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The Return (The Heros of Mergovie)


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Jasper Conrad

DarkMaster said:
Jasper heads towards Arthur and gives him a curing potion. A second after, Jasper engulf the potion down his throath, Arthur makes a deep choke and water gets out of his lung he then starts to breath again. The young sailor who rescued Arthur thanks Jasper for his help. "This man owes you, his life without this potion I wouldn't have been able to save him, he was too weak."

Jasper turns to the sailor that rescued Arthur. "You did more to save him than I. Thank you for showing me that there are still decent people in this city."

After he finishes conversing with the sailor, Jasper leads Arthur back to the rest of the group. "Those guards were sent here to hunt us down, but we were able to handle them with help from some friends." He gestures at Xavier, Karn, and Valeria. "Now it is even more imperative that we hurry to the ship."

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Dai nods in agreement to Jasper's statement, being on the run was something he had become used to and staying around dying bodies never made things better. "We best be getting on to the ship."


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OOC I won't move too fast, I want to see what Xavier will do.

Karn like Solomon hesitates as the soldier falls into the water. "Hopefully he will stay there forever." As Solomon embraces him the old soldier smiles and says "Good to see you alive Solomon, and as determined as ever" The old man then takes a long pause and try to catch his breath back.

As Trolm mention the Captain's name Valeria's eyes sadden. "They were all killed, by Uder's men. We were ambushed near the village. They left me for death. I will tell you more later I don't think that we should stay here our mission could be compromised. Trolm seems confused by Valeria's answer, when she mentions the mission he stops and says with an ironic smiles. "Compromised our mission??? Ha Ha Lot's of thing have changed in the last day, my mission is now clear, I will continue the battle along with those men" On that he steps forwards and follow Jasper.

Valeria looks at Jasper without a word almost as if she wasn't recognising him. (sense motive xx+8 vs bluff) Jasper looks at her straight in the eyes for about a second but is unable to judge if she recognises him and pretend not to or simply doesn't remember him. Jasper realises how beautifull the sorceress can be without her tatoo covering her face. She then turns towards Trolm and follow him unconvincingly.

Arthur still recovering, stands up helped by the wizard, He looks around notices the body on the ground, the three new adventurer and the sailor. He gratefully thanks him again and follow Jasper walking as if he was drunk.

The three warrior still lay on the ground uncouncsious and the crowd stays silent not really knowing what to do, but curious to see what will happen next.


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OOC: Are there three warrors on the ground? One stepped into the sea and dropped out of sight, didn't he? Leaving the leader and one guard down and out.

"This one must be killed." Solomon says to Xavier softly but firmly, referring to the leader. "If we leave him, he will recover and resume his life of evil. I will see him dead, and only by your blade could you stop me, maybe not even then. Your companion Karn can vouche for his demonic ways."


Xavier Roces, male human Servant of Heironeous

Xavier stands and considers Solomon for a moment. The paladin glances around at the crowd, sensing the stillness, the anticipation. Xavier returns his attention to Solomon

"Do you accuse this man of the killing of the men, woman and children of Pruman? Do you accuse him of the killing of unarmed people and members of the town guard outside the Church of Heironeous upon the orders of the Black Panther, posing as a Priest of Heironeous?"

Xavier speaks calmly, but clearly. His voice carries easaily to the onlookers. He would rather keep the man alive. His testimony would tie Uder to the Black Panther and the killing in Pruman. But Xavier has no allies, no where to keep the man safely locked away. And judging by what he has heard, Xavier has no time to make any such arrangements. So the man has to die. But first, Xavier wants the people to understand why, and agree.

"And do you make these accusations having experienced these events firsthand, seen them with your own eyes?"

If Solomon does accuse the man, Xavier draws his dagger and kneels by the man.

"You soul is dark and corrupted with evil. There is too much blood on your hands to wash off. You deserve as much mercy as you showed to the people of Pruman. In the name of Heironeous who watches over and protects the good."

Xavier executes the Lieutenant.

Standing slowly, the paladin the crowed.

"Take his body to the temple of Hyrag*. Tell them what you have seen and heard. They will know what to do with it."

Xavier walks over to Sanfraniedal. Gathering up the reins he turns to Master Conrad.

"We can talk as we walk."

- ooc -
I'm pretty sure that Xavier is aware of both of the events mentioned, and the lieutenants connection with them. Someone mentioned the temple fight earlier, and Solomon connected the Lieutenant to the Pruman massacre. I think the Black Panther also talked a bit about the fight at the temple when Xavier met him. So hopefully it is all appropriate knowledge.
* I'm not sure which temple handles burials, so I took a guess. I assume Xavier would know for sure.


Dai leads the way smiling at Karn, he'd grown used to the old warrior and his absence had been quite profound these past days.


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Solomon shouts his accusations to the crowd. "This man was one of the killers of the people of Prumen. This man, Karn, witnessed it first hand. We arrived soon after and saw the bloodbath. Several of the killers died by my hand later that day. This man escaped, and was one of the leaders!"

Solomon is surprised when Xavier executes the leiutenant, but nods grimly. He would be a good ally to have. The other soldier deserves death as well, but Solomon figures him a pawn, and will not kill the helpless man. Solomon ushers Xavier towards the boat. He will count on Jasper to fill him in. Solmon will take the rear, making sure Karn and the others come safely along.


First Post
As Xavier and Solomon starts talking about executing the guards on the streets they can feel the tension rises among the people, but none seems too daring to stop them.

As Xavier's blade go through his opponent neck, his eyes opens wide. Xavier feels a burst of evil exulting from the body. The lieutnant looks with a smiles at the paladin and says "You won that one Xavier, but we will meet again" He ends up with an evil laughter. The voice resonates in his head for a few seconds almost as if it was a dream (will save 15+7;knowledge religion 2+7) Xavier realises that whatever it was, it projected an image and sound in his head and that obviously none around him saw or heard anything.

As the blade finishes to slith the soldier's throat a portion of the crowd dispersed completly panicked, the other seems frozen for a few instant. As the paladin order them to dispose of the body none reacts.

Arthur quickly regain his senses and moves as quickly as he can towards the east. "I don't really know what just happened but one thing is sure we must leave the city as quickly as possible. Follow me, the boat is not far from here.'

As Karn notices Dai he smiles back with a subtle sign of the hand. The old men also seems happy to see that the foreigner is still alive. He then with the very few energy he has left moves along the rest of the group.

The group makes it fairly quickly to the boat, behind them they starts hearing the thrill of the guard's whistle who probably just discovered the body. They quickly steps on the plank between the dock and the boat and steps inside the boat.

The crew quickly moves the horse on the main dock. Once there they are lowered with some kind of crane hang to the central mast. The horses are lowered in the lower deck. Below Xavier and the others notices more horses in what seems to be a small stable. From the upper deck they can't see more than 4 other horses below.

Arthur looks at the guards far away then turns towards the port gate and says "We're gonna have to be quick" He then shouts at the sailors around. "Release the boat" He simultanously pull on a rope raising the main mast of the little ship. The boat is about 100 feet long with three mast and two large sail. (knowledge Engineering/arch Jasper roll 11+10) Jasper recognises that the boat is fairly recent and build for speed, the boat also seems capable of crossing the ocean. He remembers studying these new design of boat developed in the Kronerg Republic. (The boat actually looks like an early 19th century clipper). More than 3 dozens sailors can be seen on deck.

Arthur who now seems to have fully recovered is ordering the crew, making sure that the impressive boat leaves the port as quickly as possible.

OOC Anyone knows if Oculus is still following the thread? I think it is a good time to start a new thread as everybody is leaving the city.
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Dai smiles, for once he felt free. The last memories he had of shipboard travel were particularly unpleasant, this time he imagined feeling the cool spray of the ocean across his face, the gentle sway of the seas. He could grow to appreciate it.


First Post
Jasper Conrad

doghead said:
Xavier walks over to Sanfraniedal. Gathering up the reins he turns to Master Conrad.

"We can talk as we walk."
"Very well, but there is something else I need to know first." Jasper turns to Karn, and takes a few seconds to collect himself before speaking, but the depth of emotion in his words still comes still comes through as a slight tremble in his voice. "Karn, the last time I saw you, you were on your way to my uncle's house. But the next time I saw my uncle's house, it was a buring wreckage. What happened? Do you know where my family is?"

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