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The Return (The Heros of Mergovie)


Xavier Roces, male human Servant of Heironeous.

"Spare them if they throw down their weapons."

Xavier scans the area to ensure that no-one else is threatening. If it is clear, he swings down from Sanfranedial and kneels by the fallen Lieutenant. Xavier want, needs to hear first hand the connection between Uder and Pruman. Xavier realises that he doesn't really have any desire to save the Lieutenant. The paladin is would be happy enough to let the Lieutenant die and earn whatever reward he was due for his service. But Xavier is willing to use his Lay on Hands if the Lieutenant is willing to talk.

"You are about to reap what you have sown, Lieutenant. Are you ready to face whatever foul master you serve? Are you so sure of the reward that waits you in the hereafter?" Not really? I can help you put it off. But you have to tell me who you serve?

- ooc -
Xavier will use his Lay on Hands sparingly. He will just as happily stick his finger in the Lieutenant's wounds to encourage the man to talk.
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Jasper Conrad

Looks like everything is under control now. I'll conserve my magic. As the rest of the group deals with the remaining soldiers, Jasper runs over to Arthur to see if he is ok. If Arthur is badly wounded, Jasper will give him a cure light wounds potion.


Dai feints with his kama and snaps a foot out to catch his opponent upside the head.

OOC: Unarmed (dealing nonlethal) +6 (1d8+3)


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Xavier kneels to help the lieutnant bleeding on the ground. He is barely conscious. He smiles as he sees the paladin approach. "I knew you wouldn't let me die, you are a good men." (sense motive xx+8, Xavier's sense tell him to be careful)

He then closes his eyes visibly exhausted but still seems to breath as Xavier asks his question he simply answers "Master Uder"

behind a few meter on the right a sailor is lifting Arthur on the dock. The elf seems badly wounded and isn't breathing. The sailor quickly attempts to ressucitate him, but the elf doesn't seem to come back to life.

Valeria shouts at Trolm to stop figthing. "Trolm, He was on our side now we will have to kill him. " she says visibly angry as she invokes a fiery ray from her finger and targets the militian (roll 20 ; dmg 3+6+1+1) The soldier seems to loose balance as the ray strikes him in the shoulder. He steps back and regain his footing. (Jasper spellcraft 18+15 Scorching ray)

Trolm not initially paying attention to the witch words feel the heat of the ray as it zoom past him. taking advantage of the militian lost of balance (roll nat 20;nat1 dmg 7) he slit the militian throat who fells in on the ground holding his bloody neck without being able to emit any sound. Trolm turns towards Valeria as he finishes his motion. He look at her for a few second and says "Valeria, you are still alive???? What happened to Captain Farimond and the others?" The elite soldier seems sligthy reconforted to see a member of his unit alive. He even makes a very subtil smiles and his eyes for a short moment do not express vengeance.

Dai approaches the last soldier cautiously moving left and right trying to find a breach in his defense. The soldier nervously walking back as he parry attacks from all three. Finally Dai foot surges towards his opponent's head. (roll 12+6) But the soldier moves at the last second dodging Dai's attack.

Solomon seeing that his opponent doesn't drop his weapon keeps the pressure on the soldier. (roll 11+10) But the soldier is able to parry with his sword all of his attack.

Jasper heads towards Arthur and gives him a curing potion. A second after, Jasper engulf the potion down his throath, Arthur makes a deep choke and water gets out of his lung he then starts to breath again. The young sailor who rescued Arthur thanks Jasper for his help. "This man owes you, his life without this potion I wouldn't have been able to save him, he was too weak."

The soldier still on the defensive continue to dodge and parry his opponent attack as he steps back again. Now on the edge of the dock he simply let himself falls into the water. Under the weight of his armor he quickly dissapears in the port water.


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Solomon is pumped full of adrenaline, wanting to talk to Karn, give some reward to the sailor who rescued Arthur, go after the man underwater, and kill the fiend leader. The last takes precidence.

He strides towards Xavier and the lieutenant. "These men showed no mercy to the civilians of Pruman. They butchered them all, men, women, children, the old - it mattered not to them. This man has continued killing afterwards too. It is time for him to meet his maker."


Xavier Roces, male human Servant of the Greenman

"I have no wish to save you. You deserve what is coming to you. You are going to have to convince me that it is in my interest to do so?"

If Xavier notices Solomon's approach, the paladin puts up a hand in a timeless 'wait' gesture.


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Xavier can hear the Half-Orc comment, as Solomon approaches the scene.

The lieutnant now seems unconcsious and do not answers the paladin's question.

a crowd of curious is now gathered around the group but simply observes without trying to intervene, visibly convinced by the paladin that the guards were on the wrong side of the fence.

Arthur with Jasper is scanning the scene around him, not really understanding what just happened.
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OOC: Doghead, this is a bad moment for you to disapear for 5 days!

Solomon embraces Karn. then lowers his voice to speak to Xavier. This Paladin has done him a great service, and now is key to furthering his vengence. "Er, Mr. Xavier. This man, if he is a man, has a heart as black as the gods of hell. He must not be allowed to continue his life of butchery. We are leaving in a ship, Jasper, Trolm, Dai and I. And leaving soon, along with that elf yonder. We must hurry to rescue the last of the captives from the Prumen masacre, and bring justice to the murderers. Do you believe now, what we have told you about those events?"

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