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The Rules of Character Engagement


Kami no Kenshin

Originally posted by Orbben_Avuna
162. That this entire thread was just made so that anyone who's above it all can laugh at the mistakes people make because they are here for fun. So that the fact that thos who might not have a rule book can have it shoved in their faces. That all ive seen here are the popuar loved characters and have now quarrels with anyone putting them down. That you all feel soooooooooo much better for putting down the little guy..is it a damn crime to do any of the stuff listed above?if not, end it now and finally say youre all better than everyone else HAPPY??!!

How sad that there are people in this world who feel the need to rain on someone elses parade.......sigh.........

The purpose of this thread is to make people (ie: those who choose to partake of the thread) laugh. I don't even PARTICIPATE in the chat games, and I find some of this stuff.....pretty funny. So, to all of those who are posting stuff here, keep the good natured barbs coming. There are SOME poeple who appreciate the spirit of the joke.

We aren't all people who feel guilty reading a thread like this because we know most of the barbs apply to us......oops....I guess that was a little insensitive

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Rhane Arturant

194. All characters are possessed of a neon sign above their head that states their name, place of birth, hometown and immediate friends and family. Therefore, when one walks into a public area and half the strangers in the room instantly address your character by name, there is no need to worry.. it is perfectly normal..



195. That quiet man at the bar must want company.

195-2. Theres no possible way he's just there to drink in silence.

196. Pirates are supposed to be curteous.


lee siu long

197. As soon as a pie is in the air, three magical anti-pie shields will be erected around three people and their respective friends.

198. As soon as three anti-pie shields have been erected, the main ingredient in the food fight will switch to something more elegant, such as meatloaf.

199. Within two minutes of a pie being thrown, the tavern/emporium will be flooded with blueberries as cream and onions rain from the sky. Occasionally, a gush of water will appear out of thin air and drench anyone who is still holding a pie. The water may be substituted with any of the following: sticky green goo, snow, soap bubbles, glittering detergent, or tomato sauce.

200. Beware the pie launcher.

201. Any being, magical powers or not, will be able to clean up the entire mess with the snap of a finger.


First Post
202. All jokes will be missunderstood and offend, and anything said lighthearted will be understood as grave serious.

(I am very guilty of this one ack!)

very funny thread :)



203. Once a pie fight commences, there will be at least one nonspellcaster with a Pie Swarm spell to cast.


Bhryn Astairre

204: Actually eating pie, must be against a rule or something, cause no one does!

205: No matter how truly annoying Fae can be, if anyone harms one, they're automatically in the wrong.

206: Fae like cookies. It's law.

207: Fae can also grow to human size and anything between. Why? Because they just want to, okay?

208: When asked in a who's who of Faedom, the answer was :: splat :: Pie.

209: Never let a fae into your clothes. This should not need explaining.

210: Moving on from Fae, a good Kitten is as hard to find as a good Birdy. Personal preferences run to those understated and jerky.

211: Never ask a Cat-woman how low the fur goes. You prolly won't like the answer.

212: Even kittens have claws. Therefore don't be stupid enough to have a massage from one and accidentally insult them. The holes remain for years afterwards, and the Cat-woman only gets smug.


First Post
A few more:

213. If someone is dying, there will be no healers in the area. If you cut your finger, six people will offer healing or potions.

214. If you're looking for someone to talk to, everyone will ignore you. If you're having a private conversation, six people will stop by to say hi.

215. Accepting gifts from devils and demons is not a sign of high intelligence or wisdom.

216. If you've been playing regularly for several months and then seriously ask me what a drow is, you will be laughed at.

217. An evil char that actually uses one of their evil abilities to do an evil deed will be accused of bad roleplaying.

218. A character that starts a serious relationship with another char thereby becomes *more* likely to be hit on by other chars.

219. No one trusts a paladin.

220. The best way to respond to an OOC comment posted to the entire room is to post an even more obvious OOC comment to the entire room making fun of the first.


First Post
And another:

221. If you've been playing for awhile as a good char...don't you DARE try and turn evil for a change. You are suppose to be good and that's that :p


First Post
*Ahems.. NO names, no names. this is just fun.. not targeting specifics.. a way to let us all rant, while laughing our fool heads off*

222. Because you are good and nice, means you have to accept everyone and everything, and never feel predjudices.. how dare you!

223. A person is not their character, no matter how they try, and as such this is not to be used as a dating service..

224. Everyone must have every known skill, or else they and their player is simply viewed as " that ignorant fool"

225. By the same token as 225, everyone must know everything about their setting, OOC and IC, or once more will be viewed as "that ignorant fool"

Voidrunner's Codex

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