes". Is it so anti-cliche that it's cliche itself?


First Post
For that flip-side effect, I am developing a campaign in which the characters may only play traditionally "monster" races. Drow, goblins, orcs, kobolds, minotaurs, etc. It's gonna be one of those "other side of the coin" deals where they have to defend themselves from constantly roaming groups of "heroes". Is it so anti-cliche that it's cliche itself?

I think so, but it sounds like fun. I was in a shortlived PbP adventure where I was playing a Lizardman whose tribe was slaughtered by a frenzied xenophobic group of humans. He doesn't hate all humans, but he regards them as unstable and prone to bouts of violent insanity at any time, attacking unprovoked and with extreme prejudice.

He wasn't the brightest of creatures, but he was fun while the adventure lasted. Unfortunately the DM had pressing engagements in real life and had to go inactive, and the adventure went the way of the dodo.


Voted Minotaurs, they're simply brutish monsters... I can't picture them socializing or doing heroic deeds... One thing is an Orc or Gobling turned good... A Minotaur? Sorry, stick to your labyrinth...
Last edited:


The Shifters have GOT to go.

Lycanthropes are monsters, and diseased monsters according to the old school. I can't see any a lycanthropic race as good for anything except experience points unless you're playing a WoD campaign.

Time to send the Furries packing.

Lets kill the Razorclaw shifters first.


First Post
I voted Goliaths because...

do we really need another race of strong proud warriors?

I'm surprised to see hu-mans on the chopping block so early. And githyanki before githzerai? The yanks are so much cooler!

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