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The Retrievers - Chapter 2


Lurker (sort of)
1 Ukta, Year 1372

Looking out the window you see the early morning traffic moving along the street named "Way of the Dragon" in South Ward and you can see that it is going to be another cloud filled dreary day. As you slowly wake up with somewhat a pounding in your head from the drinking the night before you hope Retsilah won't need your services for a few weeks as the last mission was a tad bit more difficult than you were led to believe. Oh sure just go retrieve this little trinket from a man in Silverymoon he said. He should be expecting you and will happily hand it over. So Retsilah teleports your group to the outskirts of Silverymoon and you have no problems following the directions to the mans house. What he failed to mention was that the man in question happen to belong to the thieves’ guild and yes he was expecting you but he was not happy to see us and he was not willing to just hand over the trinket. After a few tense minutes of fighting with his guards you and your friends did convince the rogue to turn over the trinket. He handed over the little statue of a spider and you could not believe the trouble this ugly little statue causes.

Upon returning to Retsilah he was very happy with your timely retrieval and when you voiced your digressions concerning the mission he just waves his hand away and paid you for your service. If it weren't for the great friends you made and the high pay of this wizard you would have gone your own way long before now.

The pounding in your head is replaced by his voice in your head, "Come to my study shortly after midday and be ready to venture forth to the Spine of the World. There is something hidden away in an abandoned monastery that I need for some experiments."

You just know it will be one of those days but at least you have the morning to do what you will and to possibly gather some last minute supplies.

(ooc: any color is good for a characters speech, use italics and "Slate Gray" for your thoughts and for OOC: message just do what I have done here. Thank you.)
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
The dwarf welcomed the pounding of his head and quickly dressed himself. Makes me feel alive. Good to be alive. He licked his lips. There was surely more ale somewhere nearby. After scanning the room and finding it to be devoid of anything resembling ale, he shrugged and tended to his (minimal) daily ablutions, followed by some meditation and a bit of play with Sigulf before he's interrupted by the mage's instructions.

"Spineoftheworld? Hkasgfgh. Kngfhifs!" Gripir mumbles something that sounds vaguely like approbation or maybe excitement. Having no need to pick up equipment, Gripir happily spends his time waiting at a pub near Retsilah's study.

OOC: Since I'm assuming that most of you would be able to understand Gripir well enough, I can provide translations. Or, and this could be fun, I'd be happy to let y'all decide what he's saying and play along that way. Either way. The other option, of course, is that he's pretty much completely unintelligible to anyone, save for moments of clarity.
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First Post
Durnn, Earth Genasi Fighter 1

"Grrr..." Durnn mutters as he wakes from his own adventure: The Night of Neverending Ale. "Hmmm... the Spine of the World, huh? In all my travels, this will be the first time seeing my "home"... hopefully it will be an eventful trip!"

Durnn spends his morning gearing up, going through the ritual of cleaning his trusty greataxe and getting on his armor. Once everything is in place, he dons his cloak and goes to join the others in the parlor.
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Pemberton wakes, "And there was I going to ride out with Elinda this afternoon. I shall have to send my apologies that Important Adventurer Business! has come up. Maybe I can bring her a little trinket back; then perhaps I can persuade her to sit for me," he enjoyed the thought before deciding to rise, wash and dress.
Opening the window he looked at the light and decided to add a few extra dabs of oil to the canvas of the streetscene he'd been working on before making his way downstairs to join the others.


Mindal Delamber Human Scout

Mindal rolls out of bed groaning at the announcement of another questionable assignment. He curses in a creative mix of Elven and Chondathan as hits his knee on the bedpost. He tosses a bed sheet at the window to block the glare of morning sun. He cleans up and lays out his gear for the trip somewhat haphazardly owing to the pounding in his head. Why do I feel the need to try and out drink my co-workers. That dwarf must have a hollow leg or something. Washing away the worst of the evenings excesses he drinks a quart of water and then goes out. A pint of ale and some greasy biscuits with bacon from a street vender complete his transformation back into something more or less human. He drops in at his families shop to let them know he is going on a 'business trip' and could be away for a while. He spends some time hanging around the shop reminding himself why he works for Retsilah rather than in retail. He sticks around long enough to have an early lunch with family and says his goodbyes. He makes his way to Retsilah's study just before the appointed time and waits for his co-workers to arrive. His mood has returned to the usual cheeriness.


Lurker (sort of)
Kajamba Lion said:
OOC: Since I'm assuming that most of you would be able to understand Gripir well enough, I can provide translations. Or, and this could be fun, I'd be happy to let y'all decide what he's saying and play along that way. Either way. The other option, of course, is that he's pretty much completely unintelligible to anyone, save for moments of clarity.

(ooc: Your choice and up to you if you want to do this but here is a suggestion: type up your speech anyway you want then in a "spoiler" tag write the translation for all to see.)

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
OOC: Scotley, I like that. :) And, Elocin, I agree that using a spoiler for translations could help. When what he's saying is important and I can't convey the mood/gist of it contextually, I'll definitely do that.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Brenden lolled in bed. ...it feels like my eyes are glued shut. Is this really what all the grown ups go out and drink? That's supposed to fun?! His stomache rumbles and rumbles again. Sensing that it's not hunger he's feeling, the young boy lurches out of bed and promptly falls over. Why am I naked?

After pausing just long enough to grab his underbreeches, but not long enough to put them on he stumbles as fast as he can to the closest privy... where he spends the next several minutes "revising" the contents of last night's stolen keg of ale the revelry that entailed. Oh my... is that's not a rat is it? ...where on Faerun did I find cherries?

A good hour and a half, a cold bath, and some new clothes later and Brenden makes his way down to the the cafeteria/common room (ooc: where are we exactly?). He slumps heavily into a seat and asks for bread & water. Instead, the serving woman knowingly serves him some leftover soup and a rather pungently aroma'd tomatoey drink that tasted faintly of clams and brine.


Lurker (sort of)
Lobo Lurker said:
(ooc: where are we exactly?)[/COLOR]. He slumps heavily into a seat and asks for bread & water. Instead, the serving woman knowingly serves him some leftover soup and a rather pungently aroma'd tomatoey drink that tasted faintly of clams and brine.

(ooc: Yea I should have made that more clear, you guys are currently in Retsilah's tower in the South Ward of Waterdeep and all of you have your own personal rooms)

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