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The Rerisen Tower(DM: Iron Sky, Judge: ScorpiusRisk)

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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
A moment later, the group has scaled the ladder and stands in another room almost identical to the previous one except without the battlement outside. The only views of the outside is the moonlight shining in through the arrow slits, highlighting the room with tints of silver.

Discarded, battered weapons litter the room and dented, torn bits of armor are tossed on the rumpled bedding of the bunk beds. A small leather book sits on a chair beside one of the beds, spattered with blood.

In the ceiling is another trapdoor that has to lead to the battlements on the roof. This door is closed however...


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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Kaz investigates the book to find it is indeed a journal.

[sblock=Journal Entry 1]The date on the first entry in the book is about two weeks ago. The handwriting is clean and crisp and the parchment in the back of the book looks almost new, aside from some water damage and blood splatters on the edges.

Mother gave me this journal and said I should take it with me. Said it would help, she knew from her own experience during Daunton's campaign two decades ago against the Pirates of Mont Cenon. She gave them to me with this journal, "so I saw that I was not alone."

The Captain frowned at the extra weight, said I'd be foolish to bring it, but I gave him the excuse that I'd be keeping the official journal and log of the expedition to restore Southpoint Tower. He laughed, said that there wouldn't be much to record, except maybe sightings of the backsides of some bandits as they ran from us.

It's been a long day of marching, tougher than the marches we went through during Muster Days. It's ok though, we only have another day or two to march, depending on how the weather is.

I wonder what the tower is like. Only Captain Cale has been around since the last time it was in service and he said it was mostly just a lookout point to watch for pirates or smugglers making a run around the cliffs at Southpoint. He said there were some ruins or something deeper inland towards the mountains, could see them up on the hills when they patrolled on a clear day.

I'm paraphrasing greatly since his language was a bit crude, but he said some of them were almost hanging from the mountainside below some caves, like, well, you get the picture. He also said he'd heard that they were there when the first people arrived to settle the island and that they were ancient then.

Too bad there's not much reason to go up there, got to be more interesting than sitting in a tower for months on end with nothing to do but take turns watching the sea...

Anyway, time to turn in, got another long hike tomorrow. At least we get to stop by Rogwood tomorrow. Captain Cale said we get to draw straws to see who gets a roof over their heads at the village - or at least the
rest of us get to draw straws, there's no doubt about whether Cale is sleeping inside or not. Nice warm meals at any rate.

As a final random note, there's a really strange breed of ravens out here. Saw one sitting on a tree stump outside the camp while we were setting up. Sat there for nearly half-an-hour just watching us and when I finally moved close to see if it was even alive, it flew off without a sound. Whatever breed it is, they smell terrible.
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Eithal looks over Kaz's shoulder, scratches her head, and then pats him on the back, "Yew keep a'readin' thayat jowrnah an' seeyf yew c'n fiyand anythin' 'potent." She turns to the ladder and starts the climb, "Ahyam headin' up!"


First Post
They met the ravens on their way here....There are ruins nearby... someone named Captain Cale mentions them... Perhaps they are the source of this evil? Kaz says continuing to read the journal, while Yim heads up top withEithal.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
As Kaz flips to the next entry, the others stare up at the trap door. There is no ladder, so climbing up to it would be tricky. It is twelve feet up and closed...

[sblock=OOC]I'll let you figure out how to get to the trapdoor. I'll post more later, off to work (again) atm.[/sblock]


Eithal scratches her head for a second, and then goes to pull the ladder up from the previous floor, "If theyis i'n't tall 'nuff, Ah'll jus' pull owt a rowpe." She leans the ladder up against the hole in the ceiling to see if it will reach.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Looks like the designers of the tower had such things in mind. The trapdoor is flush with the ceiling so there's nowhere to prop it up.

[sblock=Journal Entry 2]The next page is wrinkled and warped and the ink is splotched and difficult to read. The date is the day after the last entry.

The rain is miserable. Started coming down this afternoon - Captain Cale said that's normal for this time of year around here - and it hasn't let up a bit since. The road is nothing but a morass of mud - we're walking along the sides of it to avoid the worst, but earlier I slipped on the wet grass and slipped into it. I'm still scraping mud out of my boots.

I got a short straw so I'm huddled against the wall of the "inn". It's the only square building in Rogwood so we're packed in so tight trying to get a scrap of shelter that I barely have room to write.

Not much else to report except that we hope to be at the tower sometime late tomorrow night. Our scouts rode ahead this morning to see how bad the tower is doing. They were supposed to be back tonight, but I'll bet with the weather they're probably holed up in the tower. Warm. Dry. Comfortable. Bastards.

Time to see if I can get any sleep tonight. Who wins, exhaustion from marching through mud all day or the impossibility of sleeping while shivering and drenched?

Guess we'll see shortly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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