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The Romance of the River Kingdoms


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Not sure if her first attack struck true, this time Annika waits for a moment; the sutras ready on her lips to chant. Spiritual energy heaves and surges within her, eager to burst out and burn and consume. The legacy of the Golden Crow was two sided. It was light and warmth and renewal...but it was also conflagration and destruction when not guided firmly.

When she spies movement in the water, and sees the thing attacking again, she murmurs the invocation and dim, wispy flames seem to dance over her and around her. A single feather of spectral fire hurtles from her hand like some kind of dart!

(magic missile! 1d4+1 damage. Can't remember if we roll or you do, but in this case I'd be happy if you did, since I can't really do invis castle from here. :))

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Dr Simon

Annika's fiery feather streaks between Xielt and Growling Ape, striking the water creature with a hiss of steam.

[sblock="Magic Missile"]
3 damage

Growling Ape steps in and swings his staff at the creature. The staff appears alive with the power of Wood as Ape's blow slaps the water, to no obvious effect except a large splash.

[sblock="Growling Ape rolls"]
Attack roll 14 +2 =16
Damage = 5

Again, the tentacle of water rears up. The oily scum on the surface seems to form the moving images of screaming faces as the water spirit retaliates against Growling Ape, slamming a pseudopod of solid-feeling water right at the druid's chest. It has misjudged, however, and the attack falls short by a finger's breadth

Attack roll total 14

OOC: Next up, Jar'Thol and Three Flowers


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Three Flowers slash at the appendix that tries to take Ape, hoping to at least wound it, if not to cut it off.

[sblock=OOC]Attack +4, damage 1d6+2[/sblock]

The Rolling Man

First Post
Jar'Thol, Salsham'ai shaman

While Three Flowers was free of the creature's grasp, he was still battered and in danger. There is no avoiding the water it seems. Jar'Thol looks at the dark murky waters below for an instant and, with a sigh, jumps down into it. Coughing up water and barely keeping his head above the water line, he wades in the water, as best he can, toward his companions.

OOC: I doubt Jar'Thol can reach Three Flowers on this turn but if he can he will cast a Cure light wounds on him.

Dr Simon

As Jar'Thol bobs his way towards the others, White Lotus swings through the air, its tip perilously close to Growling Ape and Xielt. Three Flowers' scimitar slices through the tip of the water tentacle, cutting it cleanly in two. The severed end, now just inanimate water, splashes down in droplets. The 'stump' retracts lighting fast into the waters, leaving only expanding ripples.

[sblock="Three Flowers"]
Attack roll 18 +4 =22
Damage roll 3+2 =5

[OOC: You've all see The Abyss, right? ;) ]

Is the thing dead? With a foe that neither bleeds nor shows pain, and seems to be made from the very water that you all stand in, it is hard to be sure. All that you can see are oily waters made choppy from the activity of the fight. Stirring up the water has stirred up the stagnant stench. The dim light of the submerged sunrod throws rippling patterns of light over the nearby columns. The gently receding lapping of waves echoes around the chamber.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Three Flowers stands still for a moment, trying to see if there's any disturbance in the water. He slides the White Lotus in a circle in the water before him. If there's no reaction he lowers himself down to grab the sunrod from the bottom.

Dr Simon

Just when you though it was safe...

Three Flower feels nothing more than water, and there is no reaction to his scimitar. He manages to retrieve the sunrod without problem, and the room becomes more brightly illuminated again.

Jar'Thol manages to (just) keep his head above the waves and reaches Three Flower to heal him.

Cure Light Wounds 6

The ripples are dying down, all seems calm, when:

Something grabs Xielt by the legs and drags him under the water!

Touch attack total 24
Grapple check (water thing) 17
Grapple check (Xielt) 7

OOC: I've reset initiative as there is a slight lull in the fight. As it is, it's come out pretty much as before:

15 Xielt (currently underwater, in a grapple)
13 Annika (on the stairs)
12 Water Thing (grappling Xielt)
10 Jar'Thol (now in the thick of things)
4 Growling Ape (shillelagh still active)
3 Three Flowers (sorry Blackrat, I keep getting low Init rolls for him!)


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
[sblock=OOC]:D Well, the init doesn't matter as long as you roll good on attacks, which has been the case so far.[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
Growling Ape, AC 15 (T15, FF13), HP 25/25, F +4,R+2,W+5

Ape continues his assault and smashes again his staff at the watery menance.

[sblock=ooc]Staff 1d20+2 attack, 2d6+1 damage[/sblock]

The Rolling Man

First Post
Jar'Thol, Salsham'ai shaman

"No !" Jar'Thol once again cries out as Xielt gets pull below. "Go back to depths, water spirit. Torment us no more." Jar'Thol pulls out his small club and starts pummelling their enemy.

OOC: Att +1, dam 1d4 (pathetic ;) ). Any chance knowledge : spirit would reveal anything here ?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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