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The realism of fighting in ISRP

Sir Dieterich

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When I first came onto ISRP only four or five months ago, I knew absolutely nothing about it, I learned by playing and didn't read the rules...just like any normal person. After a while of rping I found out the hard way like so many others that, the clearing was restricted to fighting and your not supposed to fight anywhere else. I was very confused when I first learned this. I was thinking, "I thought that this was supposed to be a realistic role-playing site. Now how realistic is it to just start a fight in a tavern, then stop and head out to the clearing?" I really disagree on this rule of having to move to the clearing when we have to fight and nobody seems to be able to tell me why we couldn't have a brawl in the tavern, why we couldn't fight in the bazaar, or the garden for that matter. Personally I think that it would be fun to watch a fight in the tavern or have a fight in a market area. So, could somebody tell me the real deal here, or does this rule need to be changed?

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First Post
they are rules dude almost as annoying as taxes and chores cant really say why they have the rules to no fighting but they do

Babylon Logos

First Post
It's simple room disruption. YOu fighting in the tavern interferes with everyone elses ability to RP. Flying chairs and that annoy other people. So rooms like the clearing were made for combat and combat only so we can continue other RP without someone's sword flying in our faces.

ANd, as a oldie here. I'll tell you, we have had tavern brawls. In fact back on Wiz, one of the WizOs was involved in it. It was amusing to say the least, but, it was the one and only one that I can remember occuring. And if memory serves me right, there was a fair ammount of trouble handed out because of it.


Foppish Technocrat
Sir Dieterich said:
When I first came onto ISRP only four or five months ago, I knew absolutely nothing about it, I learned by playing and didn't read the rules...just like any normal person. After a while of rping I found out the hard way like so many others that, the clearing was restricted to fighting and your not supposed to fight anywhere else. I was very confused when I first learned this. I was thinking, "I thought that this was supposed to be a realistic role-playing site. Now how realistic is it to just start a fight in a tavern, then stop and head out to the clearing?"

Very realistic assuming you want your character to survive after the fight and be permitted into tavern areas ever again. The tavern is a social centre and someone who starts a serious fight in there is unlikely to be welcome back ever again since patrons getting smashed up or being scared/upset by random fights is bad for business.

The tavern is private property and the owner has set rules there is to be no blood on the floors and doesn't want any distrubances. Regardless of the time period if you walk into a place of business and totally disregard their rules while creating more trouble than you are worth then you not be welcome back.

I do not know personally of any bar where fighting is not expected to be taken outside unless you want to wind up in the lockup. Add that almost all of the patrons carry lethal weapons that means any brawl is quite likely to escalate into a full blown battle. That's an excellent reason why you shouldn't try to start a fight in the area the locals have decided isn't a friendly fighting area.

I really disagree on this rule of having to move to the clearing when we have to fight and nobody seems to be able to tell me why we couldn't have a brawl in the tavern, why we couldn't fight in the bazaar, or the garden for that matter. Personally I think that it would be fun to watch a fight in the tavern or have a fight in a market area. So, could somebody tell me the real deal here, or does this rule need to be changed?

You have your reason above, it would be more unrealistic to allow these brawls since it means nobody would go to the tavern, the rotunda or the bazaar for fear of being killed during a random brawl.

And that wouldn't be good for their business.

OOC many people find fights extremely disruptive (as the characters do IC) and those who enjoy fights can always watch the fights as they happen in the combat rooms. Everyone has a place to do their thing and nobody is disrupted by the other's behaviour.


First Post
Babylon has it right. The problem is room disruption. People should be able to continue their RPs around your actions without having to pretend you don't exist. This is why large-scale magics are also not supposed to be in the non-combat rooms: no fireballs, no rain of blood, no swarms of insects. This is also why the tavern is magicked to be "self-repairing" so that people can say that the hole in the wall has closed up, that the door is back on its hinges, and not go by what the barbarian newbie char just posted.

That said, there is some minor fighting allowed in the tavern. Whether you take it to the clearing depends if you and your opponent can stop there. A drink thrown in the face, a drawn weapon, a short exchange of non-lethal punches, those are okay.

A insults B.
B throws a drink in A's face.
A punches B and B falls down.
B gets up and draws his sword.

Now how to get to the clearing if both players agree to take it there?

B: "Outside now and I'll teach you a lesson!" A: "I've been waiting for this, come on!"
B: "I won't sully my sword with you! Good day!" and leaves but A smirks and follows
C drags B outside, "Don't fight, he'll kill you!" and again A follows
A turns tail and runs out the doorway and B follows
A ducks under the sword's swing and shoves B, coincidentally out the doorway
A draws his sword and lunges towards B then "stops and backs to the doorway as the golem starts coming around the bar with a heavy mop aimed at the two" and both A & B leave

What if A's player or B's player doesn't want to go to the clearing?
Then the other person MUST BACK DOWN. You can't escalate the fight to force someone to the clearing if that player doesn't want to go. If there's already been one exchange of blows, stop now.

Sir Dieterich

First Post
Well, I certainly expected not many would be brave enough to agree with me and it turns out that so far I was right. I have to say that since the rules are so well enforced that a lot of people probably don't feel like arguing with the Magi's. However, I do see where the Magi's are coming from, but still disagree with the rules. Noting Gabriel on the tavern part, I have to say that that makes sense. If you started a fight in the tavern you should get in trouble. But a lot of people would love to be able to fight in the tavern and everywhere else, and since the tavern is a self repairing tavern, why should it matter to them anyway?


First Post
As the owner...because I don't like having the place busted up and made a mess of. Since I am the owner, that is sufficient unto itself. The self repairing aspect is there to allow the patrons to more easily refute and ignore the antics of those people who cannot or will not adhere to the rules of the setting for whatever reason.

As the Setting Coordinator for the Tavern and it's associated rooms... because the CoC specifically forbids room disruption and the Tavern Setting Rules specifically forbid brawls. The chaos and complaints that come from such activity are things I don't find pleasure in dealing with. Contrary to what some may believe I don't actually enjoy warning/banning people or writing lots of rules, and room disruptive behavior nearly always leads to one or more of those results.

IC or OOC...brawling in the Tavern is not an option. My suggestion to those who wish to do so is to find some other site that allows it. Doing so on this one is a violation of the Code of Conduct and the Tavern Setting Rules. The site has rules. The settings have rules. Find a setting that allows what you wish to do, or find another site that allows it.

As a cautionary note, the rooms are logged so complaints can and will be checked....neither patron nor Magi has to be on site for a warning or banning to be issued, though if someone has a registered email addy we'll happily use that option to contact anyone we need to deal with. Please guys, don't do things that make us take this route....we don't like it much.


D, dear, as much as I agree with the fact that Tavern brawls can be highly amusing, the Magis have a point. Not all characters that frequent the Tavern have the capacity to well tolerate fighting, just as there are some that do not tolerate peace and compliance well. Besides, you see in a lot of places where fights start inside, but the threat to "take it outside" is almost always mentioned.

Plus, depending upon how in depth you care to go with this discussion (not that it matters much considering how deep it's gotten already), think of other characters themselves. Would the stereotypical members of the fairer sex really appreciate seeing two apes (term used loosely here) duke it out while they take their tea? Or would the socially elite men of the Tavern really wish to be disturb by a barfight when they are composing for the next show scheduled at the Cat? I realize I'm being purely situational here, but the two brawlers are not the only ones to be considered in what we know ISRP to be.

Okay...I'm done preaching here.


First Post
It's a mixture of OOC and IC. Let's address the IC first, since that's the grounds you're arguing this on.

Mmmhmm..I can see how, IC, Big Bad Evil guy has absoloutely no reason to politely take the fight out to the clearing because it's the rules. Be a rebel! Fight in public, start a barroom brawl! And you know what? Ironically, the OOC punishment just about follows the IC rationale. Make a character like that, and he Won't be IC'ly welcomed back, just as readily as he won't be OOC'ly welcomed back. Hence why you shouldn't See people like that in the CRT; they get kicked out. Make a character like that, and you reap what you sow, simple as that. The way around this? Put something into your character's personaility that gives him something but fluff between his ears; Maybe let him realize that...inciting a room full of powerful adventurers is less then wise...Angering the management who control their domain with an iron hand is foolish...And the simple effort of walking out the door means you can slit somebody's throat with a whole lot fewer witnesses. In essence, you're viewing it purely as an OOC thing; take in the IC aspect, add that into your characters rationale, and you'll find it makes a lot more sense to just walk outside from a purely IC perspective, rather then cringing at stretching plausibility by going against the IC.

Say it Is just an innocent barroom brawl..Then once again...IC'ly, you get exactly what you Would earn for such an act; a firm boot out the door. There's no stretch there...It's straightforward, altogether.

Now let's view the OOC-- Ever seen the guy who comes in, throws rocks at everybody, demands attention, interrupts you in the middle of serious conversations, sets the bar on fire, blows up the world, juggles all the tables in the room, and leaves taking the Bargolem, till and all, out the door? That's what fights evolve into. Flashing explosions, big theatrics, all the commonplace things, and if you're rp'ing peacefully in the tavern, you are outright Forced to either ignore this fight through OOC means, stretching plausibility, or respond to it whether you want to or not, and get stuck doing something you probally had no desire to do. You look at it as the room demanding your character to conform OOC...I look it as the rules trying to avoid the need for the room to conform. Rather then your character demanding responses from everybody within the Tavern, you are instead provided with ample choices to fight, where the only people present are those Wishing to view a fight.

For the final point on my rambling, 4AM babble, let's flip the tables. Fight in the Tavern..Why not chat in the Clearing? Would you enjoy carrying on your battle royale while there's an afternoon tea social going on in the corner? Does that make any sense?

In essence...To sum up my completely random, out-of-the-blue post...mmmm...Nah. This is just too poorly written to get a neat little wrap up -.-

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