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The Road to our Dreams (A tale of the Continuum)


Hello, everyone! It’s my first try at a story hour, so all I ask is patience, honest criticism, and large fistfuls of money.

In the event the latter is not forthcoming, I am still posting this for two reasons. This is a recounting of the first few sessions of the continuum RPG from Aetherco that my gaming group and I ran in late early 2002. I wish to expose this wonderful game to more people, and at the same time work on my writing skills.

The game system is a marvel, allowing for in-depth roleplay, and handling the subject of time-travelling heroes in a brilliant manner. In the desire to spark interest in this game system, I plan to put up a post a day, detailing the “invitation to dance” of two junior time-travelers, and their first experiences in traversing space and time.

Hopefully, it will be an entertaining read, being posted once per day through the week, and any questions posed can be answered, probably in the same order in which my players had them answered.

One word of warning: there is some mild profanity used herein.

Without further ado, begins the tale of Richard Gardner, young trail lawyer...

The Road to our Dreams (A tale of the Continuum)

3rd June 1998 10:12 a.m.

"Damn you."

Richard saw his target now, stalking up the hall with a queer determination on his face, like the sick freak knew him or something. It was too late to change plans, too late to run.

It was either his life or the killer's.

"Damn you."

All his life flushed and rearranged, all for the convenience of some sick Asian bastard.

"Damn you."

He fired, cooly.

3rd June 1998 7:58 a.m.

The sky set emerald over Northland Business Center as Richard Gardner pulled up in his 96 Pontiac to begin his day. The Haslin and Dustin Law firm in Northern Chicago, where Richard has recently taken a position, was not his optimal choice; with Richard's bar exam, he could actually afford to be a little picky. However, Mr. Haslin offered him one thing he wanted very much, which many other firms would not give the new Bar graduate: a chance to take cases against corporations who grossly abused ecological regulations.

One private passion of Richard's was the environment, and corporations who abused their privileges made his blood boil. He took satisfaction in any time he could come up with grounds for an police investigation, or a class-action suit against someone who had played with others' lives, so as to give to them as little of what they have given to others.

Richard Gardner, so often alone in his life, has found purpose in a small law firm, with people to call friends, and an office from which to fight his own small battles to alter the world.

3rd June 1998 9:53 a.m.

"...and Bob replied, 'I guess you give it a radar gun and stick it on the end of a bridge!'"

Richard groaned, smiled, shook his head. "David, I KNEW I was gonna regret setting you up with that 'joke of the day' web site."

Alice laughed and smiled, as usual. David, caught up in being the center of the lounge at the moment, tried to offer another of his jokes whether anyone would hear or not, centering on Alice as she listened. Richard caught that. He liked Alice; she was a nice lady, and they got along well together. He noticed her in other ways, too. What was it? The sound of her voice; the way she handled irate clients for Haslin when he was not in; the way she called the boss a rather unprofessional name during his first day here, to cheer him up over a stupid blunder he had made; the curve of her neckline...

He snapped back, thinking about his next appointment. Braxton, 10:15 a.m.? He had to get ready, or he would regret it when the client got here. He excused himself from everyone, passing by them with the barest brush of clothing. Later in reflection, he realized just how precious moments were, when things happen. Even if given all the time in the world, the moments spent with the people we care about will never come again; when it will be the last time to excuse oneself from their company, and never again to do so...

3rd June 1998 10:10 a.m.

Gunshots are not heard easily, especially when not expecting to hear one. Richard heard the backfire of a car in the parking lot, but his perception quickly changed when he heard a scream immediately following. Time slowed down for him; the scream was chilling, but even worse - it was familiar. Alice? Alice. Alice!

A second shot. The scream replaced by silence, then the patter of several feet on carpet in the hall. Richard raised up from his desk in slow motion. Time got even slower. His feet were lead bricks, just like he always felt in dreams where he was running away from something. He walked a few steps outside his office; peered into the hallway. David, the joker David, laughing David, crept out into the hallway. A large handle protruding from his back. An absurd thought - when did David ever have a handle on anything?

He skirted backward to his office. A quick bound, and his .357 revolver is there - the one that security and his boss do not know about, but he carries because of horror stories he hears. The horror stories of irate clients, of gangs moving from Chicago proper into this neighborhood, of employees losing their minds and killing everyone they know. How much scarier than any story - when it is happening RIGHT DAMNED NOW.

He picked up the phone, dialed the numbers - a quick message for the 911 operator. He checked out into the hall; He saw him. He saw his future stalking calmly straight for him, and the closing of his life. Or was it the opening?

A heavy-set, yet athletic, man, in his late twenties, with Asian features, wearing nothing more elaborate than jeans, a gray shirt, and a windbreaker. Black parted hair and a slightly rough face made him think in a way of Samo Hung – if Samo Hung were a young mass murderer.

A small revolver was in the killer’s left hand, and oddly, a brace of throwing knives adorned his left leg. He stalked up the hall, for all the world looking like the next replacement for the Terminator movie.

Blood on the carpet. Blood on the jeans. Alice is gone. Her killer - now wants HIM.

All his life gone, his friends, and his work in building something that wouldn't be taken away.

"Damn You."

To be continued...

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3rd June 1998 10:12 a.m.

The psychotic attacker aimed, fired at Richard, but poorly. Richard was better at his shot.

The killer made a sudden snort, and dropped abruptly. Blood everywhere. The killer had been stopped.

Richard advanced cautiously. The killer tried to raise his weapon, with feeble fingers, but Richard kicked the pistol, making the killer's fingers go numb, and removing the gun from his grasp. Richard didn't think; he acted. He disarmed the killer, and stood to go check on David.

David. Poor David.

Alice? Alice! Rounding the hallway, Richard saw his nightmare in full color. Alice reached out, unmoving. Blood was all. Blood was everywhere, and Alice had nothing more to say, nothing more to BE.

Richard reached out, and stopped short of touching her. He ran back to his office. He will call, get help - maybe Alice wasn't gone, maybe a paramedic can tell him what to do ---

And he saw the killer. Yet again.

To his right, down the "L" shaped hall which his office is located in, strode the killer. The psycho he just killed! Thoughts race like light: What the hell? Who was he? Was he a twin? What the hell?

Hugging the door with speed he never thought possible, he then lurched out into the hallway, catching the second killer – the first killer – the twin – whatever! - off his guard. (Good goddess, what am I doing?) Two more quick shots, and his luck held yet again: The man reeled backward, sprawled unmoving in the hall.

Richard moved quickly, not wasting another second, sealing his door and barricading it with his desk. His phone hit the floor, starting him, and for just an instant, Richard lost all consciousness. He zoned back in, his heart restarting, and he sprang to work, grabbing his phone, his pistol, and crawling under his desk for protection. He once again frantically dialed 911, hoping against hope the police would be nearby to respond quickly.

It wasn’t until the line went suddenly dead when he realized he was not alone.

To Be Continued...
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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Hi Henry,

Nice to see you joining the storyhour crowd. I can't promise that I'll stop by often, because this isn't the style of storyhour that I personally like to read, but I wanted to give you some encouragement (because I know how nice it is to hear *any* kind of feedback!)

I like storyhours which post in short segments (bite sized, yummy!) although I tend to read ones which are more like accounts of an adventure rather than a story per se; hopefully someone with more experience in this kind of story-writing will chime in with lots of helpful comments for you.

At the moment I feel a little "lost" - obviously that is the situation for poor Richard (!) but I could do with a little more about the situation to draw me in. At the moment I know it is "about time travel" to some extent, but I want more! Give me a hook!



Plane Sailing said:
At the moment I feel a little "lost" - obviously that is the situation for poor Richard (!) but I could do with a little more about the situation to draw me in. At the moment I know it is "about time travel" to some extent, but I want more! Give me a hook!

Hi, Planesailing! thanks for dropping in.

The "hook" should be coming up within the next post. The goal here is to deliver an entrance into the world the same way "Richard" received it. In this way, the harder questions should be answered more clearly. The hardest part about following a Continuum adventure (and the hardest thing about writing it up) is making it make sense sequentially, hence the time stamps. I promise, however, that it will make far more sense the further it unravels.

Right now, Richard is a target. He has no clue why. He's about to find out, at least in part.


First Post
I'm loving this already ^_^

Keep up the great work henry. Very impressive. I love the way it's in Bite size form, and you get a grasp of the urgency and yet total bewilderment of Richard.



3rd June 1998 10:13 a.m.

“You can come out. I promise I’m here to help.”

A voice, quite reassuring and very West Coast (Californian?) in accent, greeted Richard from inside his own office. OK, first, that’s impossible, Richard decided. Second, I’m so screwed. He going to kill me.

Richard’s hesitations were obviously noted by the stranger. “Richard, I’m not here to hurt you, and I’m not him. You can come out.”

“OK,” Richard offered calmly, and slowly eased up from under the desk, pistol-first. Standing before him, in a quite sharp-looking smoke-grey business suit, was a thin man, Dark-haired and with muted Asian features – possibly Japanese? But at least it was not his psycho-of-the-day. The newcomer gave him a disappointing glance, as if her were expecting Richard to draw down upon him as he did, but still disappointed to see that it had actually happened.

Richard wasted a quick glance back at the slim window beside his office door, then back to the stranger. “Who-”

He was gone! In one second, he had vanished! Richard panicked, scanning the window to the outside, then turning back to the hallway.

“It’s OK, he’s-”

Richard recoiled backwards as he whirled and fired. He realized in horror he had fired straight at his nonviolent newcomer, who had suddenly reappeared.

Mild shock set in when the lamp behind the man exploded, leaving him unharmed! He reacted as if Richard had sneezed on him.

“Just as jumpy as ever.”

Silence for several seconds. “All right, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!??!”

The man smiled, a wide smile that spoke mischief as much as sincerity. “Call me Roger. All questions can come later. For now, we need to get you out of here safely. Your assassin is still hunting YOU, and we still have some work to do to get out of here. I can help you; but you’ve gotta trust me. Deal?”

Roger spread his hands open, showing no weapons or tricks of any kind. Any kind Richard could SEE, that is. The whole popping around and letting bullets pass through him was a wholly different story altogether.

Richard’s mind raced as he cycled back and forth between the door and Roger. Roger offered him absolutely nothing. Just trust in him, he whom Richard knew for less than two minutes, versus death at the hands of a bunch of psycho-killers who all looked alike. His life was shattered; the only people he remotely called friends were now dead; his bosses, the damned cowards, were probably gone by now, or the scared bastards probably locked themselves in their offices and dialed 911 when the shooting started – kind of like what he himself was going to do.

Alternately, lots of questions to be directed his way, about whether he knew the assassin – assassins? - and why they, he, IT, wanted him dead.

Curiosity is not always good to indulge. But... Damn.

He lowers his gun. “What do we do?”

To Be Continued...
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Fistfulls of money on their way. :D

Time travel games are hard. I always loved Timemaster, but dang, it's tough to prepare for!

You were running this game, right? How many players?


Time travel games are hard. I always loved Timemaster, but dang, it's tough to prepare for!

You were running this game, right? How many players?

Correct. I started with two players, to get a better feel for the system before charging in headlong. When I started running it, I feared that it would be more difficult the more players you had. It turns out that once you get a feel for the game, GM duties are almost independent of the number of players, because of the way the rules work.

Eventually, a third joined before the game went on hiatus; however, due to the nature of the game, we can pick up any time (pun intended) and resume.

One of the marvels of the Continuum RPG is that the core conventions of the game are written in such a way to give the players awesome amounts of freedom, but at the same time they allow the DM to come up with challenges and have a stronger hand in event outcomes if he really feels the need to.

As you'll see, the DM can create an entire evening's worth of adventure just from the placement of one item. The Continuum's "Maxims" are at the heart of the game, but you'll see more about that in a future post. ;)


Surely, if you don't mind your calendar having five updates of it per week. The current plan is one update per day, for the next several weeks.

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