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The Riddle of Midnight (3/04/04) New Post!


Broccli_Head said:
This story shouldn't be on page 5!

Hope all is well Paka, and can't wait until you continue the story :D

Thanks, Mr. Head. I am looking forward to catching this one up to where the game is. It heats up.

More soon.

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The Riddle of Midnight - Together Again - Post # 14

Karhoun Esben waited with his draconic brother in the keep along the Fortress Wall that was abandoned by the Shadow long ago and was shared their names. The snow fell for days and only the Wyrm of the Fortress Wall's inner furnance seemed to keep them warm. Despite the dragon's presence always feel close, Karhoun never saw his brother, only felt his breath or heard his voice.

After days of snowfall, it was hard to tell how many, the storm broke the dragon spoke, "A visitor approaches from the west, someone who will make the journey south with you. Welcome them."

Karhoun nodded, eager to be out from the confinement of the keep. He used tree branches to cover his tracks and found evidence of a lone woman coming from the west. She had been lost for a long time and was wandering in circles. Karhoun made sure that she wasn't being hunted or followed, hadn't brought trouble to their doorstep.

Her tracks led to a group of fallen trees that made a shelter of sorts. Karhoun strung his bow and shouted to the shelter's entrance. "Come out from there, I'm not coming in after you."

There was no response. Karhoun sighed and took out several arrows, putting them in the ground for easy access. "I will now put a few arrows into the shelter."

She whiserped, "As you wish, brother." The threat of arrows brought her out from hiding. She appearted to be an Errenlander, a mix of Dornish and Sarcosan blood, the mixture of northern and southern breeding. Her hair was in a tight braid down her back and her cloak was held with a finely wrought Esben broken tower cloakpin.

Delfestra Esben was an older sister. She wore tight leather armor that allowed her to stay mobile. Karhoun's last memory of her was that she had been sent to Theros Obsidia when he was just a boy. She was to be the Esben family's first to gain the honor of Legateship within the Order of the Shadow. He knew she couldn't be a Legate, she had the oath within her. She had sworn in a mystical Oath Room to bring down the Shadow, to fight Izrador with her last dying breath if need be.

When she spoke, she spoke in whispers, "Greetings, brother, you have grown big and strong."

Karhoun grunted. "I've grown as I've needed to grow. Come, let's make for the keep. I assume that it is you I was told to meet."

Delfenestra nodded. "A dragon came to me in my dreams, asked me to escort you south to Port Esben."

Karhoun nodded. "That is where I'm headed. Come, let's head back. We'll discuss this from the great hall."

She slowed him up quite a bit. Karhoun thought to himself that she would be quite useful amidsts the scheming and plotting of Esben family life but next to useless in the wildlands.

When the keep was in view he turned to her and said, "I had heard you were at Theros Obsidia but I never saw you there during my fostering."

"I was stationed at the Fortress Wall, a keep just west of here. I was an aide to a Legate there," she explained, whispering as if they were scheming back at home.

Prince Vorden Qell greeted them at the keep, back from his quest with Baau, the Snow Elves to the Breeder's Pits. Karhoun smiled, "Back so soon?"

Vorden nearly spit. "Not soon enough. I have been from here to the Kaladrum Mountains and back. Those mountains are a bit of hell. I had to do the Storm King's errands." Karhoun squinted, looked at his Elven friend with a puzzled expression.

Behind Vorden was a Gnomish figure that Karhoun hadn't seen in a long time and while Vorden and Karhoun's sister introduced himself, the northman approached him. "I never thought to see you again, Gnome. The last time I saw you, you were bleeding to death, stabbed by that Halfling slave."

Thannil rubbed the scar on his back. "I have been in a coma since, then, my body fighting the poisons on that Shadow bastard's blade. I have slept a long time."

Karhoun would have laughed if that was his way but his mouth only made a tight smile. "Introduce yourself to my brother and ask to be allowed inside. We must have palaver and discuss our plans."

Vorden agreed. "I have much to discuss. Our trip to the Breeding Pits of Izrador did not go exactly as planned."

Together they entered the keep, to plan their journeys home.


Registered User
You know, just as an aside - I'd love to see the whole epic written up into a novelette PDF. Any plans to do so? I love this story.

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