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The Rules of Character Engagement



153. If you are encountering priests or paladins chances are they think good and evil are not morality concepts, they are armbands to sort out the teams of who wants to kill who!

154. Just because they're a priest of a particular religions doesn't mean you should expect them to follow the ethos.

155. Waving a nasty weapon around and screaming threats is not a sign of hostility amongst many people, it is just their way of saying "Hi"

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156. No matter how often you take a hit, or even if you lose a fight, the character you were fighting and who didn't get injured in any concievable way (save for the sligth scratch on thier cheek when you were trying to trip them) will accuse you of god-moding.

157. If your good aligned character actually hates and insults vampires/demons/devils/*insert other common evil being here* you will be accused of being cruel/mean/just plain not nice because they are 'not really evil, just misunderstood.'

158. In addition to the never-ending shadowy corner tables, there is also a never ending supply of empty tables around the hearth/firepit. (Okay, I admit I'm guilty of this one.)

And as a note, I do use the door of the tavern and I do just pass the peanuts, and I do not have a magical sword.

(Edit: You took my numbers! :p )


First Post
OK OK i admit i'm guilty of some of these...but many of them are stereotyping all characters into one. That irck me. I've seen some wonderfully played little people vampires etc. Sorry I just had to interject that. Remember not everyone is like everyone else.


First Post
159. Even undead lich's think paladin's shouldn't be chasing them. Even undead lich's can have very live cat people as their mates, and infact birth children.



160. Even though undead don't age any more than what they were when they're turned/killed whatever, that shouldn't stop their hair growing to suit fashion trends or their undead children developing like a live child until a suitable age to be walking, talking and killing people themselves. At least.

You will never get me to agree that undead should be able to have children. The circulation to carry just isn't there, they're not alive, how can the unborn develop in a body that's not functioning?




162. That this entire thread was just made so that anyone who's above it all can laugh at the mistakes people make because they are here for fun. So that the fact that thos who might not have a rule book can have it shoved in their faces. That all ive seen here are the popuar loved characters and have now quarrels with anyone putting them down. That you all feel soooooooooo much better for putting down the little guy..is it a damn crime to do any of the stuff listed above?if not, end it now and finally say youre all better than everyone else HAPPY??!!



why instead of harping about it all, go out and tell them their problem, and someone has to take it seriously,


First Post
Jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously (hence why they are jokes, screwy..ain't it?). I'd say a bunch of jesting and laughing at ourselves (as you can see by those who admit their "guilt" and post more anyway) is better than a full essay rant about these things wherein they really trying to be hurtful. Also, I'm sure those "harping" about it do indeed "go out and tell them their problem" (more as helpful advice though), but that doesn't mean those they tell listen.

In short..it's a joke, people are having fun at no one elses expense. I don't see anyone pointing out specific people and giving out names. Do you? I didn't think so.

Edit: I'd desist anyway, atleast in this thread. You could start your own and give you grievances of course. Otherwise, I'm fairly certain going off topic (derailing the topic as it were) and trying to be insulting is considered "trolling".

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